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G4 is back


Its even worse. The Mods for the subreddit, discord, and youtube/twitch went on a massive banning spree. Anyone who said anything remotely negative or against their agenda were permanently removed. Numerous folks who straight up stated that they were women in the industry and they don't see this perceived slight, or called her out on the bullshit were removed. Some were even banned for daring to say something as "awful" as suggesting people should focus less on immutable characteristics as a selling point and instead the content of people's characters.

Its a fucking shit show. Its like every moderator is from ResetEra or holdouts from EasyAllies.

I wonder where they found those mods?
I used to like Sessler, but he has gone so far off the SJW/woke/CRT/wtf deep end that even his reviews are mostly him complaining about diversity and inclusion or saying that people can go to hell because they don't like a game that has done its diversity and inclusion work.

The blonde lady is just insane, I don't even get why she is on a gaming show.
Next he'll wear this shirt like other antifa. :messenger_winking_tongue:
The betas are winning, so stop complaining.


Gold Member
Well that didn't last long, seems a lot of these presenters are stuck in the Twitter echo chamber, to the point they didn't want any Republicans watching their shows. You have to wonder how they got these spots in the first place?

What's with young people and questionable tattoos? She went full Cody Rhodes with that one.


Its even worse. The Mods for the subreddit, discord, and youtube/twitch went on a massive banning spree. Anyone who said anything remotely negative or against their agenda were permanently removed. Numerous folks who straight up stated that they were women in the industry and they don't see this perceived slight, or called her out on the bullshit were removed. Some were even banned for daring to say something as "awful" as suggesting people should focus less on immutable characteristics as a selling point and instead the content of people's characters.

Its a fucking shit show. Its like every moderator is from ResetEra or holdouts from EasyAllies.
I looked at the comments on their recent videos and it's full of generic, "I love the new video format. X person is great! Keep up the good work!" I'm guessing this is in response to the criticism they've been receiving. People are so unbelievably fake on the internet sometimes. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Each video only has ~20-40k views too. No one is watching this shit.


My god that t-shirt is so hilariously ridiculous.

Is he going around to retirement homes in Europe trying to find the last living Nazis who are probably already with one foot in the grave or what lol.

The picture on his shirt is taken from a famous video from 2017 where a member of some US right wing group called Richard Spencer was assaulted unprovoked by a random lefty hothead. It wasn't even during a demonstration or stuff like that, Spencer was standing at a street corner talking to people about I don't know what politics was being debated at that time, and completely unprovoked and out of nowhere the other guy decked him in the face full-force because he didn't like what Spencer was saying.

This sparkled a small "debate" in the SJW environment about whether or not it was morally right to assault somebody from the "nazis" even if they were not engaging in any violence themselves, so basically just for being "the bad guys" according to them.

This picture was Sessler's way of letting everybody know where he stood in that debate.

BTW, Sessler also famously said he is perfectly OK with publicly doxxing and calling out kids for saying mean racist words while playing an online game. Put the two together yourself.


I dunno, man. I know Jirard. Dude knows games. I can't say the same for the others as I don't know them.

He was referring to people like Olivia Munn. I saw her doing a setup for G4 at E3 one year, she looked like a deer in headlights and her producer had to keep telling her to "pretend like you're in your element!"

There are absolutely people in the new crew who know what they're talking about and really do play games on Twitch and other platforms.
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Dr. Claus

Knew I recognized him from somewhere, he's the completionist.

Anyone who can 100% a dynasty clone knows a thing or 2 about games.

Yep. Dude is a legit great guy and it is clear in the video he does *not* want to be in that room at that time. I have known the guy for a few years now and he is very much not a slacktivist. He just wants to chat games.


Gold Member
The Completionist is an excellent content creator and way too good for the G4 revival dumpster fire. I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time but I'm sure he's having second thoughts. He looked genuinely confused when that woman went on her sexist rant. That crap turns what's supposed to be a fun show into a nightmare.
Going on an angry screed against your own audience while waiving any personal agency by claiming to read from a teleprompter is the dumbest thing I've heard all week.

