Lolz. Yes it did.
No it didn't you either bypassed it altogether (Awakening via magic or even dragonstones) or faceroll right through it anyway (Awakening's physical 1-2 range options, Fates with 1-2 range in general).
Lolz. Yes it did.
I don't really understand how the different classes will interact with the weapon triangle removed though. The Polygon reviewer seemed very confused by this ().lol polygon
Lolz. Yes it did.
Having played through Awakening recently(and working through Conquest now) I've mostly not paid attention to the triangle, rarely has it changed my strategy at a given moment.
Doesn't matter eventually you faceroll with Robin/Corrin/Ryoma/Camilla/Xander/etc. anyway.
Doesn't matter eventually you faceroll with Robin (and his/her kids)/Corrin/Ryoma/Camilla/Xander/etc. anyway.
I don't understand the amount of shit Awakening and Fates get around here for optional stuff..
Not really. You can beat the games without giving a single thought to it. Maybe not Conquest though.Lolz. Yes it did
The only FE where weapon triangle is a thing is Heroes.
Faceroll on Conquest Lunatic/Classic? I must be pretty bad at these games, because it's incredibly easy to get a unit killed, and it's basically a given when it has the triangle disadvantage. I plan every move to avoid getting units killed, even more so in Conquest, but it was like this even in Awakening and other Fates routes (although obviously much less). I also talked with a friend to find the best pairings for the units in order to have the strongest sons possible, which is why i always make the argument that the marriage system is more than just "waifus".
Either way, this game on hard is much easier than both Awakening and Fates for now. Compared to Conquest it's easier even than the standard difficulty.
All attacks do a minimum of 1 damage?
The weapon triangle might not made a huge difference in practice, but it added personality to combat. And that's not even getting into the Reverse Weapon Triangle weapons which actually made a huge difference in FE14.
I agree that Conquest/Birthright story isn't the best, but playing Revelations and the DLC (aka the true story) makes it much better (it still doesn't rank high on the FE list, but it's not "shit" "offensive" "pathetic" and other adjectives i've read here). I'd argue that it's not as good as it could've been considering the interesting premise, but i think that the real problem in those games is the writing, particularly Iago/Garon's dialogues about Corrin. I still don't see a problem with Awakening's story/gameplay though.Eh, the story gets rightfully shit on and the gameplay gets rightfully praised in Fates case. The marriage and children aspects are weird as they're optional but offer a lot to the gameplay. They're good in Awakening, but children shouldn't have been in Fates at the very least.
Other than that I don't see many complaints about them other than Awakening being too easy and the waifu shite.
Not really. You can beat the games without giving a single thought to it. Maybe not Conquest though.
I think people make a bigger deal out of it than need be. Its a neat mechanic but not essential.
Yeah but there's also the part where the enemies attack you, and they do deal more damage, other than taking less from the counter.Good units don't care about a small hit accuracy and an even smaller hit to damage.
It's a nice bonus if you can get it, but not a big enough penalty that you need to fill certain roles to get through things. And that's as it should be, it's a strategy game, not a puzzle game.
it added personality to combat. And that's not even getting into the Reverse Weapon Triangle weapons which actually made a huge difference in FE14.
The story in Revelations is equally as bad as Conquest and worse than Birthright. The 'reveals' and 'true story' are beyond stupid, and the level of plot contrivance to even attempt to make things sort of make sense is insane. Don't bother trying to defend the story in Fates, it's all bad.I agree that Conquest/Birthright story isn't the best, but playing Revelations and the DLC (aka the true story) makes it much better (it still doesn't rank high on the FE list, but it's not "shit" "offensive" "pathetic" and other adjectives i've read here). Also i think that the real problem is the writing, particularly with Iago/Garon's dialogues about Corrin. I still don't see a problem with Awakening's story/gameplay though.
About the marriage system, i already explained why i like it in the post above. I also like the revamped support conversations, because they help you feel like you're actually part of an army, especially in Awakening, and if you don't like them you can always skip the dialogues. I'm loving SoV but it feels like a huge step down in this regard.
Yeah but there's also the part where the enemies attack you, and they do deal more damage, other than taking less from the counter.
Also this.
The story in Revelations is equally as bad as Conquest and worse than Birthright. The 'reveals' and 'true story' are beyond stupid, and the level of plot contrivance to even attempt to make things sort of make sense is insane. Don't bother trying to defend the story in Fates, it's all bad.
Shadows of Valentia is great so far in the story department, well-written and the characters have a lot of personality despite the plot being fairly cliche.
Fates did a lot of really cool things with its gameplay.The weapon triangle might not made a huge difference in practice, but it added personality to combat. And that's not even getting into the Reverse Weapon Triangle weapons which actually made a huge difference in FE14.
Yeah but there's also the part where the enemies attack you, and they do deal more damage, other than taking less from the counter.
