Kawazi nowhere to be found. Confirmed for carried.GAF FC has cleared Turn 9!
"Don't give Krael the loot."
Maaaaaaaaaaaan I'm so glad we got that down before patch. Feels good after putting in a load of work getting the fight down.
Now you can attempt Brutal Coil :3
Indeed. We definitely put in a lot of time, with a few playing at some very strange raid-times. I thank them for their sacrifice.Maaaaaaaaaaaan I'm so glad we got that down before patch. Feels good after putting in a load of work getting the fight down.
GAF FC has cleared Turn 9!
grats. what dropped
Do not even joke about such things! O_Oa BLM staff we fashioned into a bow and healing disco pants
so nothing
Do not even joke about such things! O_O
Don't worry though, Kagari. The bow will drop next week. I can feel it.
For sure.*_* I am just glad it's within reach, pending RNG.
GAF FC has cleared Turn 9!
Thanks! Funny enough we almost one shot it our first time in today. Got to 5% for the first time, crazy stuff!
That was when I knew we had it tonight or, at least, that we were going to be really close. Apparently others felt the same, which is why we stuck through it until our win [I thank them for it].Thanks! Funny enough we almost one shot it our first time in today. Got to 5% for the first time, crazy stuff!
Once that final phase clicks, it becomes like clockwork. You'll be able to 1-2 shot it every week now. Once our group gets to turn 9 every week, we all just think "Time for the easiest turn!" since there is no RNG to potentially screw up the run and increases in DPS will only make it go faster without needing to make adjustments to your strategy.
LMAO I stopped my automatic renewal to play Wolfenstein and WatchDogs so I decided to play a bit tonight before I'm locked out. 4 hours later, I'm almost about to turn the auto-renwal back on. This game is crack
LMAO I stopped my automatic renewal to play Wolfenstein and WatchDogs so I decided to play a bit tonight before I'm locked out. 4 hours later, I'm almost about to turn the auto-renwal back on. This game is crack
hey if we get eo 40% turn 8 at 6m30s-ish, is our dps good enough?
i.e. we get allagan field around 6m30s. Can't tell exactly as we've been wiping sometime after. I think maybe even at 6m mark.
I play the game every day. It's probably one of the most addicting games I have ever played.
I play the game every day. It's probably one of the most addicting games I have ever played.
You're here forever.
With my level 41 Paladin I've reached the point where I can do the Stone Vigil but I'm bricking it. Since Brayflox I've stopped looking forward to dungeons and now get intimidated trying them. Fuck.
It's weird. I played WoW for 8 years, and FFXIV has it's fair share of similarities in the combat department. I'd thought I was done with the genre after WoW, but FFXIV sucked me back in and I'm playing far more than I care to admit. >_<
Sounds like the server died.Oh, error 2002? Server congested?
Yeaaah right. The North American server is TOTALLY being overloaded with people at 5AM.
Anyone know a fix or will I be playing the waiting game as my reward for accidentally waking up early?
I'm in a similar boat. Bought the game in the Steam sale and the only reason I haven't started playing it yet is because I can't decide whether I want to play Bard, BLM, Warrior, or Paladin yet.
Start with a tank if you want no queues and an easy ride. You are however expected to read up on dungeons a bit before since you take the lead. BLM is fun and not as demanding but you will spend endless hours in queues for content and will be much slower to max lv. I suggest a tank at first. It's not hard!
I play BLM, and I should warn you that THM is really dull to play for much of it's progression. Only really gets interesting when you get procs. Love it now though.I'm in a similar boat. Bought the game in the Steam sale and the only reason I haven't started playing it yet is because I can't decide whether I want to play Bard, BLM, Warrior, or Paladin yet.
The funny thing about tanking dungeons is that while it helps to know how the trash pulls go, or the right direction to go in, when it comes to explaining mechanics in boss fights you'll generally find yourself out of your depth. A large majority of your time will be "sit there and take damage", while DPS/healers will be kiting mobs, killing adds, triggering bombs, firing cannons, and ensuring that some attacks are lured away from the main group.Huh really? I'd have thought levelling as a dps to first learn the dungeons would be better. I'll keep that in mind then.
Slowly getting back up to speed with everything (been gone since November) but there's still an overwhelming amount of changes to wrap my head around.
What is the best website these days for resources, guides etc.? Looking for a PLD 50 progression guide in terms of gear upgrade order and what items to shoot for/buy off the market boards. Also looking for current trends and changes with crafting/mining.
GAF FC has cleared Turn 9!