forgive my ignorance, as i've been pretty apathetic at best regarding political history. but before gst, how did the government pay for shit like health care and infrastructure and the like?
Well, I wasn't actually basing that, you know, fact. But he hosts our (pathetic) rip off of that show, E Talk Daily, and he plays the role of Ryan Seacrest on Canadian I'd say that he's pond scum.
forgive my ignorance, as i've been pretty apathetic at best regarding political history. but before gst, how did the government pay for shit like health care and infrastructure and the like?
There was an 18% tax on manufactured goods before the GST. It was pretty much invisible. The PC party eliminated that, replaced it with the GST, and shoved it into everyone's face, thus guaranteeing that everyone will hate Mulroney until the end of time.