Beat Titan EX for the first time tonight via DF and then I did Ifrit EX straight after.
The group I was with beat it on our 3rd try.
All I have to say is that coming from Titan EX, Ifrit seems like a bit of a whimper when it comes to the ex primals of the original 3.
Now I'm off to learning Leviathan EX!
I don't know what the ideal solution is. Maybe SE should stop making daily grind content for old players linked to content for new players? It's hard though, what else do they link the daily grind to? As there isn't that much content yet and still need to go through an expansion or 2 to get enough content.
So a few of my friends are trying to get onto Ultros, and this site says you can create a character on there:
but...they aren't able to? They say the server name isn't lit up at all. :/ Is that lodestone post known for not being accurate? Do they have to wait until 11PM PST now to try again, or should they just keep trying?
Why spend so much time worried about offending other people? Did they say they were offended? As long as you're not harming others then you might as well keep blogging in fc, im thinking how to solve annoying the FC, maybe i should make a linkshell where i can invite people i dont annoy to talk and just hide the fc chat, i _know_ i annoy some people, which i dont want to.
its either that or maybe i should join another smaller fc that likes to talk more, my enjoyment comes out of sharing my stuff that happens, i cant play a game like its singleplayer only.
sorry to whoever i annoyed/offended.
So my break from raiding was shorter lived than I thought it. Took a few days off and missed it a lot. Felt good to be back in refreshed and ready to go, I actually even felt my performance go up. Sooo..
Turn 8 down! Nervous about the next turn but still excited.
Man.....this Atma hunting is sucking my soul dry. 14 hours and I only have 4, the sad part is that I got those 4 in probably 4 and a half hours. The rest has been spent in Western Thanalan trying to get Twins and no luck so far.
Hard to believe I'm even bothering when Atma does not even give a stat boost.
Try shuffling around to different areas when one is giving you a hard time. It doesn't magically up your drop rate chances, but at least it'll give you a change of scenery every now and then.
Hey Tiduz, remember that time the Leviathan spear dropped? :V
I've seen this theory a lot lately, which is part of the reason I don't like it, it's such a typical fantasy "twist" at this pointMy Shiva theory
We all have heard that the Halone that Ishgard is worshipping might be Shiva.
I think the reason Coerthas is covered in snow and ice now isn't because of the calamity like everyone thinks, but was done by Shiva who is now controlling Ishgard.
Now this is where it gets interesting, the dragons might be Shiva's mortal enemy and that is why the recent Holy War against the Dragon's started again.
Dabbled in gathering for a few hours and I enjoyed botany more than mining and fishing. Didn't take me very long to bump up at least 10 levels in botany. What I didn't like having to do was the Level 10 class quests. Getting 99 of the same item is not only a pain but excruciatingly boring. And as for in Animal Crossing is more fun than fishing in this game. Nothing like using nearly 30 live bait just to catch three of the same fish :/
Back to crafting on Monday
So, kinda coming back to XIV after a 3~ month break... so many nice little improvements to discover.
I loooove the /changepose stuff. I was asking for that in beta and it's great to see it get added.
I've seen this theory a lot lately, which is part of the reason I don't like it, it's such a typical fantasy "twist" at this point. Not sure why we are making spoilers since it's speculation but:The religious head is actually a puppet/evil!
I played the beta for this on PS4 and really enjoyed it, picked it up during the Steam Sale the other day and figured I'd ask if there was an EU server that GAF is playing on? I know most of GAF is on Ultros, but I would imagine playing UK - US would be laggy.
All US/EU servers are in US so ...![]()
Canada actually.
I kinda hope the Shiva has ice elements on the ground that make you slide around and have to dodge while sliding around by adjusting direction.
Montreal, thank you!
Moogle EX Strikes again. Another Gaf group, so close to beat him two times, but mistakes where made. One week on the clock to bury that guy and his subjects.
Man, I feel really bad about not helping more people past Moogle EM.
I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who came tonight. It was my first time organizing the event and I have learned a great deal of changes to make for next time. I would appreciate feedback and I will announce change implementations mid next week.
Any feedback as always is appreciated but please keep it constructive.
in case you didn't know, there's an option for your character to auto changepose every few seconds (you can set the timer) so you don't have to manually /changepose, this doesn't work for sitting poses though
Man I love this game, but coming into this thread my mind is blown with all the abbreviated words and talk of end game shit that I honestly havent got a single clue about.
Man I love this game, but coming into this thread my mind is blown with all the abbreviated words and talk of end game shit that I honestly havent got a single clue about.
Woah! I'd have thought EU servers would be in the EU haha. Well then, I'll try and get onto Ultros
How is the server's population during EU hours? Just want to know if it's going to be dead while I'm playing![]()
Can I have your gil
graverobber can i have your account
Getting 99 of the same item is as easy as walking to the market board and buying a stack. Don't waste your time getting them by hand!