Man, I burned out hard on ROG at level 28. Log in today to see tons of people hovering around 30. Queues are still bad, but there's light at the end of the tunnel now that I'm 29. So close to being able to make all of the rabbits. So very... very... close. Now I just need that HA Ninja blade to drop tonight and I'm set.
Are hunts really better than dungeons?
Is there room in XIV for a Red Mage class?
I never played XI so I have to wonder how they handled it there. Was it a class that could be healer, magic dps or melee dps, but never excel at anything? Must have been something more to it than that.
I think it's ridiculous if people were expecting the new tomes to flow the way it did when hunt was first introduced. Sorry, new content doesn't work that way. Don't like dungeons? Wait a few more patches when they will invariably increase the rate to catch everyone up.
As a tank, I love the new dungeons.
They're all baby easymode for me. Especially Satasha.
Sorry to whoever Vox is on GAF, ISP chose that moment to end the line. Speaking of which, Ex/Elliott
water my plants I'll give you a whole gil. No bad 3g connection for another two days.
What I don't understand is why people who hate Hunts felt like they needed to take part in them necessarily.
With the expansion, do you think we'll see bigger zones where exploration is more of a thing? I've always looked at exploration as one of the weaker points of FFXIV. The rare time I found myself wondering where a path went was while going through the cave where the Belly Full fate happens in Coeurthas, and even that is small beans.
I don't expect anything on par with Guild Wars 2, which is pretty amazing for exploration, but a significant step up would be nice.
Man, I burned out hard on ROG at level 28. Log in today to see tons of people hovering around 30. Queues are still bad, but there's light at the end of the tunnel now that I'm 29. So close to being able to make all of the rabbits. So very... very... close. Now I just need that HA Ninja blade to drop tonight and I'm set.
Anything new happen since realm reborn first launched? I havent played since the beta
Anything new happen since realm reborn first launched? I havent played since the beta
Are hunts really better than dungeons?
I like dungeons, but it'd be more fun if they dropped gear and not mats.![]()
They will probably add poetics back to hunts in 2.5 when we're in the catch-up phase of the patch cycle. Hopefully.
I like dungeons, but it'd be more fun if they dropped gear and not mats.![]()
Anything new happen since realm reborn first launched? I havent played since the beta
I'm glad you mentioned this...I thought I was just tired and seeing shit when I thought this was happening last night.All my 110 stuff is breaking too fast now.
I'm glad you mentioned this...I thought I was just tired and seeing shit when I thought this was happening last night.
Based on the four-star crafting requirements, FC crafters are going to be asking for those FC crafting buffs a whole lot more unless we fully meld our off-hands with a bunch of tier 4s.
Well tough luck. You'll get brave new world instead.
I was actually thinking of upgrading my crp a bit, but from what I checked desynth is "required". Guess I'll settle for artisan gear + whatever crafting food I'll make.
The new dungeons seem to drop more gear. Plus I love the token system, they should retroactively add that to all old dungeons.
Yeah, like Second Coil.
40+ clears later we finally got our Paladin his High Allagan Sword. Thanks Yoshida.
is there a crossbuy feature for the ps4 version or must that be bought separately?
With the expansion, do you think we'll see bigger zones where exploration is more of a thing? I've always looked at exploration as one of the weaker points of FFXIV. The rare time I found myself wondering where a path went was while going through the cave where the Belly Full fate happens in Coeurthas, and even that is small beans.
I don't expect anything on par with Guild Wars 2, which is pretty amazing for exploration, but a significant step up would be nice.
That thirst and struggle are both real.
is there a crossbuy feature for the ps4 version or must that be bought separately?
The best part was, we went in there... got the cane, axe and ninja cleavers after 3 kills. lol and we needed those. Took 13 more clears to get the sword. -_-
The best part was, we went in there... got the cane, axe and ninja cleavers after 3 kills. lol and we needed those. Took 13 more clears to get the sword. -_-