I wonder what Nasir Jones thinks of GKMC.
He probably doesn't know who Kendrick is.
It might
There are plenty times when someone told me something and maybe at the time we were talking I took the la-la-la it's my music and I like it approach but when I listened again I heard what they were talking about
Didn't always change my opinion but sometimes it did
Some artist speak to your soul and that's cool too
Okay this beat on Ali Bomaye is a problem.
But I'm kinda over the gangster rap. Or am I just assuming?
Its different. Influence is everything when it comes to paintings. Classic pieces of art create styles, are often radical, and usually create a movement spanning decades and more often than not an entire country, akin to creating an entirely new genre in music. They're also akin to creating entire genres in music rather than albums in sub genres because they're also usually not widely accepted at their times. With music I guess people care for quality more than influence, but even still quality is, to me, hardest to quantify in visual art vs. other mediums.good point, and interesting to look at say "classic paintings" vs. "classic hip hop albums" and how we treat them. the mona lisa is a classic painting, that's widely recognized. but i don't really like it. it doesn't appeal to me. i don't want it hanging in my bedroom. does that mean i have bad taste in paintings?
also people throw the word "classic" at hiphop albums pretty often. example: gkmc is a classic, mbdtf is a classic. there's multiple albums per year getting called classics. with the mona lisa, we're at like 300+ years later and it's still considered a classic. in 300 years will anybody give a fuck about gkmc or mbdtf?
Jesus Piece really that nice?
Shiiiiiiiet I'll check it out. Lol.
It's not really gangsta rap. It is religious trap music, a la Meek Mill's Amen, or Dark Fantasy on MBDTF.
no. its a nice 4/5 tops. ali bomaye is a top 10 of the year track tho.
I'm at Pray right now.
Off first impressions, how would you compare it to Documentary?
Mind you I haven't fucked with Game since his debut.
Sure hope this shit knocks as much as Ali Bomaye.
Jesus Piece is good cover album. However, too often does the female/male collaborator disrupt a track's cohesion to the point where the religious/sacrilegious context of the album becomes lost. After hearing Holy Water I was hoping the album would mostly be compromised of dark, atmospheric religiously schizophrenic tracks. Half of the album is really good: Ali Bomaye, I Remember, Church, Jesus Piece, Name Me King, Pray, and Scared Now. See No Evil and Can't Get Right are prime examples of fantastic tracks marred by an overbearing singing hook. The sample in Can't Get Right is strong enough to stand alone. The lows of the album are really kind of cringe-worthy in my eyes. Blood Diamonds, All That Lady, and Celebration all try too hard to build upon the framework of previously successful songs and thus end up highlighting Game's biggest shortcomings in terms of his dependence on other performers and his lack of creative vision. A few snips and cuts and I think Game is left with a great album instead of a really good one. 8/10
stop giving that site clicks.
You missing out
I think it's my second favorite Game album.
Easily man. It's right behind Documentary. The beats are strong, and he's focused enough for most of it. Perfect storm I guess? Because this sounds like the album he's been trying to make for five years since Documentayr first dropped. Holy Water deserved a non bonus spot though.
Jesus Piece is the first album Game actually was there for the entire recording, mixing and mastering process.
I'm kinda sad GAF likes it though cause now I can't use the hash tag on posts that are completely wrong.
I still have Doctor's Advocate slightly above but will have to listen a few more times to make sure
Is there a reason why The Game is in the "B" section in my artists? Lol.
The struggle is real right now on iTunes11.
DA just doesn't have enough highs for me as this does or TD did.
You check that quartermaine yet? I cant stop listening to it.
Pretty aight. It's too old-school for my tastes. I just can't listen to shit that is too set in the 90s for long unless it has some sort of odd flair or isn't so positive. I like War of the Roses, and my favorite beat is the one he doesn't rap on, but overall I'd rather listen to any artist on MMG (Mello Music Group).
California Vacation top 10 Game song of all time.DA has an amazing Busta verse. That's as high as it gets.
I can see that but just went the album again yesterday making that mix and it is real damn goodDA just doesn't have enough highs for me as this does or TD did.
Good Kid, s.A.A.d CityThis Kdot x Cole collab better be called "Good Kid, Cole World".
If not, I'm putting it under that anyway.
Good Kid, s.A.A.d City
Good Kid, s.A.A.d City
That's the best thing you ever did.
Good Kid, s.A.A.d City
fuck i wish we were close to a new OT. this needs to be in the OP hahaGood Kid, s.A.A.d City
Dem eyebrows.
6/10, Siddx makes funnier posts on a daily basis.
Those are some tight brows
Is there a subtle shop that I'm not aware of? Dude always looks like that and that pic is basically an old Gaf-hop meme.