Question: where is money made once you've hit 70? My 3 friends and I amassed 14mil in Gil as we grinded and sold the extra pieces of clothes, weapons, and minions we found in our adventures. But the wall has been hit. We have no house and we're trying to stack at least 25-30mil for a medium when SB housing opens.
Any tips or direction?
There's a lot of ways, depending on what you wanna do.
Gathering is ok consistent money, BOT/MIN have a lot of stuff selling for 600 to 1200each depending on days, and you can generally gather 99 in like 15mins or whatever. FSH tends to be a lot more garbage until 70, but has some really good money making stuff depending on your server(dusklight and dawnlight aethersands for example are easy to farm and sell for a good amount on mine). Main issue of Gathering is you have to invest some money into gear(especially at 70) but if you know a crafter the amount invested is fairly low.
Then you have crafting, crafting is great to make money, but it costs a lot of money to level. It's kind of a long term investment, you'll want to sink several millions getting all your crafts leveled to 50 and a few good ones to 70, but after that you can generally make 20-50k a minute just pressing macros while alt tabbed. The amount you can make with crafting spikes dramatically for every major patch since new recipes are added and everyone wants the new stuff asap even if it's 100times more expensive than the materials. Crafting also have a neat double gain with spiritbinding, you can spiritbind and convert your crafting gear into materia when crafting to make money, so you make money while you make money.
If you don't want to do either of these, then you have VI materia farming. This will depend on your server, VIs are still worth like 80-100k on mine but on some others they're down a lot so that sucks, but if they're still worth ok money, you can farm them by doing Hunts and/or doing the Leveling roulette with a class in need. Main issue there is if you want to play with your friends, only one person will be in need, so you don't get as much.
You can also farm some materials worth decent money, this varies a lot though and tends to not be great, but Halgai/Manzasiris were fairly decent money before. Can also do maps, with 3ppl you could probably do gazelleskin maps on your own, maybe grab someone else for 4man maps, buy a bunch of maps and run them then sell the mats. Everytime you get Canals you have a good chance to increase your wealth a good amount. Retainers are also good consistent money generally, you can just send them for the decent items every hour or send them on exploration for the expensive minions if you're lucky.