fart town usa
It's no different from streaming services. You can't spend hundreds of millions of dollars on these massive productions, not grow the subscription figures, and then be surprised that you haven't made any money. These streaming services just burn through cash. There are too many options to expect new people to sign up each month. I suspect most people just watch youtube or listen to podcasts.
With games, people will buy what they want to buy, putting it on gamepass isn't enticing anyone who isn't already there. I could access these games via my VCR Xbox One and I have no interest because I have hundreds of games in the backlog. I suspect the backlog of games, that gamers already own, is why more people aren't signing up for gamepass, it's just another way to add to the backlog.
With games, people will buy what they want to buy, putting it on gamepass isn't enticing anyone who isn't already there. I could access these games via my VCR Xbox One and I have no interest because I have hundreds of games in the backlog. I suspect the backlog of games, that gamers already own, is why more people aren't signing up for gamepass, it's just another way to add to the backlog.