Every role has 10 to choose from, but you can only set 5.
Oh. I just see 5 slots unlocked for my archer and 5 more locked, the 10th being unlocked at level 48. Maybe it's always been like this and I just never noticed before.
Every role has 10 to choose from, but you can only set 5.
Oh. I just see 5 slots unlocked for my archer and 5 more locked, the 10th being unlocked at level 48. Maybe it's always been like this and I just never noticed before.
Classes have always had access to more role/cross-class skills. Jobs only get to have 5.Oh. I just see 5 slots unlocked for my archer and 5 more locked, the 10th being unlocked at level 48. Maybe it's always been like this and I just never noticed before.
Pretty sure classes get 10 slots but it goes down to 5 when you get your job.
Classes have always had access to more role/cross-class skills. Jobs only get to have 5.
Whatever number it is, the answer is "too many"I thought that might be the case. I wonder how many players actually stick with their classes.
Haven't logged in much since XII came out, how active is Ultros nowadays?
It's the anniversary event, should probably be similar to the one from when Heavensward came out.New event!
I wonder what this one is going to be about.
NoIf I trade in my aether weapons from place of the dead to the Padjali ones, will I still be able to equip them even though I'm not level 60?
If I trade in my aether weapons from place of the dead to the Padjali ones, will I still be able to equip them even though I'm not level 60?
If I trade in my aether weapons from place of the dead to the Padjali ones, will I still be able to equip them even though I'm not level 60?
Then what's even the point? Are they not those red weapons that I see people carry in PotD?
The point is they were catch up weapons for people in the latter half of HW. They serve no purpose other than glamours now.Then what's even the point? Are they not those red weapons that I see people carry in PotD?
I'm not sure I get the question, but getting your padjali weapon lowers your potd weapon/armor levels so you'd have to grind them back up.
I don't recommend getting those weapons though, just leave your potd gear leveled so you can continue to use it for grinding. MSQ will give you higher ilvl weapons pretty quickly.
Don't bother getting POTD weapons at this point unless you REALLY want them for glamour or collections. You're better off getting a Shire weapon and upgrading it to i270 with all the poetics you earn and keeping your weapon/armor values for other jobs you'll run POTD with.
Oh this whole time I thought people had them because they were really strong or something in the PotD.
Finally got to 50 and finished the main ARR 2.0 questline. It felt weird skipping all the cutscenes and going from boss to boss in the last 2 dungeons, but it's understandable given how many people have done it dozens of times and the sheer length of the cutscenes. I'm excited to do some more of the story, even though I heard the pre-Heavensward quests are a slog.
One thing I wanted to ask about is how I should go about gearing for 50 and beyond. Should I try and farm poetics for the Ironworks set or would I be fine with quest and vendor gear?
If you get enough poetics for ironworks gear it doesn't hurt to get it, but the MSQ quests give you enough gear throughout to go all the way to stormblood. So you don't need to "stop" for gear really until you hit 70.Finally got to 50 and finished the main ARR 2.0 questline. It felt weird skipping all the cutscenes and going from boss to boss in the last 2 dungeons, but it's understandable given how many people have done it dozens of times and the sheer length of the cutscenes. I'm excited to do some more of the story, even though I heard the pre-Heavensward quests are a slog.
One thing I wanted to ask about is how I should go about gearing for 50 and beyond. Should I try and farm poetics for the Ironworks set or would I be fine with quest and vendor gear?
I think it's still worth it to get the ironworks armor since the post game ARR quests take forever, but MSQ will have you covered from HW onward.
If you get enough poetics for ironworks gear it doesn't hurt to get it, but the MSQ quests give you enough gear throughout to go all the way to stormblood. So you don't need to "stop" for gear really until you hit 70.
Oh this whole time I thought people had them because they were really strong or something in the PotD.
They are, kinda, having red weapons means your weapon level is over 60 in potd, but that's all it means, the weapon you have equipped outside potd has no impact on the visuals of your weapon inside.
Strange SE food crossover, Australian pizza edition (why)
Have PUGs adopted the 'leave the melee on the boss for meteors' thing or the only-tank-soaks-water-during-Delta thing yet? O4S feels kind of deceptive because there are ways to handle the mechanics that make the DPS check a lot easier.
Its the anniversary eventWhat's The Rising? Is that the feeling in my pants when they show off Return to Ivalice in the anniversary stream?
