Sure that would not be a problem.In the future could you post the deadline for each round in the OP. It would be much easier to find.
I won't be able to play anymore of my matches so I'm unfortunately bowing out.
LiveWire 2 - Trojan 0
LiveWire 2 - Trojan 0
SuperSonic, I accepted your friend request on bnet the other day, but we haven't been online at the same time since then. I'm usually available any time after 9-9:30 pm central time, so just let me know what night is best for you.
Maybe you should talk to him. He said he added you and never got any response from you. Not sure why you wouldn't just PM me when the last round was going on if youg were having trouble getting to him instead of posting about the last round a couple days after the deadline is up.Wait... I added Kaji, he never added me back and we never played and it says he beat me?
Also I see your post from before. Both of my matches I've pm'ed the other person multiple times, took the initiative in adding both of them... idk how I've put no effort in but hey, you're the TO.
Maybe you should talk to him. He said he added you and never got any response from you. Not sure why you wouldn't just PM me when the last round was going on if youg were having trouble getting to him instead of posting about the last round a couple days after the deadline is up.
Also he never beat you, both got DQ'd, but I have to pick someone to advance in order to keep the bracket going.
I beat Birdman 2-0. Don't know how I keep winning with this deck but i'll take it.
Hey everyone. I just realized this was a holiday weekend and with people potentially being away for the weekend or plans getting in the way, I'm extending the deadline till Tuesday May 27th @ 7PM EST. Gives everyone a chance to enjoy the weekend and holiday without worrying about having to make the match.Deadline is up
Yondy and Gabby have both been DQ'd from the tournament. Both put little to no effort to actually get games scheduled in both the first round and lower bracket. This is something I am noting for the next tournament just as an FYI for anyone participating. Chasing down people to play their match is not something I plan on doing often.
Bracket has been updated
Deadline for Round 3 and Lower Bracket Round 2 is Saturday, May 24th @ 1PM EST
Please make sure to post results after the games. Classes are not needed to be posted unless there is an incident where a class was played that should not have been.
GG CosmicZJ. I was sweating that 3rd match =)
Good luck next round.
In hindsight, I should have run the decks in the other order.
Being able to adjust for game 3 is helpful for sure. Gl and maybe I'll run into you later on in the tournie.
Deadline is up
Bracket has been updated
Deadline for Round 4 and Lower Bracket Round 3 is Saturday, May 31st @ 7PM EST
Please make sure to post results after the games. Classes are not needed to be posted unless there is an incident where a class was played that should not have been.
Damn Soka...on a roll!
bunbun777 defeats Supersonic1305 2-0. The first match had me sweating with those secrets it was pretty close. 2nd game he didn't get a very good draw I believe. Good games.
When you wanna do our match? I can get some time tomorrow if that is okay with you. Just lemme know when. The deadline is 7pm est but I am sure he'll let us slide if we're a little later if we let him know ahead.
(posting this here cause PMs being blocked)
i sent you a friend request like a day or two ago. I'm good to play tomorrow, but I am a little busy so lets just try to get it out of the way as early as possible. Not sure why my PM was being blocked. Maybe it's because you forgot the period. My username is "TheOhrenberger."