You only need them all to 50 if you want to do 3 star crafts pretty much.
so, im thinking how to solve annoying the FC, maybe i should make a linkshell where i can invite people i dont annoy to talk and just hide the fc chat, i _know_ i annoy some people, which i dont want to.
its either that or maybe i should join another smaller fc that likes to talk more, my enjoyment comes out of sharing my stuff that happens, i cant play a game like its singleplayer only.
sorry to whoever i annoyed/offended.
you could join NA
I quickly powerleveled CNJ to 8 at around 25 GLD for Cure and Protect, which are nice to have for leveling. I would suggest leveling CNJ to 15 in your late 20s so you can go PLD the moment you hit 30 rather than having to grind out CNJ.
you could join NA
After resetting my attribute points, I went all VIT, but nothing happened and I don't have points now, they all disappeared. -.-"
Do they have an email or something?
i dont even know na, and theyd probably get tired of me too. maybe mmo's just arent a good fit for my personality, i talk too much.
O.M.G. .. I went all STR by mistake. T_Tdoes your point allotment window not look like this?
so, im thinking how to solve annoying the FC, maybe i should make a linkshell where i can invite people i dont annoy to talk and just hide the fc chat, i _know_ i annoy some people, which i dont want to.
its either that or maybe i should join another smaller fc that likes to talk more, my enjoyment comes out of sharing my stuff that happens, i cant play a game like its singleplayer only.
sorry to whoever i annoyed/offended.
people could just use the blacklist option more
Has anyone openly said to stop? Cause not, keep it up.I like to see the chatter in guild.
been saying that for months, the general reply is: "but those slots are for goldspammers"
im just gonna play the game and not talk, see how long i can hold out heh.
its been ''hinted'' at alot yes, to the point that im kinda over it.
i dont even know na, and theyd probably get tired of me too. maybe mmo's just arent a good fit for my personality, i talk too much.
well you see, when even the officiers or whatever its called multiple times tell you its not livejournal or a twitter feed its gets trickier.
im just over it, im not leaving, just gonna stay in silence to avoid issues. im not gonna name names and i dont dislike anyone, but i know theres been shittalk about me.
Titan HM is pretty easy providing your party can dodge. The fight is very repetitive overall but requires you to pay attention. Titan EX however is another story.Garuda HM turned out to be extremely pants despite all guides / my friends hyping it up to be extremely hard. Is this also the case with Titan HM where people make it sound harder than it is?
Had to fight her a good 12-15 times though to get her to drop the weapon I wanted...
It really doesn't, no officer is going to kick you for talking in FC chat. I would not pay anyone any mind, if they don't want to blist(even that's extreme to me, you aren't that bad) it's their own problem.well you see, when even the officiers or whatever its called multiple times tell you its not livejournal or a twitter feed its gets trickier.
There's the option of keep trucking even despite minor comments.so, im thinking how to solve annoying the FC, maybe i should make a linkshell where i can invite people i dont annoy to talk and just hide the fc chat, i _know_ i annoy some people, which i dont want to.
its either that or maybe i should join another smaller fc that likes to talk more, my enjoyment comes out of sharing my stuff that happens, i cant play a game like its singleplayer only.
sorry to whoever i annoyed/offended.
Titan HM is pretty easy providing your party can dodge. The fight is very repetitive overall but requires you to pay attention. Titan EX however is another story.
Which officers?
well you see, when even the officiers or whatever its called multiple times tell you its not livejournal or a twitter feed its gets trickier.
im just over it, im not leaving, just gonna stay in silence to avoid issues. im not gonna name names and i dont dislike anyone, but i know theres been shittalk about me.
im not gonna name names, lets just say i had alot of fun today in a long time and then seeing that phrase three times from different people really put a damper on it.
Im just gonna drop it, im totally over it just wanted to let people know how i feel about it and that i dont blame anyone.
Lets make the thread about XIV again sorry for interrupting.
They are not the chat police in regards to what topics can be discussed
so, im thinking how to solve annoying the FC, maybe i should make a linkshell where i can invite people i dont annoy to talk and just hide the fc chat, i _know_ i annoy some people, which i dont want to.
its either that or maybe i should join another smaller fc that likes to talk more, my enjoyment comes out of sharing my stuff that happens, i cant play a game like its singleplayer only.
sorry to whoever i annoyed/offended.
Oh, I'm just 'some people' now, huh.so, im thinking how to solve annoying the FC, maybe i should make a linkshell where i can invite people i dont annoy to talk and just hide the fc chat, i _know_ i annoy some people, which i dont want to.
its either that or maybe i should join another smaller fc that likes to talk more, my enjoyment comes out of sharing my stuff that happens, i cant play a game like its singleplayer only.
sorry to whoever i annoyed/offended.
Garuda HM turned out to be extremely pants despite all guides / my friends hyping it up to be extremely hard. Is this also the case with Titan HM where people make it sound harder than it is?
Had to fight her a good 12-15 times though to get her to drop the weapon I wanted...
This.The HM primals are pretty much a joke. EX on the other hand...
Any suggestions for cross class skills as a WAR? I've mostly been focusing on GLD since they have the most stuff, especially Provoke, but was wondering what else to go for. I'm leveling PUG a bit right now since Second Wind seems useful. Anything else I should go for?
garuda story mode is pretty hard