What's The Rising? Is that the feeling in my pants when they show off Return to Ivalice in the anniversary stream?
hmm i've ever seen melees ignoring meteors, i don't think only 2 rangeds can destroy all 4 meteors either, is there even enough time?
only tank and healer taking compressed water for grand cross delta is already common
Oh this whole time I thought people had them because they were really strong or something in the PotD.
This one will probably be more in vein of that one again, since that one followed an expansion launch and this one is again.It's the event that marks the anniversary of ARR's release. It usually is pretty fun, usually with some 4th wall breaking stuff. One year you got to go to the developers room and speak with all the devs. That's what that Soken quote from above was from.
The base one will be equivalent to whatever the item level of the weapon that the latest EX Primal has when it's added. Also, POTD likely won't give it, but whatever the new Deep Dungeon they're adding for Stormblood is will have it with a completely separate Aetherpool rating.I wonder what the new potd weapon ilvl will be when they update for sb
Is it a bad idea to try learn tanking with the Dark Knight class?
I've been thinking of trying out a tank class, but I'm not sure which one to use. I understand Paladin is meant to be the beginner friendly one, but the Dark Knight storyline seems a lot more interesting than the gladiator stuff I'm doing at the moment. That said, my one concern is that the Dark Knight looks a lot more involved and mechanically complex than the Paladin, which might not be great for me while I'm still figuring out the basics of tanking.
Is it a bad idea to try learn tanking with the Dark Knight class?
I've been thinking of trying out a tank class, but I'm not sure which one to use. I understand Paladin is meant to be the beginner friendly one, but the Dark Knight storyline seems a lot more interesting than the gladiator stuff I'm doing at the moment. That said, my one concern is that the Dark Knight looks a lot more involved and mechanically complex than the Paladin, which might not be great for me while I'm still figuring out the basics of tanking.
DRK is zzzzz at this point. They ruined it below level 70 with all the skill changes in 4.0. Easier than PLD probably
DK is surprisingly simple (at least pre-70). I'm lvling one now and I'm just about to hit 60. You will need to manage your MP but it's pretty easy to keep it up. Once I establish aggro, or if I'm off tank, I pretty much use a three button combo over and over again. I'm leveling a Warrior at the some time and find it way more fun. DK is super boring. Though, to be fair, I've heard it's a lot of fun at 70.
DK is pretty awful on the way to 70, but I think it's alright at the level cap. It really depends on how much fun you get out of mashing dark arts.
A class sucking until level cap is pretty terrible tbh.
Strange SE food crossover, Australian pizza edition (why)
And only if you're crafting the new stuff. You can make a bit of money with old ARR mats and HW mats.
Or, spiritbonding crafting gear and hoping you get tier V or VI Craftmanship and Control materia.
There's a lot of ways, depending on what you wanna do.
Gathering is ok consistent money, BOT/MIN have a lot of stuff selling for 600 to 1200each depending on days, and you can generally gather 99 in like 15mins or whatever. FSH tends to be a lot more garbage until 70, but has some really good money making stuff depending on your server(dusklight and dawnlight aethersands for example are easy to farm and sell for a good amount on mine). Main issue of Gathering is you have to invest some money into gear(especially at 70) but if you know a crafter the amount invested is fairly low.
Then you have crafting, crafting is great to make money, but it costs a lot of money to level. It's kind of a long term investment, you'll want to sink several millions getting all your crafts leveled to 50 and a few good ones to 70, but after that you can generally make 20-50k a minute just pressing macros while alt tabbed. The amount you can make with crafting spikes dramatically for every major patch since new recipes are added and everyone wants the new stuff asap even if it's 100times more expensive than the materials. Crafting also have a neat double gain with spiritbinding, you can spiritbind and convert your crafting gear into materia when crafting to make money, so you make money while you make money.
If you don't want to do either of these, then you have VI materia farming. This will depend on your server, VIs are still worth like 80-100k on mine but on some others they're down a lot so that sucks, but if they're still worth ok money, you can farm them by doing Hunts and/or doing the Leveling roulette with a class in need. Main issue there is if you want to play with your friends, only one person will be in need, so you don't get as much.
You can also farm some materials worth decent money, this varies a lot though and tends to not be great, but Halgai/Manzasiris were fairly decent money before. Can also do maps, with 3ppl you could probably do gazelleskin maps on your own, maybe grab someone else for 4man maps, buy a bunch of maps and run them then sell the mats. Everytime you get Canals you have a good chance to increase your wealth a good amount. Retainers are also good consistent money generally, you can just send them for the decent items every hour or send them on exploration for the expensive minions if you're lucky.