I know for some superhuman gamers out there this thread is unapplicable. They don't buy new games until they've beat the one's they're already on, or else they don't buy games unless they're sure they'll be good enough for completion...
But I'm not one of them, I am one of those people who simply habitually snaps up any and every highly rated/nostalgic title I find on steam, gog, ps store, whatever. As such it would probably be THERAPUTIC for me to list all the fucking titles I've blown money on without completing to date.
You too, perhaps?
Let's make it interesting, give some notional ranking of importance and pressure to complete.
But I'm not one of them, I am one of those people who simply habitually snaps up any and every highly rated/nostalgic title I find on steam, gog, ps store, whatever. As such it would probably be THERAPUTIC for me to list all the fucking titles I've blown money on without completing to date.
You too, perhaps?
Let's make it interesting, give some notional ranking of importance and pressure to complete.
I've played all of these a bit but have never buckled down to complete them to date.
* = rated as very important to complete
>inhales deeply<
Assassins' Creed Black Flag
Assassins' Creed Origins*
Assassins' Creed Odyssey*
DOOM 2016
Hitman 2
Red Dead Redemption 2*
Jedi Fallen Order*
Borderlands 2
Bioshock Infinite (why is that elevator so much harder than everything before it?)*
Crysis 3
Dishonored 2*
Divinity OS
Divinity OS 2*
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age: Inquisiton
Dungeon Siege (I've been stuck at a point where my characters just become too underpowered to progress quicly for almost 20 years)
GTA San Andreas (closest I ever got, something bugged out around the time of the third city and I just couldn't go on)
Kingdoms of Amlaur: Reckoning
Metro 2033 Redux, and sundry
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Nantoka
Sleeping Dogs (true crime spiritual successor? I'm there)
Tales of Symphonia (started it as a teen, loved every second of it, never had the time to finish it)
Thief Deadly Shadows (ran out of time to devote to it when I found WoW and Rome: Total War)
The Witcher 2. It is gorgeous, it is fantastic, it is gigantic, and I've never finished it. Completed Witcher 3 many times over so I'm not sure I can dial back my gameplay expectations.
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Pathfinder Kingmaker
Styx Shards of Darkness
Ground Control 2 (huge acolyte of this series, again it just lost out to WoW in the free time stakes)
SW Battlefront 2
Starcraft 2 Zerg + Protoss campaigns*
PSVita(+PSP, PS1)
Persona 4 golden*
Jet Set Radio
Killzone Mercenary
Uncharted: Golden Abysss
Gravity Rush
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus*
Velocity 2X
Rayman Origins
Muramasa Rebirth
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
God of War Ghost of Sparta
Valkyria Chronicles 2*
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker*
Catlevania: Symphony of the Night
Disney Pixar Toy Story 2
Disney Hercules
* = rated as very important to complete
>inhales deeply<
Assassins' Creed Black Flag
Assassins' Creed Origins*
Assassins' Creed Odyssey*
DOOM 2016
Hitman 2
Red Dead Redemption 2*
Jedi Fallen Order*
Borderlands 2
Bioshock Infinite (why is that elevator so much harder than everything before it?)*
Crysis 3
Dishonored 2*
Divinity OS
Divinity OS 2*
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age: Inquisiton
Dungeon Siege (I've been stuck at a point where my characters just become too underpowered to progress quicly for almost 20 years)
GTA San Andreas (closest I ever got, something bugged out around the time of the third city and I just couldn't go on)
Kingdoms of Amlaur: Reckoning
Metro 2033 Redux, and sundry
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Nantoka
Sleeping Dogs (true crime spiritual successor? I'm there)
Tales of Symphonia (started it as a teen, loved every second of it, never had the time to finish it)
Thief Deadly Shadows (ran out of time to devote to it when I found WoW and Rome: Total War)
The Witcher 2. It is gorgeous, it is fantastic, it is gigantic, and I've never finished it. Completed Witcher 3 many times over so I'm not sure I can dial back my gameplay expectations.
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Pathfinder Kingmaker
Styx Shards of Darkness
Ground Control 2 (huge acolyte of this series, again it just lost out to WoW in the free time stakes)
SW Battlefront 2
Starcraft 2 Zerg + Protoss campaigns*
PSVita(+PSP, PS1)
Persona 4 golden*
Jet Set Radio
Killzone Mercenary
Uncharted: Golden Abysss
Gravity Rush
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus*
Velocity 2X
Rayman Origins
Muramasa Rebirth
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
God of War Ghost of Sparta
Valkyria Chronicles 2*
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker*
Catlevania: Symphony of the Night
Disney Pixar Toy Story 2
Disney Hercules
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