uhmmm... reality called... said somehing about turn10 being consistently one of the highest tier developers across the boards for more than a full console generation...
their games on 360 have always hit the full resolution and full framerate potential of the machine, a technical marvel and a trend that they continue on the xbone.
leaving technical things on the side, they also managed to create what all of us thought that is simply impossible 8-10 years ago: make a game that is so good that rivals/equals/bests what is/was the undisputed king of all racing games.
and the above while tuning their production output levels in a two year dev cycle, and even as we see since forza4, they can still do it on a single year dev cycle (f4/h1/f5/h2), and even failed console launches dont seem to be able to harm their mojo.
t10 should be paid some more respect, especially from guys that hit on forza while celebrate forza derivatives and by-products. guys what are you even talking about?