is that a screenshot from halo infinite?Still got nothing on H2's sniper
is that a screenshot from halo infinite?Still got nothing on H2's sniper
One could that a screenshot from halo infinite?
360 version???
Doesn't look like anything worth "leaking"
Better just be a one off item used in single playerhonestly a grapple hook could be pretty neat if they are doing larger open worlds this time around. Could really give a sense of exploration without feeling like a power ranger (Halo 5).
I keep seeing reeee references, what is it?We can’t afford News Papers so I get all my info on Reeeeeeeeeee.....................fuck Reeeeeeeeeee
I keep seeing reeee references, what is it?
it shows a grappling hook icon... that's the focus of this leak.
the environment shown and the assets are clearly only for testing purposes. an empty map with some curves and different angles to test collision and movement.
but the grappling hook is the actually interesting part
Gotta wonder if they're going for an rpg-lite approach.If there's a grapple, thats definitely not bringing halo back to what made it great.
If there's a grapple, thats definitely not bringing halo back to what made it great.
the core of halo is the sandbox and the 3 main attack mechanics
the term sandbox here refers to all the tools you find in a level/multiplayer map.
and the main mechanics are Melee, Gun and Grenades
halo had tools like this before in Halo 3, where you pick up a bubble shield and throw it out to activate it... or a flash bomb... or even a gravity lift.
so I think if the grappling hook is a pickup item that you can find in some maps and in some campaign scnearios it's absolutely fine.
Grapple hook? What the fuck are they planning to turn this into?
Even as a pick up, im not interested in that bs. They want to get inventive and all that? Make another game.
Gotta wonder if they're going for an rpg-lite approach.
Way back in the day, Bung did consider making a Halo rpg spin-off.
Power of Xbox on full display.
Fuckin embarrassing.
There's probablt some scheisse posting going on.see, I really don't know if you guys are for real... I really can't tell if people ACTUALLY think this screenshot is representative when it clearly is made on a test map with some random ass textures thrown onto a basic ground shape to test stuff on... I really hope everyone with similar comments is joking.
the completely detail-less and solid colour background should be indication enough I though
There is nothing that cannot be made better by grappling hooks.
I reeeeaally hope that sniper rifle isn't at all indicative of the model they're using. Ech.
Surely this is the Lockhart version.
Bruh this is clearly the 360 version.
It’s clearly the Switch version...
OmG lOOK aT tHOZE vIzUalZ 16k GRass lollol
If you really believe that this is how the game is going to look like then you are dumb as fuck. That’s what I was saying. Smh needed to spell it out for you. See, you are too dumb to understand.
What’s hanging in his brain?
Those trees look better then the ones in sword and shield.XBOX Series X Enhanced Mode: