Maybe they should tune fights so that going in day one at relatively low gearing and completely and repeatedly botching a mechanic kills you instead of does nothing ¯\_(ツ

_/¯ (yes, this is 2, not 4, but it's relevant because not having to learn the mechanics in early fights speeds up steamrolling them)
Difficulty is a curve, not a bunch of cliffs with no in-between. Not wanting fights like O2S isn't a call to return to Gordias, and pointing out that the Eurogroup that kills A12S first killed O4S in noticeably less time doesn't super line up with Yoshida's repeated assertions of its difficulty (see also: Zurvan) isn't a call for infinite suffering. 4S also seems to derive a decent chunk of its difficulty from the current low def/mdef/HP levels early clear groups are going at it with, which means by the time most of the rest of us get there the fight is literally going to be easier because we'll be better geared.
I don't get the desire to marginalize any discussion of relative raid difficulty and expressions of concern over the discrepancy between what we were told and what ended up happening.
I mean, this is the dev team that nerfed a ninja skill potency because they didn't expect players to push all their buttons in their opener. Discussion of whether or not they're missing the mark elsewhere isn't out-of-line, and neither side gets to declare victory for a while yet.