WHAT?! Says 72.99 for me in Canada for standard not 65$.
I see $72.99 as well. Is that the price with Tax included?
WHAT?! Says 72.99 for me in Canada for standard not 65$.
You are the living embodiment of the Goldilocks Effect.
I see 84.99$ with a strikethrough and 74.99$ next to it instead. Logged in on my Canadian account.
Demo hast online Freeroam! Best demo ever, confirmed.
Wtf mine says 79.99$ for that link, in Ontario Canada
I see $72.99 as well. Is that the price with Tax included?
Impressions please thanks
The day one edition is available in the UK from GAME, that's what I've ordered, not sure about the deluxe version.
Guys seriously.... Demo impressions!
Feels kinda slow.
The download, that is. 44% now...
Guys seriously.... Demo impressions!
Guys seriously.... Demo impressions!
Everything you and me ever wanted from the game. And that is just watching someone playing the Demo. It's Horizon 1 x pure madness if you want to.
edit: Hopefully, the remote downloading works. *crosses fingers*
Seems most places have the Day One. Simplygames have it for £40 so I might go with that if I really enjoy the demo.
Is it allright to buy on the HK store with international credit card or this is not allowed?
Does the XBOX one have a way of enabling me to trigger the download remotely so it's ready when I get home?
4 year old son couldn't get Netflix going this morning downstairs, rolled over to phone, started Netflix, then started downloading FH2 demo, back to sleep...SmartGlass is radDownloading through smart glass will never stop being cool. Blows my little mind.
Does the XBOX one have a way of enabling me to trigger the download remotely so it's ready when I get home?
Free roaming for the entire map ??? Surely not, right ?
I used SmartGLASS at work to download it. So cool.
First impression: the anti aliasing is MUCH improved over Forza 5.
Free roaming for the entire map ??? Surely not, right ?