Flight Simulator 2024 is now the lowest-rated AAA game in Steam history

Venom Snake


Maxed out gfx sure look sick!
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Gold Member
I would also like to give honorable mentions to outlook. Outlook (work) on mobile. It won't fucking stop sending me constant notifications about needing permission to view my contacts. I don't want to fucking give more info to you MS and every single thing you have posted online that supposedly fixes this, doesn't fucking work.

Why the fuck does anything from MS never fucking work. Every single piece of software looks like it is still in beta besides GitHu

Edit:Sorry for the unhinged rant. Started a new job just 2-3 months ago and the company uses ms products exclusively for their day to day functions. Been getting headaches due to having to deal with MS softwares and trying to just get stuff to work properly
To be fair this particular problem is probably what your admin configured or didn’t configure in Intune. That can get quite complicated so depending on the size of your company and sensitivity of data, things can get very locked down.

And also depends on BYOD policies and so on. But don’t get me wrong, EXO backend is also a bit of a POS as there are constant issues.


I played around with it this morning on PC was pretty impressed. Ran great. I could tell where assets were being streamed leading to small delays... (Based on my viewing of the map I think it's related to your machine streaming in information to build out 3D buildings, etc on the map). It seems manageable today. You can't deny how impressive an accomplishment it is when running.

I have a 5800x3d, A Samsung 980 SSD, 32GB of Ram and a 7900 XTX.
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Any MP game should be considered a mandatory six months wait if one wants to play a semi-functional game. Well, most games really at this point.
One of the reasons I was kind of OK with Epic money-hating games to EGS.

So you’re telling me I can get it on Steam in 6mos or a year, for cheaper with the bugs fixed and added content? Sold!


Cmon pc master race just download the entire game and be done with it.

Jokes aside the previous one had the same issues at launch.
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I’m finally able to play the game uninterrupted and boy does it have a ton of issues and bugs.

Playing on PC here with a 4090 and fiber internet so everything should be running optimally but I have a lot of weird pop in and texture issues. Playing in VR and when I switch to 3rd person view parts of my plane are popping in and out of existence. I can see right into the fuselage of the plane and wings and control surfaces are appearing and disappearing.

Another issue is that my trusty TFlight HOTAS 4 and even HOTAS X do not work with the game for whatever reason. I’ve tried everything and they don’t work despite working perfectly on MSFS 2020. The game recognizes them and allows me to map controls to them but doesn’t actually work in gameplay. I hear the HOTAS One works but only partially. It may have something to do with the game running off the cloud and control inputs not being fully supported on the cloud yet.

This game needed a few more months in the oven to iron out these issues. As the game is, I can’t recommend it at all. MSFS 2020 despite its issues was a much more polished experience and better game at launch.

This game has suffered from a bunch of bad management decisions like the decision to not have nearly enough servers on day one to the decision to remap the whole control input system. This is the last time I buy an MSFS game at launch or any MS game that requires the cloud to run. The whole launch has been a disaster and MS and the devs should be ashamed especially coming off the stellar MSFS 2020. I expected this game to follow its predecessor’s excellence but so far I’ve been let down immensely. I’m not going to ask for a refund, and I’ll wait to see how quickly they fix this mess but I’ll never do this song and dance again with MS.

PS: The store for the game isn’t online yet. You can stream in the old planes you bought from MS from the store but I don’t know if you can even mod them yet like you could in MSFS 2020 as their files aren’t stored on your PC.
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After careful deliberation I’ve decided to refund the game. I’ve submitted a request to Steam and I’ll buy the game again if issues get fixed. This game is a total disgrace. Fuck MS for ruining the launch of a beloved franchise. MSFS 2020 was a masterpiece compared to this trash.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
After careful deliberation I’ve decided to refund the game. I’ve submitted a request to Steam and I’ll buy the game again if issues get fixed. This game is a total disgrace. Fuck MS for ruining the launch of a beloved franchise. MSFS 2020 was a masterpiece compared to this trash.
Are people still having problems? Yesterday was a cluster fuck, but tonight I just hopped straight in, tried a bunch of stuff - launched a couple of discovery flight, flew over my house, tried the race thing, did my first career flight, no problems other than I only have a fraction of stuff programmed for my flight stick.
Are people still having problems? Yesterday was a cluster fuck, but tonight I just hopped straight in, tried a bunch of stuff - launched a couple of discovery flight, flew over my house, tried the race thing, did my first career flight, no problems other than I only have a fraction of stuff programmed for my flight stick.
Yea, people are still having issues. I'm able to launch into the game fine now but I'm having a ton of issues that are mostly cloud related and other bugs like both my TFlight HOTAS sticks not working.

The decision to throw everything in the cloud was a huge mistake. The game is literally worse in every conceivable way than MSFS 2020 right now for me and I'm playing on premium PC hardware too so it's not my PC or internet
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Fafracer forever
It doesn't have to use that much data. The game could be 300gb
The "2020" literally was 200gb, and it "installed" 100 of it by making me sit in the loading screen/lobby. Which also crashed at least once and then i had to restart the whole process again(who needs incremental downloads right).
And this was 'not' launch period but more like 2 years in.

