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Fortnite has quietly removed police cars

Bullet Club

Fortnite has quietly removed police cars

Source confirms deliberate change following murder of George Floyd.

Last week, Fortnite fans noticed police cars could no longer be found on the game's map.

The change, reported on at the time by Kotaku, appeared to have been made at the same time as Fortnite's new season.

Fans on reddit noticed police cars dotted around the Battle Royale map were now civilian vehicles. Police cars in the game's Creative Mode were gone. Junk Rifts, an item which could spawn a police car, now spawned regular cars instead.

At the time, Epic Games declined to comment on their apparent removal.

Now, however, a development source has confirmed to Wall St Journal that the change was a deliberate response in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, and the subsequent widespread global demonstrations against police brutality.

Cars cannot be driven within Fortnite (yet), though the ability to do so will arrive later this season as the game's waterlogged map slowly dries out.

It's easy to imagine why Epic Games would not want players using police cars to harm others, or put together clips showing this.

Floyd's death and the video of a police officer kneeling on his neck for nearly nine minutes sparked weeks of protests across America and the world as part of the Black Lives Matter movement, which aims to highlight problems with police brutality and systemic racism. The officer seen kneeling over Floyd has been charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, while the remaining three officers have been charged with aiding and abetting the killing.

Source: Eurogamer


I don't even like Forknife but

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"Fortnite let's you drive police cars and shoot people. Players role playing george Floyd death, etc. boycott Fortnite "


I think this hypersensibility that’s happening in the last couple of years will bring a lot of harm to society as a whole.

It’s like a delusion, a comedy in real life, it makes no sense to be natural and it’s obviously a manipulation by someone.

Too bad, because most of the people that are buying into this discourse will suffer a lot in the future.


Are people honestly so delusional as to think that defunding/ removing law enforcement will lead to a utopian society wherein conflict is resolved through social work, kumbayas, and support circles? Just look at any, any communist rule in the history of mankind and you’ll see how that turns out—and also how militant and corrupt they these regimes become. None of this makes sense; most of these ideas are in direct conflict with each other.

Another five years in the big city and we’re selling our house, cashing in our assets and moving to a rural area. Crazies can do what they want to society at that point, and suffer the consequences of their choices.
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While it will seem soft to all you manly men on here it seems to be a smart move to avoid unnecessary conflict. It keeps the politics out of your game... something some people here always claim they want.

It should be no conflict. It's a fuckin' video game. And if you can't tell the difference virtual reality and reality, there are bigger issues at play. But I keep forgetting that common sense isn't common. Especially in today's world. The identifying toasters at it again.


While it will seem soft to all you manly men on here it seems to be a smart move to avoid unnecessary conflict. It keeps the politics out of your game... something some people here always claim they want.
Aside from recent events there's nothing inherently "political" about a fucking police car lol. Only if you see the police as big baddies and the cause of all your suffering then yeah... I can see why that as a symbol might irk you the wrong way. But then my advice would be to steer clear of something like Fortnite where they feature police vehicles. Playing Fortnite is not a mandatory activity, is it.

Since Jesus' days police cars were used to play cops and robbers. Children enact this in a playful manner and it's obviously something that made its way to gaming as well. However this concept is probably something foreign to this generation as "robbers/looters = good, police = bad".
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While it will seem soft to all you manly men on here it seems to be a smart move to avoid unnecessary conflict. It keeps the politics out of your game... something some people here always claim they want.

This is a somewhat reasonable stance. Conversely, the attention they’re drawing to the issue by making this change is creating a Streisand effect: continuing and inflaming discussions and feelings of racial adversity.


The non-interactive asset that represents generations of abuse and violence against people not in power has been removed from a video game?




Sure are a lot of people reacting super negatively to this news. Sort of reminds me of ... what's the word for crystalized water falling gently from the sky? That. Reminds me exactly of that.


I love how the one person defending it is talking about “manly men” lol

what you couldn’t work a “incel” in there?

How about “if you aren’t happy with this you are a basement dwelling virgin” do I win the Era bingo?

Christ this culture is pathetic
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Good it’s about time a major corporation steps up and supports the anti corporation anti rich leftest causes that will once again make America a wonderful place. The police cars are racist homophobic Islamophobic transphobic phobophobes. ALL POLICE REPRESENTATION IN ANY GAMES SHOULD BE REMOVED!
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It’s funny the cop cars were only there for you to destroy and create new things with. Can’t do that anymore! Ironic isn’t it.

Sadly every 10 year old who plays Fortnite is already aware of the existence of police so...


A game that celebrates the use of guns, killing people to the last man standing is acceptable but cop cars are offensive.

What's next,Counter Strike going to replace all the counter terrorist skins with something SJW friendly?
I mean they're already sort of doing that with the new agent skins (which I'm totally fine with btw).

If anything I feel like CS:GO would benefit from the removal of "terrorists" and it's something I feel like they should've done a long time ago. But that's a discussion of its own anyway.


What's next,Counter Strike going to replace all the counter terrorist skins with something SJW friendly?
Obviously we first need to address the fact that Elite Crew and Guerrilla Warfare are Middle Eastern factions and that paints an unfair image towards those types of people. Arctic Avengers and Pheonix are fine though cause they're white and we all know they do all the mass murders.
Next we'll remove all CT factions and replace them with Social Workers.


I don’t even want to imagine the world thirty years from now. Everyone’s going to be walking around in bubbles with whistles around their necks.
It might sound extreme but i honestly think this could happen. If something isnt done about all this SJW shite, 30 years from now i could honestly see a world like that Cristain Bale movie Equlibrium, where the whole world is grey, everyoen wears grey or black, walking around with no emotion, looking down as not to catch eye contact with people. Art, films, cartoons, music, all banned except the sanctioned 'safe' stuff.
People always say its overracting when you are againt SJW agenda, but its not what happening now, its what it will lead to decades rom now.


Can’t Git Gud
lol wtf is even going on.
Do these idiot people really believe in a world without police? Crime season open boys. Let's go rape and steal since there is nobody to keep order.
This is one of main pillars of society. We have rules and police is there to enforce them. Generalization that all policemen are murderers because they killed one criminal on meth... christ.
Police is not there to serve people. It's there to enforce law on people no matter if they want it or not
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Gold Member
These people are batshit insane lol. So now we remove police from gta and watchdogs, guards from skyrim etc


This is really weird. I suppose that at this point they will not sell skins that are similar to cops or Swat.


Unconfirmed Member
Why though? Isn't there a bigger appeal to destroy cop cars now? Or would this count as a distraction in game since kids would just be inclined to shoot at the cop cars rather than (you)?


It should be no conflict. It's a fuckin' video game. And if you can't tell the difference virtual reality and reality, there are bigger issues at play. But I keep forgetting that common sense isn't common. Especially in today's world. The identifying toasters at it again.

it's a fuckin video game.....except when Battlefield V has female characters, then all of a sudden it's "not realistic."
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