Talking heads rattling off text that's been written by random employees and contract workers at the back office is exactly the fake corporate bullcrap that people don't want anymore. It's the reason why G4 went down before, and it's the reason why they will go down again when there are hundreds of more authentic youtubers and streamers out there reporting on games.


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Dr. Claus


Yea, mods are having a heyday banning/removing anything that isn't agreeing with them. I really wanted this to work. I wanted a classical G4 back and, honestly? Many of hte folks they hired could have made that work. But sadly it seems anything that comes from California these days is just going to be overtly political, needlessly aggressive, and horribly tribalistic trash.

Critical thought, research - these are things that are not allowed in Cali apparently.
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Yea, mods are having a heyday banning/removing anything that isn't agreeing with them. I really wanted this to work. I wanted a classical G4 back and, honestly? Many of hte folks they hired could have made that work. But sadly it seems anything that comes from California these days is just going to be overtly political, needlessly aggressive, and horribly tribalistic trash.

Critical thought, research - these are things that are not allowed in Cali apparently.

I got excited that sessler was doing a bunch of backlog reviews recently on the channel. He gets to the god of war review and halfway trough he makes it clear on political stances, and I'm like dude its a video game about gods? Your going to complain about female representation that was designed around a game by a guy who swore more than I have ever sworn in my life?

I mean have you looked at the oldschool movies Like old greek films that have nudity like Gladiator, sword and sorcerer? Thats the shit the original creators pulled from. It's just a product of its time, while God of war 2018 is more modern in its references and story telling and is why its also so good.
Seriously G4 like any other company doesn't want to own up that the misogynist BS they are trying to" shine a light on that plagues the so called gaming sphere, they themselves cultivated with Attack of the show. And honestly is it hard to filter the chat, and questions? If you didn't go political you would be able to focus on games and game talk and no one would give a fuck who was on the panel.

I know she has a history with the whole LOL scene, but the viewers that have shitty things to say, ignore them or have them filtered? The interenet is not something you patrol nor is it your job too. The internet is a tool meant to be used properly.
Social media is not using the internet properly, talking on twitter is not the same as interacting with someone.

Why is it so hard to just lay these things out on your first show, that we are here for our love of video games. DONE. Not here to try and change representation of women in games, or talk about political BS. Talking about games, the people who created them, how they made us feel. If you stay on course the people who watch you show will too.
Your always going to have trolls, and people who are assholes follow you. Well thats what having a good media manager and team is for. Yelling because you feel like your the Victim is a cop out. You chose to be a pro-player, which puts spotlight on you and makes you a tv visible person. Actors seem to be able to deal with this? They just ignore it, and dont interreact?

Just do the show, interact with people asking questions about the said content of said show? Is it that fucking hard?
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Gold Member
Oh boy, seems to be off to a good start :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Gee, I really wonder what could go wrong with that show :pie_thinking:

Too bad they are dragging The Completionist and his marvelous beard into this. Dude should have stayed far away from these insufferable militant pricks.

How long has Sessler been rocking "Once Was Cool" in his Twitter handle? He must be getting crushed by people on Reddit and Twitter.


California these days is just going to be overtly political, needlessly aggressive, and horribly tribalistic trash.
It doesn't help that Silicon Valley is some kind of cultish "Revenge of the Vengeful Nerds" culture, who think they need to police other people's behaviors because they're still so self-hating and vindictive about being bullied in school for being smart, different, or anti-social that they now use their monopoly of information and tech services to socially engineer behavior.

Dr. Claus

It doesn't help that Silicon Valley is some kind of cultish "Revenge of the Vengeful Nerds" culture, who think they need to police other people's behaviors because they're still so self-hating and vindictive about being bullied in school for being smart, different, or anti-social that they now use their monopoly of information and tech services to socially engineer behavior.

The thing is, most of them AREN'T intelligent. They aren't sociable, they are just loud, stupid cunts.

Dr. Claus


Just as a reminder, if you dare disagree with Frosk's "lived experiences", even if you are a trans woman who worked in the industry (as one notable user was yesterday before they were banned and had their posts deleted), you will be removed and referred to as a man.

Got to love these "allies" who will openly be transphobic, bigotted cunts to anyone who doesn't "tow the line".

