Uno Ill Nino
I was at my mall today and I walked by a booth in the middle of the hall that had a display called "Fungames". It was a package that had 100 classic games all in one for $44.99. It also came with a lightgun, a controller that ripped off the N64 design, and another controller that mimicked the later sega genesis model controllers. Like I said, there were 100 games listed and some of them included: Contra, Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt, Hogans Alley, and Galaga. There were also some misleading games in there. One called "Tekken KS" or something like that. It was pretty far from Tekken. It was more like the original Kung Fu, only much worse. There was a "Pac Man" listed too, but it was nothing like Pac Man at all. And when I played Contra, the first stage was actually the 2nd stage in the original game. I played Mario and Super Mario and those seemed right on, but the Contra thing and the misleading names for the others kinda set off some red flags. Has anyone else seen this and what did you think of it? Opinions? Me buy? No? Yes? DISCUSS!!!!