I'm just curious if there is any good resources for class builds. I want to respec my BLM but when it comes to stats and stuff it gets confusing as I'm hearing and reading a lot of conflicting things. I hear that high ACC is is important from some but others say not really so I just wanted some advice or a good resource if anyone knows. Mainly wanna focus on T5-T9 with the build.
For accuracy, you only need as much as it takes to not miss. You don't gain anything from having surplus accuracy, so it's a waste to have too much of it. Here's a list of accuracy caps:
The range from T5 to T9 is 432 - 471 accuracy -- quite a broad range. Up to T8, you can get by with 432 plus HQ food to boost your accuracy up to the level needed for T6 and T7. By the time you're doing T8, you should have some soldiery or high allagan pieces to nudge your accuracy up, and eventually the Weathered Laevateinn, which comes with a bowel-shattering 40 accuracy.
If you want to go down the BIS rabbit hole, here's Purostrider's BLM stat weight spreadsheet, which a lot of people swear by but is obnoxious (you'll see what I mean):
It seems that if you're after BIS for BLM, it'll cost a lot of soldiery and a lot of sands of time. You might want to be conservative about your soldiery purchases for the moment because CT2 is around the corner, and there may be some good interim drops from there, allowing you to put off purchases for the moment. T5 to T9 is a very broad range, anyway, so I think for the time being you can get by just fine by planning your purchases around your immediate accuracy requirements and saving for the soldiery weapon when it looks like your group will be able to beat T7 soon.
Ultimately, though, it's all gravy. It is good to aim for BIS and build around your best stats, and you should try and do what you can to get the best out of your class. However, there isn't really a huge scope for customisation, and skill with your class and experience with mechanics/fight memorisation are the most important factors for Coil, especially in the case of BLM. Provided that you're generally up to date and comfortable with a particular fight, your armour/accessories are not going to be a make or break difference unless you're dying at the drop of a hat, or can't hit anything. The main threats to your DPS are a) being dead, b) not knowing what to do, and c) not using your skills smartly.
My own BLM gear is astonishingly poorly optimised at the moment (accuracy through the roof, which is a waste), and I don't consider myself a particularly stand-out BLM, but I've been doing well in SCOB so far and I owe this to heaps of experience and practice.