Oh and found this one: https://www.reveddit.com/v/g4tv/comments/rzwjck/are_there_any_queer_hosts_on_g4/
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The thing is, most of them AREN'T intelligent.
I could go even deeper into what "smart" means to these people, but much of it consists of blindly following "experts", "verified" sources, staticians, and people who opine and wax poetic about politics and yet have excellent credentials in other fields, eg. Chomsky.
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Yes the lady gets hate for her looks and not for the dumbass comments that come out of her mouth like "Has Xbox bought Bioware yet?" "PlayStation has no games in 2022 to compete" "Game Pass is going to give me great games like Hogwarts Legacy" yeah for sure. Maybe she and her co-workers should realize that her lack of gaming knowledge is why people don't like her. Has nothing to do with your looks girl.


Yes the lady gets hate for her looks and not for the dumbass comments that come out of her mouth like "Has Xbox bought Bioware yet?" "PlayStation has no games in 2022 to compete" "Game Pass is going to give me great games like Hogwarts Legacy" yeah for sure. Maybe she and her co-workers should realize that her lack of gaming knowledge is why people don't like her. Has nothing to do with your looks girl.
If you care about making a gaming show, you hire people who know their shit about gaming.

If you care about creating a political platform, and games are only there as a neon sign to make more people click on the video before you start talking about the stuff you actually want to talk about, you hire rabid political zealots.

She is not a bug, she is a feature.


I'm not going to outright throw away everything she said because she herself feels aggrieved and slighted by the comments. I understand that and she may be a sensitive soul BUT, she needs to understand 2 things- firstly, she isn't the first (and only) and she most certainly wont be the last to cop ANY criticism off trolls on the internet. If she doesn't like it then don't read it.
And the second thing is, if it's ok to sling mud at others (I see in the video the tweets showed her just outright denouncing people cause they supported Trump without actually knowing them) then I see no issues people expressing their rights to voice their pathetic opinions as well.

At the end of the day, I was taught at a very young age that sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Since when have we abandoned that simple saying? They are words, people! They really can't harm you unless you allow them to!


Oh hey, look.

It's the toxic caster from League of Legends who was SO WRONG so often that she got shit for it all over social media and when she tried to turn it into "it's because I'm a woman" she got ran out of the casting.

Wait seriously? How do these woke, disgusting human beings that are absolutely shit at their jobs keep getting better gigs?

Everything about the woke world I can easily ignore but this failing upwards thing really gets to me.


Neighbours from Hell
I don't get these weird little campaigns that seem to happen in the gaming industry at least once a year. The gaming industry is no more toxic than any other industry. Those who think it is, haven't been out in the real world. There's toxicity everywhere. And most people have kind of acknowledged that mean and hateful people suck and they inevitably exist, and there's no cure for it.

But I think referencing "chats" and stuff like that. Do they grasp that for all you know these could be little kids or troll accounts from foreign troll farms?

At some point people have got to get to a point where you don't let nasty comments bother you. You can't control meanness, but you can control your response to it. And if you can't do that and are too sensitive, then stop reading comments. Stay off comment sections on social media, forums, and Youtube. It's really that simple.

Not really sure what this rant does exactly. Do people think this is going to cure trolling? Trolling is the flu. It's out there, will always be, and people learn to deal with it.


i Truly believe he has no interest in games, but this is his only revenue for easy money since it’s what he’s known for. This is a perfect example of watch people die inside happening in real time. He meant to wave goodbye but his brain was blown by the level of dumb happening on his show.
Yep. Dude is a legit great guy and it is clear in the video he does *not* want to be in that room at that time. I have known the guy for a few years now and he is very much not a slacktivist. He just wants to chat games.
I’m glad somebody else noticed that. The first thing I thought I noticed was once she started ranting you can just see him dying inside for being a part of this shit. Maybe this kills them and we get back to the completionist again
Her pointless rant was bad enough the part where she pretty much admits they just read scrips and dont even play the games is just as bad. Yea lets watch a gaming show where the main people there dont even play the game forgot finishing it "Cough Cough Ign" na we dont even play it. The fact that these "shows" have people that go on long tangents about stuff no one cares about and thinks that's what people watch them for is beyond sad these shows are pretty much the oscars awards and grammies rolled into one.
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