Why can't I find the demo? I'm dying over here.
If that's the only criticism you have...
Forza 5 was a perfectly good game. It got drowned in the microtransaction controversy, but that has all been dealt with and isn't an issue anymore.
But yea, I fully expect Forza Motorsport 6 to be absolutely amazing.
I don't think it was moving on the hood via the hood cam. I didn't notice water streams on the windshield but I did see water drops forming and getting wiped off via the cockpitDoes the rain move on windshield and hood while driving during the rain?
After the horribly disappointing Forza 5, I am excited for this probably moreso than any game this year. I hope it works out for Turn 10 and gamers.
Have you tried searching for it on Bing?
Evo X as a starter car
My baby, i'll drive at home trying to not go through a field
God dammit!!! Thanks for that, to keep my £39 amazon or go digital..prob worth it at this price, well done MS.Must have changed the price then, it's £44.99 on the UK marketplace for me right now.
Loading times have always been long in every Forza game. 'General feel of the game' is about as vague a comment as I could imagine. I dunno. It lacked some content because of being a launch game and everything being rebuilt for next-gen, but that wasn't a 'harsh lesson', that was just the reality of the situation. Wasn't anything they messed up or anything. :/I played the free demo and was really turned off with how menus worked, loading times, and just the general feel of the game. This is coming from someone who owns every Forza game released. Forza 5 wasn't bad, but compared to what other racing games offer these days it felt sparse.
I can't make gifs but here's some of my gameplay from "Xbox record that"!
Lmao.Before reading demo impressions:
I'm happy with my pre-ordered white Xbox one and can wait till the end of October to play this
After reading a few impressions:
Okay maybe I should just get a black Xbox One next week in time for the game release instead
After reading all the impressions here so far:
Fuuuuuck I want to go out and get an Xbox One right now just to play this demo
Racing in the rain...
This is ridiculous... best graphics ever seen on a racing game.
How much is the Deluxe Edition at the USA store?
The Bowler is just nuts. What a beast.
Dumb question: Is there any way to restart the demo and select a different starter car?
I'm sure it's been asked but this thread is huge. Multiplayer in the demo?
Racing in the rain...
This is ridiculous... best graphics ever seen on a racing game.
Wow they've really upped the quality of the recording on the console!
Good times.
Nice to see driving at a slower pace instead of all the super cars flying around.
Sweet, merciful yes.