4 Rogue Sastasha finished 1 minute before maintenance.
Faster run than normal because we stealthed past mobs.
Faster run than normal because we stealthed past mobs.
Downed Levi EX today finally via pf. SMN book dropped and lost roll.![]()
I'm addicted to Destiny D:
4 Rogue Sastasha finished 1 minute before maintenance.
Faster run than normal because we stealthed past mobs.
RNG, more or less. Lower grade materia have a smaller chance to fail when overmelding, so you should put the higher grade stuff in first most of the time(large price differences being the exception, like craft2 sometimes)Is the success rate on overmelding materia pure RNG or can gearing / character stats help to improve it?
So after a literal controller-tossing moment involving rogue queues I decided operation Ninja needed to die. Leveling gladiator out of a desire for a new 50 class to glamour the tuxedo over and it wasn't too bad at first, but around Halatali I started having massive aggro issues. Flash spam would keep AOE aggro alright most of the time, but if I was doing that and one of the DPS single-targeted, I'd lose aggro on my main target. Same issue with spreading out the aggro combo. Plus, if I'm out leveled, I wind up losing aggro and regaining it each GCD. It's all easy stuff so no wipes, and I can usually abuse provoke and shield lob to keep things mostly in control,but I thought this was supposed to be boring and I'm playing whack-a-mole constantly..
Not yet, we got to 4% but hit enrage due to way too many deaths on the way there. Going in for a bit tonight, hoping to get it down. It's a really fun fight though, hope it's sign of things to come.Anyone got T10 down yet on here? We got to like 20% last night, its good fun to be honost. Also fun to do it without a compleet guide. I hope we get it down tonight, would be awesome.
Mark your mob with a shield lob macro that includes /mk attack1 <t> > flash > fast blade > flash > savage blade > flash > rage of halone > then start alternating mobs you're attacking (like fast blade > savage blade one, then rage of halone another)
EDIT - Most DPS know to attack marked mob, but if not, teach them. You can even be lazy about cycling early on and just have a couple flashes to handle whm/sch aggro and stay on the 1 mob. Then when you switch to next mob hit your shield lob macro between GCD's so it only marks and doesn't activate shield lob.
Thanks for this--I'm doing parts of it already but will keep it in mind. I'm hoping that part of the problem is just that I don't have Halone yet; I'm guessing my single target issues will decrease with the extra combo step instead of falling back on savage blade every other GCD, which will in turn let me toss out flashes more often. I guess I find out in a level.
Not yet, we got to 4% but hit enrage due to way too many deaths on the way there. Going in for a bit tonight, hoping to get it down. It's a really fun fight though, hope it's sign of things to come.
I also hope they fix their stupid servers, so much lag and rubberbanding. Talking 2-4 second freezes mid attempt.
Yeah sounds about right for low level tanking, personally I was doing shield lob > flash x2 > rage of halone on main target, savage on main, quick on "last" mob and rage of halone on "next" mob, generally just the shield lob, flashes and rage of halone combo was enough for the first mob.
With that said, Hatali and Totorak are before Rage of Halone, which is known as the levels of suck for paladin. 35-40 can also be meh cause DPS tend to power spike a decent bit and you still don't have Shield Oath. Make sure to have a good up to date weapon, it helps a lot as a paladin, armor and stuff doesn't matter too much(though try to get upgrade when you get a +1str on the gear, so like every 6-7 levels or so I think it is). That's just how Paladin goes, can't do all that much about it. Warrior gets rock solid aggro the entire time pretty much, but Paladin has some issues due to late tank stance and Rage of Halone also being late. They did buff Flash though so it should be a bit better.
Okay, million dollar question.
At a glance, do any of the Final Coil turns look like another T7? I mean, RNG is one thing, indirectly wiping because of a mistake in the party is one thing, essentially being killed by another party member is something else altogether.
To clarify, I know there's gotta be something more difficult than T7 in Final Coil, but T7 was a special blend of elements that just made it, uh, irritating?
I always thought it was dumb that WAR gets Defiance right at 30, but PLD gets Sword Oath instead and no Shield Oath until 40. PLD really should get Shield Oath at 30 and Sword Oath at 40, not the other way around. Oh well. You only need to level PLD up once anyways, you'll be 50 before you know it. There's hordes of ROG/NIN swarming FATEs anyways if you don't want to deal with it at all between 30 and 40.
Yeah. There's a boss in the way of the loot chest and I hate it!
Hey, okay to be more specific, I was referring to semi-random mechanics that make it feel like party members are killing you. But, seeing as only a few groups are past turn 10, I suppose it's a bit early to be asking.
Hope there isn't though. T7 destroyed a lot of groups.![]()
I kinda really want to go back to Labyrinth of the Ancients for my Monk. That fuma set...
Where exactly is everyone going for 20+ FATE spam? Kinda curious cause I've been spamming levels in between fates for some good exp in the East Shroud. I'll never get to party on Rogue beyond the few Guildhests I get to do here and thefd![]()
Where exactly is everyone going for 20+ FATE spam? Kinda curious cause I've been spamming levels in between fates for some good exp in the East Shroud. I'll never get to party on Rogue beyond the few Guildhests I get to do here and there![]()
Finished the 2.4 story and it's going to be very interesting so far. Can't wait for 2.5 to continue it.
About final coil..
it seems there is a CG movie after T12.. :0
In The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme) certain circumstances caused the client to freeze and become inoperable. (PlayStation®3 version only)
Certain circumstances meaning every time she did aoe icicle attack.
How do you handle thetether and charge when the OT gets marked? we are tank swapping in advance but messed up a bit a few times whaha.
Much easier imo, and will only get significantly easier even with just a couple pieces per player. It does require more coordination, and a general awareness of where everyone is standing, but it's not near instant wipe if a single player messes up throughout the whole fight. (I guess it is really close to that in final phase in current gear)T10 is about as difficult as T7 I think. Will deffo get easier with more HP and sheer damage increase.
Gasp, no FC3 nerf?!*Patch notes*
Looks like no one is buying the new crafting mats, can't even sell ebony logs. :S
PS3 exclusive perk.
What's the FCIII "bug". I needs to know.
You can desynth the new wedding gear into Fieldcraft 3. And they are bought in Uldah.
Not sure what you mean - if you are switching then what is issue? People not rotating properly for the cleave that comes after?