Deathloop isn't a new game it's just new to Xbox the rest of them are still question marks if they release on time or not. The fact that you are asking what the issue is when we are almost 2 years into a new console generation and they have only launched two new AAA games on their console (one is still incomplete) seems a bit odd.
Sounds like console war nonsense to me. Nobody outside of console war echo chambers views things like that. A claim was made about Xbox first party studios or first party games. The claim is flat wrong. It doesn't matter if Deathloop is releasing for the very first time ever. It's absolutely still a new game, literally one year old in fact. It's absolutely new to Xbox platforms, it comes directly from an Xbox first party studio, and there are many on the Xbox platform who have never played it before.
So regardless of some bizarre purity test you may want to impose, Deathloop's value as a game from an xbox first party studio, or as a first party game period, hasn't suddenly disappeared simply because it was already released 1 year ago on PlayStation 5 and PC. I actually find it odd, strange even, how the game could still hold so much value to countless Playstation 5 owners who were downright happy to see it being added to the PS Plus catalog after already being available on the console for an entire year, but somehow Deathloop's first arrival to Xbox consoles being accompanied by its immediate and permanent availability in Game Pass has no value to Xbox owners? How exactly does such a thing even work?
Were we to follow such insane logic, there would be even less reason to be excited about something like The Last of Us Part 1 or the Demon Souls Remake at launch, which are both by their very nature much older games than Deathloop is. But I'm not making that stupid argument with any kind seriousness because I still understand and respect their value. I've already played Persona 5 before, yet I'm still crazy excited about that game coming to Xbox, and plan to play it again, but this time from Xbox. If people can be excited about and look forward to those, surely Xbox gamers can be excited and look forward to a far newer like Deathloop also. A game that happens to be by the same studio that's making Redfall. It's a different team, but the Deathloop team is now full hands on deck assisting the Prey team on Redfall. So the interest in Deathloop, what it does, and how it does it, is of enormous interest to people who want a taste of what to expect with Redfall. Deathloop represents a first shot at ideas that are taken even further in Redfall. Not entirely identical, but there is clear symmetry there.
So let's cut out the, "it doesn't count because it was already on Playstation 5" nonsense.
Since Series X launch, first party projects that have released on Xbox are Gears Tactics (forgot this, did you?), Psychonauts 2, Flight Simulator (What's the excuse for this? It doesn't count either?), Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5. And if we want to get real cute about it, we can even include Skyrim Anniversary also, am I right? But let's not. Let's leave that out. That leaves already 5 games before Deathloop that are Xbox first party. Yes, not all are from internal studios, but not a single one didn't have internal Xbox development resources support, not even Flight Sim or Gears Tactics.
And I'm sorry, I'm not playing the AAA, not AAA game with you either because Psychonauts 2 is easily one of the best new games released this whole generation. It not having the AAA identifier doesn't change what an incredible game experience it is, which is why it won so many GOTY awards.
And then there's grounded from Obsidian, the true official release, the one with the story explaining it all. I've intentionally avoided this game since launch specifically to play it when the story and everything was ready. Matt Booty confirmed that this game grew to AAA resources with hundreds of developers similar to a Forza or Halo game working on it. So it's a project that's definitely more than meets the eye, and one I'm excited for. I'm similarly not writing off Pentiment from Obsidian either. We know big guns like Redfall and Starfield were delayed this year. That's something I understand and can freely acknowledge, but it shouldn't be confused to mean Xbox has nothing worthy playing from a first party standpoint for the rest of the year. Not the case at all.
I also will ignore the silly comment about one of the supposed AAA games being incomplete. No the hell it wasn't, not to me it wasn't. I wanted the campaign more than anything, and I got exactly that and it was amazing. Network co-op or split-screen were not things central to my experience. Never been much of a Halo MP player, but I've played that and that's clearly amazing also. Halo Infinite was easily my 2021 GOTY, as it was for others. So calling it incomplete despite how well received it was only makes the game look more impressive in retrospect.
And you'll notice I didn't even engage on the fake concern over the ability of the other first party games to release next year. They wouldn't be the first games that were delayed because they needed more time this gen, and last I checked a lot of the games that have been delayed aren't part of Xbox first party studios, so that doesn't exactly fit the agenda that there's some big crisis with Microsoft's first party. So many games were delayed. Hogwarts Legacy, Suicide Squad got delayed. God of War: Ragnarok's first teaser trailer literally listed 2021, and it's about to release now finally. And so many other delays
There is no Xbox first party issue. It's all game development.