Hmmm? Did you say something? I was watching TV
Divebombs. Divebombs. Skoje divebombs.
Hmmm? Did you say something? I was watching TV
All player skill being equal, you're only going to be somewhat justified if there are two BRDs as you can almost make up for the damage difference via the piercing damage debuff.How close can you get though? I'm hoping to be respectable enough to justify my place in the party.
I'm a big proponent of DRG dps, but let's not get carried away. before 2.4, DRG don't come close to MNK.
I actually really like the Dreadwyrm Bard chest for vanity. Ironworks so boring and it's all anyone will be wearing eventually.
Step 1: Make this macro
Step 2: Bookmark this
Step 3: Follow the location guide in the bookmarked link. Start something on Netflix. Push macro button. Wait for something to bite. Push macro button. Type some random stuff nobody cares about in to FC chat while waiting for another bite. Repeat until you've leveled out of the area.
Step 4: Step 3 again.
It's a lot like sitting on the stables in Mist, but you get to push a button occasionally and the scenery changes.
Garuda EX deaths and healer LB3s
Probably the worst run I've ever seen bar none.
We ended up getting Nightmare though. so... there's that.
Now fall.
I hope one of the carries got it.
lol HM primals are a total joke.
I'm a newish 50 tank, getting hit hard bringing my HP down can make me panic.
I'm a newish 50 tank, getting hit hard bringing my HP down can make me panic.
It might be a joke for people who are used to it but I'd rather not end up dead from being overconfident on content I haven't done on this job.
I'm a newish 50 tank, getting hit hard bringing my HP down can make me panic.
It might be a joke for people who are used to it but I'd rather not end up dead from being overconfident on content I haven't done on this job.
I think he meant why didn't you use your upgrade item on the shield. Don't know how this answers that question.
lol HM primals are a total joke.
T12 drops 135 shield, poetics spent on BiS items
lol ok. Prepare to get your shield drop after 3.0 drops.
Re: that earlier tank rotation discussion, I'm having a similar issue. Maybe it's because people are a couple of levels ahead but even spamming flash / savage blade / shield lob, a DPS class occasionally gets more enmity. It'd be good if I could spam flash more but MP needs = riot blade = they get targeted for a couple of attacks.
Regardless at least I can find players now using duty finder. Rip thm ;_;7
Care to provide an example?Was watching the FFXI November update trailer and...
FFXI cutscenes animations > this game.
I'm a newish 50 tank, getting hit hard bringing my HP down can make me panic.
It might be a joke for people who are used to it but I'd rather not end up dead from being overconfident on content I haven't done on this job.
Finally hit i110 on Bard (my i100 pants canceled out by i120 boots.) Couple thousand XP short of 43 on PLD; should be set for DD spam by the weekend to finish it off. Am slowly blowing all of my money on various stupid things and gathering gear. Running out of goals.
Honestly once you get Shield Oath aggro becomes a joke. It got really frustrating around or shortly after Halatali for me, it got better once I got the third step in the combo, and the Shield Oath it's just like smash a few buttons, maybe flash, whatever who cares. Two ninjas going all out on opposite targets might require rotating the combo a little but I've had a much easier time post-40. I was expecting Stone Vigil to be a nightmare based on my memories of it as DPS/heals, but it wound up not being a big deal.
The best way to make gil these days is to make other people craft stuff for you, pretending you're going to be using those items, and instead flip those items on the market board. If the tip does not even cover the discount the crafter provided on some of the materials, even better.
So my group finally downed T9. We were getting to 30% and wiping before the first divebombs, but then it clicked and went from 30% to 0% with no deaths so we didn't face the horror stories about wiping at 1%.
Feels so good. Mostly because this is a recently formed static and we have been playing together for two weeks. Prior to that only three of us had experience up to P3.
Let's see how this goes with echo. But unless they seriously nerf the mechanics it(s going to be a much bigger roadblock than T5.
Time for you to go ninja.T10 4% wipe yesterday T_T
Hope we can down it tonight, some people already have a poetic/shiva stuff so that should help a little.
As a monk I'm TP starved halfway through the fight, making my dps dive from 450 to 410ish. For those who have cleared it, does your bard prioritize TP song ? requiem (we have a blm and a smn) ? (not even asking for mana song). I think our does maybe two TP song but we may ask him for more tonight, even our tanks were starved.
T10 4% wipe yesterday T_T
Hope we can down it tonight, some people already have a poetic/shiva stuff so that should help a little.
As a monk I'm TP starved halfway through the fight, making my dps dive from 450 to 410ish. For those who have cleared it, does your bard prioritize TP song ? requiem (we have a blm and a smn) ? (not even asking for mana song). I think our does maybe two TP song but we may ask him for more tonight, even our tanks were starved.
Time for you to go ninja.
Hmm.. not sure but i think we do foe's in the add phase and after that we got requiem.
Altho our Monk switched to ninja and proven to do 430 dps steady and is able to buff the group damage with vulnerability for magic damage and restore TP to me (WAR) or the BRD.
Last night's run was so baby smooth and zero mistakes that the healers had tons of mana and didn't need ballad.
In all serious though I usually played TP song after adds.
First TP song is after the first Adds but I'm not sure it's a full one, maybe that's our problem. We will see how it goes, I guess we just have to git gud(and no, I'm too lazy to level a new class for now, the nexus burned me, I want to go back to fishing
Take me with you for DD spam!
Does anyone have a good guide for high end crafting? It all seems a little confusing especially trying to meet the control and craftsmanship requirements in order to do the master craft stuff. I'm mostly just looking for something that explains what the best gear and materia stats are to reach those kind of requirements.I'm focusing mostly on leather worker right now.
I let it go for about 1/2 the bar then switch to foes. I played TP again right after second adds.
Then you get someone else in your static to level ninja and you spam them in tells for Goad. Works either way ^^. Are you using Fracture? Could probably drop it out of rotation and not take too much of a DPS hit while gaining a lot of TP. That or itemization with too much skillspeed, but fights with no breaks, I think it's kinda expected for monks to run out of TP at some point. Even Ninjas eventually do if the fight is really long(though it takes longer).
sad face
sad face again
First TP song is after the first Adds but I'm not sure it's a full one, maybe that's our problem. We will see how it goes, I guess we just have to git gud(and no, I'm too lazy to level a new class for now, the nexus burned me, I want to go back to fishing
I use foe again during second adds too.Hum I think we do an other foes after the second adds, that's probably our problem. Our RL (smn) is like "burst !!!" and there I am with <100 TP
Nop not using fracture, I find it too much a hassle and a too high TP cost, I use it in very special occasions, like full doting T7 boss before switching to adds.
I'm thinking of dropping Touch of Death on Adds phases for T10 though, that should lower my pool usage if switching to a TP song after second adds is not enough. Thanks for the insights !
Yes, Resonance damage is split - though it only happens at certain times so you can avoid some of the other frontal damage as an off tank if you're quick.Anyone on here that got T11 down? As of yesterday i can say with got T10 on farm, the first kill wasn't luck hehe.
So.. 11 in terms of difficulty how does it compare to 10?
Also, am i right that in T11Tanks are supposed to tank next to one another to spread the cleave?
There's an actual use for TP song? I've never seen anyone ask for it. Usually it's Foe or MP song.
There's an actual use for TP song? I've never seen anyone ask for it. Usually it's Foe or MP song.