Not surprising at all.
Never saw the upside to merging em
oh.... I dunno how do I feel about this.
Not surprising at all.
Never saw the upside to merging em
Not surprising at all.
Never saw the upside to merging em
Not surprising at all.
Never saw the upside to merging em
fuck it...wont watch
The Flash is getting a chilly character addition this fall. The CW’s Arrow spin-off has just cast Prison Break actor Wentworth Miller as Leonard Snart, a.k.a. Captain Cold.
The freeze-gun-touting villain is one of Barry Allen/The Flash’s biggest adversaries in the DC Comics, and is the leader of the Rogues—a group of his enemies. Miller will guest star as the character in the fourth episode of the show’s debut season this fall. “We’ll be seeing his origin and the origin of the Rogues,” said executive producer Greg Berlanti.
The news was announced at the show’s Television Critics Association’s semi-annual press tour session in Beverly Hills on Friday. DC Comics chief creative officer Geoff Johns called The Flash “the most faithful DC adaptation ever.”
The panel also hinted at the addition of”telepathic supervillian Gorilla Grodd, whose presence in the show’s world is teased in the pilot (there’s an empty cage shown). “Obviously that Easter egg means the world to us,” said The Flash executive producer Andrew Kreisberg. “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is out and hopefully they’re doing the R&D for us so that one day we can see exactly what jumped out of that cage.
And as previously announced, Robbie Amell (The Tomorrow People) will show up as one-half of Firestorm in episode three, and that the other half of Firestorm—Dr. Martin Stein—will come along as well. “I think as we evolve Firestorm, you’ll definitely meet Stein,” Berlanti said. “We actually had him in a version of the pilot at one point on the train with Barry when he was coming back from Starling.”
Another thing that will evolve: The Flash‘s red leather suit. Producers noted the suit will change over time thanks to innovations by Allen’s support team at Star Labs.
During the panel, a critic asked star Grant Gustin if he liked to run as a kid. “I hated running,” he said.”I quit soccer because I thought it was ridiculous going back and forth.”
Edit: Goddammit, Xemnas.
Not surprising at all.
Never saw the upside to merging em
Another thing that will evolve: The Flashs red leather suit. Producers noted the suit will change over time thanks to innovations by Allens support team at Star Labs.
Not surprising at all.
Never saw the upside to merging em
I have zero faith in WB's Film division and especially with Snyder and Goyer (more so Goyer) in control of what's being done I very much prefer them to be separate. Besides that, the timelines don't work unless they do some retconning to make them fit.
how many more times does stuff have to be posted before it sinks in? Goyer isn't in Dawn of Justice it's Chris Terio.
and if Man of Steel really was as terrible as you are making it out to be, then sorry but that's who they are going with on teh creative side. after three Nolan movies and a good Man of Steel movie to say that there is no faith in WB superhero is just nitpicking at this point. nothing Marvel has done is leagues above MoS and Nolan movies.
Batman Begins and Dark Knight were fantastic. TDKR was mediocre, Man of Steel was shit. But that is just for me.
Many people loved TDKR and MoS, yourself included. But that doesnt change that many others hated them or found them disappointing. You always seem to be so defensive about MoS in threads. Just accept that some people didn't like it. It in no way diminishes how much you and many others loved it.
i think its more the fact that in every BvS thread....there are numerous posts about how shit the film is going to be and Goyer's involvement ruining it etc....
Getting annoyed at the constant Goyer argument I get. And Evil Solrac is pretty even headed in most threads I see him in. But for some reason criticism of Man of Steel just seems to make him go on a Mirakuru rager. At least that is how it comes across to me.
Getting annoyed at the constant Goyer argument I get. And Evil Solrac is pretty even headed in most threads I see him in. But for some reason criticism of Man of Steel just seems to make him go on a Mirakuru rager. At least that is how it comes across to me.
I can't speak for him, but I think, for me, one of the reasons is that the hatred for the movie is so damn long-lasting and annoying.
Any casting news? Remember how shite Man of Steel was.
Any rumors? Remember how shite Man of Steel was!
Captain America. Godzilla. Transformers 4 releases. Remember how shite Man of Steel was?
It gets old quickly
One of the best things on Arrow (and soon Flash) is that the second (and third. And fourth) tier characters and villains are being brought to life. Who the hell thought we'd ever see any variation of Suicide Squad in live action?
One of the best things on Arrow (and soon Flash) is that the second (and third. And fourth) tier characters and villains are being brought to life. Who the hell thought we'd ever see any variation of Suicide Squad in live action?
I would be disappointed at anyone playing Deathstroke on screen after Manu.
Well, Stephen Lang for badass, old man look Deathstroke would rock.
Or just give Manu a few years to age up. Get that old man swagger. Christ, imagine it.
One of the best things on Arrow (and soon Flash) is that the second (and third. And fourth) tier characters and villains are being brought to life. Who the hell thought we'd ever see any variation of Suicide Squad in live action?
Keeping the universes separate could be like what they're doing in the Earth-2 comic. Some of the heroes are the same, but they are different characters.
Wally West Flash in the movies would be awesome.
If this means we get listen:
Drown parademons in mid-air, brehettes.
After actually reading the whole article I posted I see that it also confirms a big two hour arrow/flash crossover for episode 8 of both shows. Plus apparently half of the justice league will be represented between the two shows.
how many more times does stuff have to be posted before it sinks in? Goyer isn't in Dawn of Justice it's Chris Terio.
and if Man of Steel really was as terrible as you are making it out to be, then sorry but that's who they are going with on teh creative side. after three Nolan movies and a good Man of Steel movie to say that there is no faith in WB superhero is just nitpicking at this point. nothing Marvel has done is leagues above MoS and Nolan movies.
Great news. I hope this means even more leanway for them in future seasons. Like actually bringing Harley into Suicide Squad instead of cameoing
Not surprising at all.
Never saw the upside to merging em
Batman Begins and Dark Knight were fantastic. TDKR was mediocre, Man of Steel was shit. But that is just for me.
Many people loved TDKR and MoS, yourself included. But that doesnt change that many others hated them or found them disappointing. You always seem to be so defensive about MoS in threads. Just accept that some people didn't like it. It in no way diminishes how much you and many others loved it.
I'm fully aware that Terio re-wrote the script but it's still Goyer's story and he's still over seeing it along with the rest of the DCMU, maybe it'll be its saving grace because Goyer's track record shows he's a decent ideas guy but an over all shit script writer. h.
I think Goyer will do fine if he's got somebody to polish up his ideas. I mean, this guy was involved with half of top10 best superhero movies ever made. Half. He fails only when he's given free reign. As long as he got somebody talented to have his back, he does great.
Edit: Goddammit, Xemnas.
I wouldn;t call TDKR mediocre. It wasn't as good as Dark Knight, but it was still a damn good movie. Better than pretty much everything from Marvel with few rare exceptions in form of Iron Man 1 and Winter Soldier. It still is among the best superhero movies ever made. Top10 easily.
I can understand somehow people trashing MoS, but TDRK hate is ridiculous and shows how much divorced fanboys can be from the general audience and critics.
Felicity in some Flash episodes. Can't have too much Felicity in here.
EW posted a "here's what people walking out of the screening thought" article, but it's of little value so I didn't link it earlier.Any reactions to the Flash pilot showing at Comicon yet? Granted much of the audience probably already saw it.