Sometimes we do this dance within a division in the same sport. Dodgers/Giants/Padres.
Do you feel the same way about NFL football?
There's your first mistake right there; baseball is about misery and failure and drinking until you're numb to the world because your favorite pitcher is going to miss the next year and a half due to Tommy John Surgery and your favorite hitter only fucks up 65-70% of the time.
Would love for a % of this money be put in a fund to encourage kids to pick up the sport. Put in parks, offer more and full scholarships, subsidize fees for little league etc etc.
Financially the sport is thriving but there is so much room for improvement.
Pretty much, although the Cheerleaders are kinda nice. The only sports even I will watch is the FIFA world cup and that's because not watching it would result in a lynch mob chasing you down the street and trying to hang you for treason.
Well I guess I missed the hole point of MLB, then :-D.
Giants/Dodgers fans would never root for the other team for "the glory" of the NL West or the NL.
Giants/Dodgers fans would never root for the other team for "the glory" of the NL West or the NL.
Would love for a % of this money be put in a fund to encourage kids to pick up the sport. Put in parks, offer more and full scholarships, subsidize fees for little league etc etc.
Financially the sport is thriving but there is so much room for improvement.
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Would love for a % of this money be put in a fund to encourage kids to pick up the sport. Put in parks, offer more and full scholarships, subsidize fees for little league etc etc.
Financially the sport is thriving but there is so much room for improvement.
I love baseball, but the sport needs to court younger fans fierce. The fanbase is rapidly aging.
MLB is not out of the woods yet.
Even though, I still think the sport can be profitable business, does it want to be a relevant one in the coming generations as well.
I love baseball, but the sport needs to court younger fans fierce. The fanbase is rapidly aging.
MLB is not out of the woods yet.
Even though, I still think the sport can be profitable business, does it want to be a relevant one in the coming generations as well.
NBA def gonna take the title away.NBA teams have also increased value and I think better targets younger fans. Clippers sold for $2 billion and Forbes values the average NBA team around $1.1 billion. The fight for America's no.2 sport will be interesting.
Thats how I feel. A Padres fan root for the Dodgers? Wat?
Color me surprised. Baseball has done nothing to improve the game and bring fans in, so I'm not sure where the interest is coming from. As boring as always, baseball, the national snore.
I'm also pretty sure the Aussies like baseball too.
Still can't hit the cutoff man
I found baseball catching on in Australia to be the most surprising.
Europe even has a national team (and took a game from Japan this month, though a Japan team fielding a sub-standard lineup)
All the money should be going to A-Rod.Now if only the Yankees can use that money to keep bums like Texiera at home.
Now if only the Yankees can use that money to keep bums like Texiera at home.
So glad my small market Cardinals get competitive balance draft picks to make up for their disadvantageous position in the baseball world.
Love them small market Cardinals!
NBA def gonna take the title away.
Only two more seasons brah.Now if only the Yankees can use that money to keep bums like Texiera at home.
I found baseball catching on in Australia to be the most surprising.
Europe even has a national team (and took a game from Japan this month, though a Japan team fielding a sub-standard lineup)
Europe has a national team?
It helps that we are the Best Fans in Baseball.
Baseball's Best Fans retweeted
Casey R. Steele @CaseyRSteele · Oct 16
@mikematheny22 you should fucking retire. Collect Pringles, or suck dick for quarters. No one will care, Thanks for fucking Cardinal nation
Italy used to have a pro league. I assume they still do.Europe has a national team?
Depends, are they playing the Giants an in even year?
A game where the Dodgers are playing against the Giants? Giants I suppose but it would pain me to do it.
This is surprising. I thought baseball was on the decline.
Things chamge/ are changing.MLS will overtake MLB in 25 years. Today is the day NeoGAF has jumped the shark. No one in America gives a fuck about soccer except during World Cup season.
I'm sure all the big people in baseball were pulling for the Netherlands in the WBC finals a few years ago. Europe is really the last place baseball to break wil be playing games in Europe very soon. rumors had it at this year but most likely next year. the WBC is a powerful tool for baseball. continue to grow that baby and get more countries involved.
In TV ratings yes, but MLB makes more money off ticket sales than other leagues.
This is surprising. I thought baseball was on the decline.
Post Mitchell Report recovery complete.
The curve for change in franchise value for the Nationals since they arrived in DC has to look insane.
National TV ratings at that. At the local level, they're more than fine...otherwise you wouldn't be seeing all these ridiculous TV contracts being signed.
And to think there were people who thought it wouldn't work. Lol.
Nats could be in the top five by the end of the decade.
but but but but baseball is dying.