are you not panicking at the lack of new items that could come from desynth? I'm seriously worried that the new big fish are going to be essentially pointless and have no resale value; I don't need a ton of money but I kind of rely on fishing to pay its own expenses and make the fuck-you explosions after a triple mooch worthwhile.
Do BTN/min even have completely useless gathers? So many fish that do absolutely nothing.
note to self: Never get a BJ from a Female Roe
Are they not just the recolours of i100?
It's a palette swap.
If I had to bet, it's the original concept art colors. Silver lion, white bear, black/red hawk, greenish bird, black fox, black swan, red snake, and not sure what the healers will be.
They showed pictures in the patch notes man.
Are there alternatives to using Relic weapons or is it pretty much required that you level it to max?
Are there alternatives to using Relic weapons or is it pretty much required that you level it to max?
Relic hasn't been a must since 2.0. It is something you do when there's nothing else to do, there are always good alternatives, and if you can't do said alternatives you probably don't need that level of weapon to begin with.Are there alternatives to using Relic weapons or is it pretty much required that you level it to max?
we've already bet against you. At least that you won't be the first in the fc
Man, I could never use days off for day 1 of a new patch. The odds of Emergency Maintenance are too high.
Also, would the GAF leaders prefer I stick to a specific room while I stream (so anyone who goes in knows they're on stream)? Or do you just want me to stick to the lobby? Also don't kick me out if we cap, please.
I see. But if there are other suitable weapons you can use instead of a Relic, then what purpose does all of the grind serve besides being a time sink?
Are there alternatives to using Relic weapons or is it pretty much required that you level it to max?
I see. But if there are other suitable weapons you can use instead of a Relic, then what purpose does all of the grind serve besides being a time sink?
I see. But if there are other suitable weapons you can use instead of a Relic, then what purpose does all of the grind serve besides being a time sink?
Sense of completion? said:GC Vendor
Private rank weapons 1120 -> 1060
Keeper's Hymn (stat reset token) 10000 -> 250
All Philosophy items 2500 -> 1500
MSQ “A Simple Plan” is ????ed out in Japanese
Rabbit Medium = Kuchiyose no Jutsu (i.e. summon technique) in Japanese. If you fail a mudra you summon a bunny? (think Lagomorph fail roll for Setzer in FF6)
Achievement rewards
Dreams of Ice - Title: Icebreaker
Uncoiled - Title: the Final Witness
Imagine Dragon - Title: of Dragons Deep
Go Big or Go Home IX - Title: Taikoubou (btw Taikoubou is Japanese for Lu Shang)
Go Big or Go Gome X - Item: Ironworks Fishing Rod
1500 comms - Item: The Best Gown Ever
3000 comms - Item: Parade Chocobo Whistle
Out of a Bind - Item: Wind-up Louisoix
Bump on a Log : Rogue - Item: Master Rogue Ring
Yoshimitsu’s Island - Title: the Shadow
Imagine Dragon achievement mentions Nepto in Japanese; the next Big Fishing quest probably requires a Nepto Dragon.
Tight-beaked Parrot is Untalking Colibri in Japanese
Heavy Hatchling is Posya Chocobo (Fat Chocobo)
Fat Cat is described as amazingly fast
Lost in translation from the JP Patch Notes:
Looks like the new i80 rod is an achievement reward.
Relic is customizable
So I summon a rabbit if I screw up my Jutsu? Let's see how many rabbits I can summon during the course of a T10 wipe. Or, for added effect, maybe one day when we are downing T13 and we are within 1% of the win, I'll be on NIN and I'll summon a rabbit instead of landing the killing blow.
But what if the rabbit steals the kill? Hump no jutsu
They said second coil nerfs aren't coming for two weeks or so after the patch. So, they might have separate notes for it then.
Oh, cool. Gives me some extra time to try and get T6 down before nerfs/echo buff.
edit: I may have missed this in the patch notes but for the Poetics weapon/armour, is it again, weathered -> unweathered?
If so, I may just go from Zenith -> Poetics weapon while I continue to work on my Atma/animus/novus/etc. Need to catch up but I've not changed my weapon since before the Atma ones came out lol.
Yes. It starts out normal, and then becomes "Augmented" through the use of an item found in the Final Coil most likely.
The problem with letting me summon a bunny whenever I screw up is that I'm always going to choose the bunny. Who needs DPS when there is bunnies.
Natasha's shoulders can only carry so much. Bunnies add weight to the carry.
Natasha's shoulders can only carry so much. Bunnies add weight to the carry.
the other problem is that someone else would be carrying you. how can you carry if you're the carry?
Carry my NIN to 50, Nin Py.
How can one carry a carry if the carry needs to be carried?
What do you care? I'm going to be using your gimp WHM for free dungeon queues.
How can one carry a carry if the carry needs to be carried?
I see. But if there are other suitable weapons you can use instead of a Relic, then what purpose does all of the grind serve besides being a time sink?
Cause if he clears we can't do T10 that week![]()
Roe carries Hyur.
Hyur carries Mi'qote.
Mi'qote carries lala.
Elezen too busy eating leaves to be involved in the carry tower.
To be fair, until they move to a token system, I wouldnt want BiS to matter much. To this day I'm still missing a few BiS accessories, I'd hate to be unable to do something like T9 because of that.
Mostly STR accessories Btw. I'm only missing one BiS vit accessory.
Blasted T7 neck piece.
Duty Finder though so I don't think so.