Yeah okay, I'm never going to beat this until it's unsynced maybe at the end of the next expansion.![]()
I've long since stopped caring about difficulty in XIV. I accepted long ago (especially post Gordias) that this game is designed at a more casual user. That's okay.
White Mage.New to ff14, that staff is gorgeous is this a black mage?
DRG feels marginally better to play than before. The big problems still remain however, namely the now pitiful piercing debuff and eyes dropping off. I am guessing increasing botd to 20s was their way of bandaid patching that, but it isn't nearly enough. I don't know why they refuse to detach eyes from botd. Aside from that I would really just like my 10% piercing back as that was by far the biggest nerf to the job (and all piercing jobs).
The more I think about it, the more I think the weakness change in 4.0 was fucking brutal on casual players and completely at odds with their "more accesible" design attempt. Instead of making a game that's more for everyone, it feels like the weakness change from -10% to -25% actually just created a larger disparity between good/hardcore players and average/casuals players. What I've noticed in PUGs with the Ex fights and O1S (hell even in Omega Normal stages) is that the average/casual players make mistakes more often and die more in a fight only to be revived and the fight to continue, but with -25% DPS or even -50% DPS just turns the fights into unwinnable DPS enrage checks.
Basically casual/average players will die way more than good/hardcore players within a non-wipe run, so a harsher death penalty punishes casual/average players more creating a bigger rift between the two skill levels.
Not really sure why they thought the weakness change was a good idea. I remember my first thought when I saw that was df clears of Odin trial for new players are gonna plummet even further considering how many deaths there are in that fight usually and how often most new player teams were already hitting enrage at -10% penalty.
While other people blitz through Omega Savage, I'll just sit over here and keep bashing my head against Royal Menagerie in Duty Finder as I attempt to finish the MSQ.
DRG feels marginally better to play than before. The big problems still remain however, namely the now pitiful piercing debuff and eyes dropping off. I am guessing increasing botd to 20s was their way of bandaid patching that, but it isn't nearly enough. I don't know why they refuse to detach eyes from botd. Aside from that I would really just like my 10% piercing back as that was by far the biggest nerf to the job (and all piercing jobs).
Finally beat my first extreme primal yesterday! Susano EX down!
Was a blast, but it took a good week of trying to find a capable group in party finder.
C'mon, no one in this thread has blitzed through anything yet. Not even the 2-3 most hardcore raiders in here! Lol.
C'mon, no one in this thread has blitzed through anything yet. Not even the 2-3 most hardcore raiders in here! Lol.
I've long since stopped caring about difficulty in XIV. I accepted long ago (especially post Gordias) that this game is designed at a more casual user. That's okay.
I like that weakness does not affect HP anymore- with old weakness, lots of deaths would really gimp your hp, which would snowball into more deaths. New weakness makes it easier to keep the player alive, so they can see and practice the mechanics, which ultimately leads to more clears. That's just my view as a healer though.
While other people blitz through Omega Savage, I'll just sit over here and keep bashing my head against Royal Menagerie in Duty Finder as I attempt to finish the MSQ.
Here's the thing: you're not supposed to be clearing with constant deaths. Fights are only salvageable to an extent and old death punishments would fuck you over just as hard.The more I think about it, the more I think the weakness change in 4.0 was fucking brutal on casual players and completely at odds with their "more accesible" design attempt. Instead of making a game that's more for everyone, it feels like the weakness change from -10% to -25% actually just created a larger disparity between good/hardcore players and average/casuals players. What I've noticed in PUGs with the Ex fights and O1S (hell even in Omega Normal stages) is that the average/casual players make mistakes more often and die more in a fight only to be revived and the fight to continue, but with -25% DPS or even -50% DPS just turns the fights into unwinnable DPS enrage checks.
Basically casual/average players will die way more than good/hardcore players within a non-wipe run, so a harsher death penalty punishes casual/average players more creating a bigger rift between the two skill levels.
Not really sure why they thought the weakness change was a good idea. I remember my first thought when I saw that was df clears of Odin trial for new players are gonna plummet even further considering how many deaths there are in that fight usually and how often most new player teams were already hitting enrage at -10% penalty.
Did I hear 'character pics'?
Are you on Ultros/Primal?
I'm in the GAF FC, yes.
I've long since stopped caring about difficulty in XIV. I accepted long ago (especially post Gordias) that this game is designed at a more casual user. That's okay.
Beat O1S in a pug with no drop for me
How exactly does the chest reduction work? No chests if more than half have already beat it that week?
Weakness not impacting VIT is a really smart change; Brink literally halving damage or healing output is surprisingly brutal, though. It works as long as the content allows it, and preventing failure cascade weakness deaths is A+, but I think it does mean we all need to adjust to taking deaths a little more seriously as the actual rDPS or raid healing takes a larger hit now.
I'm in the GAF FC, yes.
Page direct inv drop on first clear per week regardless of party comp.
2 chests for all 8 people being loot eligible.
1 chest for 4-7 people being loot eligible.
0 chest if 1-3 people are loot eligible.
I'm hoping Super Savage is Gordias/Midas tier, but given the discrepancy between most of Yoshida's claims about difficulty and how things have landed lately I honestly have no idea what to even expect out of it. O3S and O4S look like they will probably be fun. I will continue to have frustration with the tuning of regular Savage content as long as the first half of the tier remains in difficulty free-fall for no apparent reason. O4S had levels of expectations set for it based on what Yoshida himself was running around saying for a while--that they made it harder than A12S--and so I don't think people registering surprise/disappointment that it went down so much faster is out of the blue.