I mean, I'm not gonna try and argue with you about which one is better, because they are all awful and not worth defending. I found Conquest and Revelations to be worse, but the difference is marginal and all 3 paths feature the worst story in any FE game. Fates is a train wreck when it comes to narrative, hopefully that never happens again.Birthright is the worst story wise though. Especially what happens around chapter 25-26 doesn't make any sense. I can't believe people argue against this.
But yeah, SoV seems better in the story/dialogue departments.
Yep, it does. Also has a new feature called Mila's Turnwheel, let's you rewind a limited amount of turns.Does the game have the casual option? I like the harder difficulty but don't really want to go back to permadeath
Does the game have the casual option? I like the harder difficulty but don't really want to go back to permadeath
Power to you if you didn't mind Revelations story. To me at least, Fates botched up the plot big time in all routes and insulted my intelligence. FE stories aren't the king of all, but they are immersive and laced with political intrigue and grey moralities. Fates chucked most of that out of the window as it scope was too big and too rushed, resulting in plot holes and plot induced stupidity to carry it along. It was an interesting concept, just developed poorly.I agree that Conquest/Birthright story isn't the best, but playing Revelations and the DLC (aka the true story) makes it much better (it still doesn't rank high on the FE list, but it's not "shit" "offensive" "pathetic" and other adjectives i've read here). I'd argue that it's not as good as it could've been considering the interesting premise, but i think that the real problem in those games is the writing, particularly Iago/Garon's dialogues about Corrin. I still don't see a problem with Awakening's story/gameplay though.
I don't mind the marriage system when's there's a place for it, such as Awakening. However I believe Echoes has it beat in the Support system, as though there may be few, the characters play a larger role in the story making them feel even more important, and aren't whittled down to one defining trope. The base conversations, memories, and larger role in the story is easily a better pay off. I'll take a character like Gray over one like Gaius any day. Gray feels real while Gaius doesn't.About the marriage system, i already explained why i like it in the post above. I also like the revamped support conversations, because they help you feel like you're actually part of an army, especially in Awakening, and if you don't like them you can always skip the dialogues. I'm loving SoV but it feels like a huge step down in this regard.
Yes it does, it also has an item called Mila's Turnwheel that allows you to turn back time into a earlier turn in case you want to redo some action or redo a turn after someone dies. This item is availible in both classic and casual.
Hm, not sure if I agree with that, Awakening is THE game for people to start the series with. I could see this game being easy to get into if you are new to the series, but I'd still recommend Awakening over it to a newcomer.You can also use Mila's turnwheel to erase bad levels ups, it becomes very handy when you are grinding in dungeons.(level ups are decided per battle however, so you'll have to wait until next one to try again.)
Overall this is probably the most welcoming FE for new players.
Oh, that reminds me, what do the revival shrines do in casual mode?
Does the game have the casual option? I like the harder difficulty but don't really want to go back to permadeath
Absolutely nothing wrong with that, either. I'll never use it, but it's a nice feature for people who wouldn't enjoy the game otherwise. I do feel like the turnwheel makes it unnecessary here though.Safe bet you'll never see a Fire Emblem game without the Casual option again.
Man I was just playing Gaiden last night on my hacked NES Classic and it is INSANE how much they kept in from that old NES game. Personally I think they should have changed up the map layouts.
Hm, not sure if I agree with that, Awakening is THE game for people to start the series with. I could see this game being easy to get into if you are new to the series, but I'd still recommend Awakening over it to a newcomer.
I'm with you on Fates' story, the only one I didn't like was Conquest and that was only concerning the line-to-line writing - the idea and atmosphere were really cool. I don't think it's a good story, but Birthright and Revelations were inoffensive at worst, and certainly entertaining enough for me to enjoy the whole way through. Conquest had me rolling my eyes a few times during the main plot but it was not entirely bereft of good moments either - the supports were the best of the three. Minority opinion though.I agree that Conquest/Birthright story isn't the best, but playing Revelations and the DLC (aka the true story) makes it much better (it still doesn't rank high on the FE list, but it's not "shit" "offensive" "pathetic" and other adjectives i've read here). I'd argue that it's not as good as it could've been considering the interesting premise, but i think that the real problem in those games is the writing, particularly Iago/Garon's dialogues about Corrin. I still don't see a problem with Awakening's story/gameplay though.
Not sure how I feel about minimal 1 damage.
Is the reversible cover a feature of the special edition only, or is it included in the regular version as well?
Oh, that reminds me, what do the revival shrines do in casual mode?
Well, it is a remake of the same game. The map layouts really the most disappointing part. They really should have dumped a lot of those.
Is it recommended to start on Normal or Hard for this one?
Usually I go Normal but if it's too easy then Hard may be better.
Is it recommended to start on Normal or Hard for this one?
Usually I go Normal but if it's too easy then Hard may be better.
Promotion early is better in this game due to how promotion gains workAll my Fire Emblem knowledge out the window. I have no idea when or how to promote (I just did it as it became available), I hope I don't screw myself. This game feels more like Shining Force.