Parody of actual AJUMP23
Back to the future should be there too.Great post. If this were made into a list, I would place the Rush Hour trilogy in the top 10.
Back to the future should be there too.Great post. If this were made into a list, I would place the Rush Hour trilogy in the top 10.
God I hope so, particularly with Dune. I hope he does Messiah as well. Shouldn't we be due for a Dune 2 trailer sometime soon?Hope Dune and Avatar stick their respective landings.
Telling a complete story in which all plot developments are dictated from the internal logic of the plot.recommend a better metric
Telling a complete story in which all plot developments are dictated from the internal logic of the plot.
Characters should move the plot, not…..the plot moving the plot.
The system. Man the system.Why was Joker the villain in the second, why Bane in the third? This is impossible to answer from within the frame of the plot, or of the characters. They are the villains just because. And that is why the coherence of the trilogy is largely superficial.
Why was Joker the villain in the second, why Bane in the third? This is impossible to answer from within the frame of the plot, or of the characters. They are the villains just because. And that is why the coherence of the trilogy is largely superficial.
You are totally missing the point.Joker was set up at the end of Begins. Bane and Talia are connected to the League of Shadows who were the villains in Begins. And if you can’t understand the villain’s motivations in these films and think it was “just because”, then you must have actually been asleep during half of them, because they were explained quite thoroughly. The only thing superficial here is your attempt at “analysis” of these films.
I honestly don’t see what everyone else sees in BTTF 3, but if that would be the trade off for adding Rush Hour then so be it.Back to the future should be there too.
I feel like Dark Knight Rises disproves your assertion, because that movie is just...flawed. I always felt like there is a story that's completely missing between Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises.
I think part of the issue here lies with Gotham itself. For the first time ever, the city itself had no distinct identity when it always did in the past. Nolan’s Gotham is just modern day New York and Chicago mashed together. Because of that, the villains feel like they appear from nothing, rather than feeling like actual inhabitants of Gotham.You are totally missing the point.
I am not saying that each individual film doesn’t have any coherence. Of course they do, they wouldn’t be great films if they didn’t.
And I am not saying the series itself has NO coherence- Bruce Wayne does.
Setting up a villain for a sequel does NOT give coherence, because they could set up ANY villain for a sequel. They could just as easily have made the third film about the Riddler or the Penguin, or introduced Catwoman and Robin in the second film. And why only 3 films?
The reasons for all these decisions lie outside the characters and story, but rather in BUSINESS decisions.
Sorry your toys are not high art.
I meant recommend a better film, as the thread implies, as a metric.Telling a complete story in which all plot developments are dictated from the internal logic of the plot.