Difficulty discussions are largely frustrating because a large percentage of the discussion always focuses on invalidating people with opinions that aren't positive. Like, "You haven't done it yet so you can't complain!" will, if the person does it, morph into "Well, if you did the thing you're too hardcore and don't count!" There's generally no actual way to call something too easy and not be instantly delegitimized. I'm largely curious where the floor is--at what point would an entry level Savage fight acceptably be considered too easy? Is O1S the floor or would delivering something easier next tier be acceptable as free loot piñata boss? At what point does the high-jump difficulty delta between the second and third fights become an actual problem?
I dunno, on some level I'm just salty that the O4S clear is shifting the difficulty discussion to the back half of the tier, when I feel like what's going on with the first two fights is a bigger issue.
Weakness not impacting VIT is a really smart change; Brink literally halving damage or healing output is surprisingly brutal, though. It works as long as the content allows it, and preventing failure cascade weakness deaths is A+, but I think it does mean we all need to adjust to taking deaths a little more seriously as the actual rDPS or raid healing takes a larger hit now.
Nah bro, you heard it right from the last page. He's disappointed. I'm also disappointed at all these people whining when they won't even see the second half of the fight until 4.15 but hey, ggez riot game is trash.
Personally I don't mind having more options to gear up, if I want to play multiple jobs, gearing them with capped tomes is almost unviable. Giving me a chance to be able to clear first 2 floors on savage let me enjoy more content and also not waiting weeks to gear up another job.
This is kind of what I'm worried about, but I'll admit I need more time in 3 to get a real feel for it. But there's this massive difficulty gap between seeing the entire fight after two or four pulls and needing to just be less dumb to clear, and then hitting a fight that's just wiping you from 20 seconds in with mechanics fiesta. It's not a good curve, and I don't think it helps anyone long-term.WITH THAT SAID, that doesn't mean they are free from criticism on my end because well, isn't that the point of Extreme fights? It seems kinda counterproductive to have different difficulty options only for them to kinda blend together before doing a big jump. v3 and v4 seem just right as difficulty goes - speaking as a midcore raider - but the curve definitely needs to be smoother as opposed to this EX/v1/v2 - v3/v4 chasm we have right now.
There's Layla Bell's stream
The dyes look a little mismatched...?
Previous raids in XIV were as you describe here, reaching the boss after a fighting a path through trash enemies or mid-bosses. Omega seems to have been designed as trials because of story reasons. Or vice versa.WoW really nails that feeling like you're stepping into an enemy's lair and descending deeper and deeper into madness before facing them.
Why not just put together a party and do it? Heck, if you do it in the next couple of hours, I'm game!
Can I join this party?
Sure! Was going for Ala Mhigan ancestry and sort of a Wonder Woman/Amazon vibe. Just changed her hair this evening. Probably going to be glamouring Fending Ala Mhigan set for ages, it fits the theme I had in mind perfectly.
I guess Menagerie EX will be a good indicator of what we can expect for Betascape or whatever the next tier is called. All I can do is hope they follow through with their promises of making the difficulty curve between tiers better.This is kind of what I'm worried about, but I'll admit I need more time in 3 to get a real feel for it. But there's this massive difficulty gap between seeing the entire fight after two or four pulls and needing to just be less dumb to clear, and then hitting a fight that's just wiping you from 20 seconds in with mechanics fiesta. It's not a good curve, and I don't think it helps anyone long-term.
Page direct inv drop on first clear per week regardless of party comp.
2 chests for all 8 people being loot eligible.
1 chest for 4-7 people being loot eligible.
0 chest if 1-3 people are loot eligible.
Yes. You only get one shot at rolling in a chest, you can reenter the floor as long as at least one person in your party hasn't cleared for the week but you can't try for loot again whether you get one piece or not.So I just need to join a party finder with 8 people who haven't cleared for the best chance at a weekly item.
After you clear it regardless if you get the extra loot or not, you're locked out until reset?
You know, there's something cathartic about watching people get launched off the platform like a fucking cannonballLiterally had 0 time last night, we cleared O1 then got O2 down to like 40% before our team had to split to do shit.
My favorite thing was timing it so I could clamp the team in O1 and launch everyone out.
While other people blitz through Omega Savage, I'll just sit over here and keep bashing my head against Royal Menagerie in Duty Finder as I attempt to finish the MSQ.
I guess Menagerie EX will be a good indicator of what we can expect for Betascape or whatever the next tier is called. All I can do is hope they follow through with their promises of making the difficulty curve between tiers better.
So I just need to join a party finder with 8 people who haven't cleared for the best chance at a weekly item.
After you clear it regardless if you get the extra loot or not, you're locked out until reset?
I'll be restarting the game either tomorrow or Friday and I'd like some tips. What are some fun classes/jobs? My last character was a WHM and it was pretty fun. I liked being a healer even though it added some stress to dungeons. It also felt awesome queuing up instantly rather than waiting several minutes when I was DPS. I'm not sure what job I would want now. I'm interested in trying out Samurai when I get there though.
Also, are there any comprehensive guides anyone recommends to level up as efficiently as possible? I remember finding some that suggested certain activities and quests from level 1-10, others from 11-15, etc. I'm sure a lot has changed since the last time I played though.
You know, there's something cathartic about watching people get launched off the platform like a fucking cannonball