I still think it's likely, although I also think they'll censor some of the relationship options and nerf lunatic mode.Be real with me guys: how big is the possibility that this game won't make it into the US? Because if it doesn't damn it that means I have to go scour a PAL 3DS >:\
I want to go shopping with her
I love him so much
Why don't you just go out with one another?
I secretly look up to her
He's rather sexy
I can't understand her actions
I like her a lot
One of them has a black stomach
I like her, but I can't say it
I'll protect her with my life
Girls friendship is rather extreme
I want to rub my face against him
I think he's my destiny
What are these guys thinking
Lately, we can't continue a conversation
Our interests don't match
I'm suspicious of your pasts(?)
I really like her
I want to give him my everything
What scary siblings
-Husband and Wife
She's not good at socializing
I get the feeling he'd be scary if I anger him
This must be what they call the stage of fatigue
Pretty much this. However, we've gotten every single FE game since Rekka no Ken with only one exception and that was probably down to quality concern issues, and the 3DS is still kind of starved for a diverse software library. I will be very surprised if this one isn't announced for release at E3 and, in fact, I suspect gil & co. are already working on it.
played up to end of ch4 on Hard Casual yesterday. The system's been great! Fast and relatively painless operation. Still trying to get the bonds/double system down, though it's starting to seem more and more like a necessity to keep people tag teamed -- it's hard to ignore all the stat bonuses when enemies can very nearly one-shot you in every move. If I had one gripe so far, it's that I wish they didn't lop off characters from the ankle down.
I will be very surprised if this one isn't announced for release at E3 and, in fact, I suspect gil & co. are already working on it.
That's Fire Emblem, allright. Can't wait to put my hands on it.Here are some videos of the beginning of the game.
Don't watch if you don't want to be spoiled.
Hahaha, oh man, this sure brings back memories of the awful VA in the 2 console FEs. So bad.
I keep reading/hearing about this Fire Emblem has no feet. What exactly are you people talking about??
Just look at some of the battle animation vids. They simplified the models by basically fusing their feet with the lower leg. You get used to it after awhile, but it's a bit off-putting at first. Much like the 3DS Miku I think it's one way they're trying to show more detail w/ the resolution they have to work with. The animation work is good so for the most part you're not going to be laughing your ass off in what's supposed to be a serious scene.
Looks kind of funny.Damn, I never noticed before... Now I can't unsee it![]()
On the 8-4 podcast they mentioned that it was a loose translation but they didn't really talk about it beyond that.Also is "Awakening" an official translation, or just the literal translation of the Japanese subtitle? I mean, it works pretty well, but you never know. Maybe they'll stick a "Chronicles" on it to be trendy.
Just look at some of the battle animation vids. They simplified the models by basically fusing their feet with the lower leg. You get used to it after awhile, but it's a bit off-putting at first. Much like the 3DS Miku I think it's one way they're trying to show more detail w/ the resolution they have to work with. The animation work is good so for the most part you're not going to be laughing your ass off in what's supposed to be a serious scene.
Damn, I never noticed before... Now I can't unsee it![]()
Anyone have an image of a hero unit in this game? They were probably my favorite of the non-lords in the GBA FE's.
Anyone have an image of a hero unit in this game? They were probably my favorite of the non-lords in the GBA FE's.
Indeed. I would love if they took the aesthetics of the series in a purely 2D stylized direction but I doubt we'll ever see that happen. Oh well, at least Awakening looks better than the other 3D FE's.Oh man, the GBA sprites were so great. It's kind of a shame that we probably won't see sprites like that again in any FE again.
Ah yes, I forgot about the class trailer, thanks. Well I guess they look pretty cool but it looks like he's wearing a pot on his head.
Ah yes, I forgot about the class trailer, thanks. Well I guess they look pretty cool but it looks like he's wearing a pot on his head.![]()
Well that's... interesting.That's because he is. He's the recruit character promoted to hero.
Please enlighten me: Who is blurrygil? Is he working at Treehouse?
Haha, yes I am revealed. But I'm actually not with our localization group, I do work at NoA.
And a general FYI to all, opinions are of my own in this thread (and on GAF in general). In addition, the OP is strictly pieced together information for those excited to play the recent Japanese release of the game. To which, in my opinion, is plain awesome.
And thank you to all of those in this thread who have been enjoying the game! Keep those impressions coming.
Anyone have an image of a hero unit in this game? They were probably my favorite of the non-lords in the GBA FE's.
So what you're saying is "no chance in hell this is coming."
Man, again no NoA release?
Reggie, once you asked what is wrong with us, those haven't bought 3DS yet; now I ask, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Just a heads-up: There has been zero confirmation on a US release. Nor has it been announced that it won't be.
My reaction too.They blew it on Genealogy. Why so low?
I'm not remotely saying that. However, I obviously couldn't tell you what may or may not be worked on.
What gives you the idea it's not getting a domestic release? There's been a lot of assuming going around online. But that's the status-quo on ANYTHING gaming related.
Just a heads-up: There has been zero confirmation on a US release. Nor has it been announced that it won't be.
My reaction too.
I don't follow extensively FE but to me always felt as one of the better ones.
LOL, You sounded like the guy that wrote Xenoblade reply on Facebook. "We never say never, but we can confirm that there are no plans to bring these three games to the Americas at this time. Thanks so much for your passion, and for being such great fans!"
I'm not remotely saying that. However, I obviously couldn't tell you what may or may not be worked on.
I guess Genealogy didn't sell as much
Really glad to hear it's difficult. There's always the chance that they'd ease gamers into it with the first several chapters. Radiant Dawn was relatively tough through its first ~10 chapters, which I loved.Playing Classic mode on Normal and it's been a solid challenge. Took like 7 attempts to get through Gaiden 2, and am now working on Chapter 6. So good.
Why? Is this because you're a big fan of incest? I'm just saying how I hope it's not included in the NA version (I would put up with it either way). You're free to wish otherwise. Go ahead and put me on ignore while you're at it.Please go away.
This game is so good. Totally hooked, just like every FE before it...
Playing Classic mode on Normal and it's been a solid challenge. Took like 7 attempts to get through Gaiden 2, and am now working on Chapter 6. So good.
Why? Is this because you're a big fan of incest? I'm just saying how I hope it's not included in the NA version (I would put up with it either way). You're free to wish otherwise. Go ahead and put me on ignore while you're at it.
Right? I'm surprised by how much I'm loving it. I should have hit this series up years ago!
I love the way the battlefield maps look in 3D too. Maybe it's just me, but the oldschool 2D sprites on top of the 3D layout just does it for me.
Yeah, I'd heard that. No longer concerned since those exchanges don't affect the gameplay and can be ignored. Creepers get their kicks if they choose and I get my awesome Fire Emblem goodness.If it makes you feel any better, it seems to be completely optional. It's up to you who you will "mate together."
Well, yeah. That's an awfully circular thing to say.Neon_Icarus said:Since absolutely any combination seems possible in this game, it's not a surprise some combinations would turn out to be a bit "weird."
Up to chapter 8 now, and Gaiden 3 just opened up. Little over 8 hours on the game clock. Having a hard time stopping...
Are you all able to understand what's going on in the import version well enough without understanding Japanese?
Genealogy sold close close to FE3. It was definitely successful.
So Leaf's DLC chapter is the first chapter from FE4. What does that mean for FE4 DLC characters, and why wouldn't they use the first chapter from FE5?