Yep, it’s that time again -- official voting for the GAF Games of the Year 2011 starts now!
Last year went really well as a collaboration between me and Cheesemeister, so we’re continuing that again this year. If you want to get to voting, the rules are largely the same as last year, with one minor addition that I think you guys will like a lot. If you want to just get to the voting, you can skip to the sample ballot below or read on for a refresher on the rules.
2011 Voting Rules
LTTP Voting
As indicated above, you may vote for ONE title from 2010 that you wanted to vote for last year but didn’t get a chance to. You must not have voted for this game last year. Important: This game must have appeared on the Nominations List from 2010. Format these picks by using the number “2010.” before your vote. See the sample ballot below for an example.
Sample Ballot
You don’t have to follow this format strictly, but it will make the thread a lot easier and avoid any complications. Thanks!
1. Game A ; Your thoughts on Game A.
2. Game B ; Your thoughts on Game B.
3. Game C ; Your thoughts on Game C.
4. Game D ; Your thoughts on Game D.
5. Game E ; Your thoughts on Game E.
6. Game F ; Your thoughts on Game F.
7. Game G ; Your thoughts on Game G.
8. Game H ; Your thoughts on Game H.
9. Game I ; Your thoughts on Game I.
10. Game J ; Your thoughts on Game J.
x. Game K ; Your thoughts on Honorable Mention Game K.
x. Game L ; Your thoughts on Honorable Mention Game L.
2010. Game M ; Your thoughts on Game M from 2010.
Game Selection
Thanks to the hard work of Cheesemeister, you can list your games pretty freely, as long as you try to avoid confusing abbreviations. If there is an ambiguous title listed, it will not be counted! Use the full name of the game to avoid confusion.
Same as last year.
1. Game A ; 4 points
2. Game B ; 3 points
3. Game C ; 3 points
4. Game D ; 2 points
5. Game E ; 2 points
6. Game F ; 2 points
7. Game G ; 1 point
8. Game H ; 1 point
9. Game I ; 1 point
10. Game J ; 1 point
x. Game K ; 0 points
x. Game L ; 0 points
Honorable mentions will not receive points, but they will be tracked, assuming you list them appropriately.
LTTP votes will be counted separately and will each receive 1 point for the LTTP results.
What Games Count?
That’s it! Happy voting, everyone!
Last year went really well as a collaboration between me and Cheesemeister, so we’re continuing that again this year. If you want to get to voting, the rules are largely the same as last year, with one minor addition that I think you guys will like a lot. If you want to just get to the voting, you can skip to the sample ballot below or read on for a refresher on the rules.
2011 Voting Rules
- List up to 10 games, in order from 1 to 10.
- Follow the format below (you don’t have to be absolutely perfect)
- You can use the nominations list in post #2 to help you remember this year’s games. This list is NOT necessarily comprehensive. Don’t see your favorite game on there? Put it in your list, and we’ll update the games list with your nomination.
- You may list Honorable Mentions if you wish to. These must be indicated by a “x.” in your ballot.
- Add your thoughts! Put a semicolon (
after each game and write what you thought. I’ll be using these in the results page like last year. It also results in a voting thread that is a great read for everyone.
- NEW! You may vote for ONE (1) game from last year as a “LTTP” type of vote. Did you play a game this year that would have been on your ballot last year if you’d played it on time? You can vote for it by using the number “2010.” Check the LTTP voting rules below.
- Non-consecutively numbered entries will not be counted.
- Multiple votes for the same title will disqualify your entire ballot.
- Each user may only vote once, but you may edit your ballot as often as you like until the deadline.
- Want to talk about another poster’s list? Quote it. Any unquoted ballots (those outside a quote block) will overwrite your own previous vote.
- Voting Ends January 21st at 11:59pm, PST
LTTP Voting
As indicated above, you may vote for ONE title from 2010 that you wanted to vote for last year but didn’t get a chance to. You must not have voted for this game last year. Important: This game must have appeared on the Nominations List from 2010. Format these picks by using the number “2010.” before your vote. See the sample ballot below for an example.
Sample Ballot
You don’t have to follow this format strictly, but it will make the thread a lot easier and avoid any complications. Thanks!
1. Game A ; Your thoughts on Game A.
2. Game B ; Your thoughts on Game B.
3. Game C ; Your thoughts on Game C.
4. Game D ; Your thoughts on Game D.
5. Game E ; Your thoughts on Game E.
6. Game F ; Your thoughts on Game F.
7. Game G ; Your thoughts on Game G.
8. Game H ; Your thoughts on Game H.
9. Game I ; Your thoughts on Game I.
10. Game J ; Your thoughts on Game J.
x. Game K ; Your thoughts on Honorable Mention Game K.
x. Game L ; Your thoughts on Honorable Mention Game L.
2010. Game M ; Your thoughts on Game M from 2010.
Game Selection
Thanks to the hard work of Cheesemeister, you can list your games pretty freely, as long as you try to avoid confusing abbreviations. If there is an ambiguous title listed, it will not be counted! Use the full name of the game to avoid confusion.
- Cool: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Skyrim, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Skyward Sword, Uncharted 3, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
- Not Cool: TESV, UC3, Zelda (note that there are multiple Zelda games to vote on)
Same as last year.
1. Game A ; 4 points
2. Game B ; 3 points
3. Game C ; 3 points
4. Game D ; 2 points
5. Game E ; 2 points
6. Game F ; 2 points
7. Game G ; 1 point
8. Game H ; 1 point
9. Game I ; 1 point
10. Game J ; 1 point
x. Game K ; 0 points
x. Game L ; 0 points
Honorable mentions will not receive points, but they will be tracked, assuming you list them appropriately.
LTTP votes will be counted separately and will each receive 1 point for the LTTP results.
What Games Count?
- New games released to your region this year (can be retail only or downloable)
- Voting for imported titles is allowed. If you list an import game, please mention which country you are from. Otherwise I will assume you didn’t read the rules and the vote will not count.
- Remakes and significant upgrades to games count too.
- Revisions released for the first time on a console or handheld this year (must be a retail version and not downloadable)
- Ports that amount to “ROM dumps”, i.e., ports with no additional content or significant changes, are not allowed.
- Ports that are basically “HD ports” of existing games with no changes besides upscaling the game do not count.
- New expansion packs to MMOs and other games count, but not the original game unless it too was released in your region this year.
- If you’re unsure about a game, just ask!
- Asked about games that are allowed: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Limbo PS3, Minecraft, The Stanley Parable, House of the Dead: Overkill Extended Cut
- Asked about games that are not allowed: DOTA 2, Diablo 3 beta, Resident Evil 4 HD, Team ICO HD Collection, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, God of War Origins HD Collection
That’s it! Happy voting, everyone!