No idea if 24 is still as broken client side, or if it is indeed all server problems now.
from all the BS around MS/Xbox regarding game quality... i had the impression this game and Forza Horizon were the games that reflected the quality Xbox wanted to archived...Based on the video from that tech- tuber, it seems i was wrong regarding Flight Simulator. 🤔.... but it also doesn't make sense (as a niche game) to rush its release, even with Game Pass as a factor
Steam approved my refund :messenger_beaming:

I can rest easy now knowing my money didn't go to supporting this bullshit release. I'll be back later if the game gets fixed because I love the franchise but I can't support this kind of bullshit release from MS.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The "2020" literally was 200gb, and it "installed" 100 of it by making me sit in the loading screen/lobby. Which also crashed at least once and then i had to restart the whole process again(who needs incremental downloads right).
And this was 'not' launch period but more like 2 years in.

No idea if 24 is still as broken client side, or if it is indeed all server problems now.
Yeah even with the cluster fuck for servers this is miles better than 2020. I not only had it crash after 100 GB of install but it was also locked away on my SSD so that I couldn't delete it. When I took control of the install drive and deleted it, I had to reinstall all my gamepass games. Plus my install by the end was closing in on 400GB with all the world updates - and of course stuff was still been pulled from the cloud, turn that off and it looked less than steller.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
If they asked they would have received from Microsoft, they tested a ‘200,000’ hypothetical and that’s what’s happened more players than that at one time.

You think they went to Microsoft and was like we need 50x azure servers so the game doesn’t crash on launch from our estimates you think they would be like nah bro let it crash 😂😂
If you think that they just get whatever they want no questions asked 😂… sure buddy. The place an order almost like anybody else and they pay for it. So sure they could have spent more of their money (Gaming division’s budget for it) and they may have gotten extra reserved capacity but it is not money they wanted to waste (you are also assuming that the problem would have been easily solved by getting more capacity) and the Azure division will not get them capacity for free for a single property.

Like HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 was saying, they knew the game was coming in hot and they ran the maths and decided to plot ahead 🤷‍♂️.


Still broken? I have a half day at work but I have other games to play so no rush.
For me...yes. Everything takes ages to load. I managed to enter today the first time into the Tutorial....took me just 5 minutes. And than you watching the textures loading in for anotehr 5 minutes and than you are finally ready to go. The Power of the Cloud!


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Next time you buy a car or some home appliance and it won't turn on or start on the day you buy it and you call tech support and they tell you to wait a week. I want you to remember that sentence you wrote.
The product was put up for sale, people spent money (some quite a bit, depends on the edition) and they expected a working product. Or is it no longer possible to expect that you will be sold a finished product in 2024?
Sadly this is the state of the game industry as a whole nowadays.

Every game is pretty much broken and need to have a day one patch just to function fully correctly.

Even that new awesome Zelda game had a day one patch that fixed at least 280 files. Wtf?

Oh yeah and there's that new Stalker game too. Lol.


always chasing the next thrill
is this fucking piece of fucking shit garbage trash of a disaster game working ?
stalker seems to work just fine


is this fucking piece of fucking shit garbage trash of a disaster game working ?
Its working, but not very good. Today I also managed to even start from an airport (before only "in air" was possible for me). :messenger_open_mouth: Its improving slowly. If more people nope out and deinstall it...I might be even able to enjoy this game very soon. :messenger_winking_tongue:


Gold Member
Its working, but not very good. Today I also managed to even start from an airport (before only "in air" was possible for me). :messenger_open_mouth: Its improving slowly. If more people nope out and deinstall it...I might be even able to enjoy this game very soon. :messenger_winking_tongue:
Yeah It'll for sure blow over, and then we'll have the experience we wanted in the first place. The sooner it happens the better, so I suggest we start throwing out the freeloaders first :messenger_grinning:


This feels like the sort of thing that will improve as intense interest levels off and servers become less crowded.


Just a reminder, this was from 2013:

"Sorry, I don't get the drama around having an 'always on' console," Orth tweeted early Friday morning. "Every device now is ‘always on’. That's the world we live in. #dealwithit"

"I want every device to be 'always on,' Orth went on to say, telling one vocal critic whose friends don’t have regular access to the Internet but own Microsoft’s current generation console, the Xbox 360, that they should "get with the times and get the Internet."

Such a gem.


Well the planes are in the cloud. And clouds are a sort of steam. Better fly when sky's Azure through the windows than risking a crash and walking off as hobo.


Yeah It'll for sure blow over, and then we'll have the experience we wanted in the first place. The sooner it happens the better, so I suggest we start throwing out the freeloaders first :messenger_grinning:
Yup, I think it wasnt the smartest move to include this game into gamepass....I get it why they did it...but at what price!?
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