The Artful Dodger
low key, rae has consistently had some of the worst cover art in the game recently. just absolute shit.

low key, rae has consistently had some of the worst cover art in the game recently. just absolute shit.
This SD tape is cool. Even the corny autotuned hueeueuuhehheueuuuuh songs are solid background music.
Damn, I would love a Drake & Ye album someday.Kanye West Breakfast Club Interview
Pretty good lengthy interview touches on a lot of topics (I'll hit the music stuff)
Doesn't like autotune (lol) just likes the effect it can do with his voice (ex Runaway outro)
Says his album will be a "surprise" release and its 80 % done
Still working on All Day with Vic Mensa & Q-Tip
Wolves is inspired by a convo with Drake about making a collab album called Wolves.
They've been sending each other tracks.
Watch The Throne, The Adidas clothing line and the Drake/Wayne tour stopped the collab from happening but it may happen now that he said it publicly
Has track with Young Thug for Rihanna's album
Dropped Only One first instead of All Day because it felt like him with it being more personal
He felt songs like Only One set him apart from other artists in the first place.
Didn't speak on Michael Brown/Ferguson because his Dad told him not to at the time says he has a record on the album dealing about that particular topic.
Wouldn't a Drake/Kanye album be Watch The Throne 2? A fading star clinging to a superstar for relevance?
In five years Drake will do Watch The Throne 3 with Jaden Smith.
Wouldn't a Drake/Kanye album be Watch The Throne 2? A fading star clinging to a superstar for relevance?
In five years Drake will do Watch The Throne 3 with Jaden Smith.
Damn, I would love a Drake & Ye album someday.
Ayooo ayo ayo....Yeah, that's basically it. It's just completely
tier shit. which is really in some ways the worst kind of album because it's like you don't really even process it or remember it. Like I can't even recall a single beat or bar off that shit. Not a good sign.
Pretty much.Ain't really a competition at this point anymore. Ghost is the best. You know it, I know it, we all know it.
technical ability, writes the widest ranges of songs, best ear for production, consistently themes his projects cohesively.... best discography by large gap. He's the creme de la clan, and the only one in the running for GOAT.
lmaoDude is like Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense, he doesn't know he's wack.
Ain't really a competition at this point anymore. Ghost is the best. You know it, I know it, we all know it.
technical ability, writes the widest ranges of songs, best ear for production, consistently themes his projects cohesively.... best discography by large gap. He's the creme de la clan, and the only one in the running for GOAT.
people thought cuban 2 was good? when?
This is where Blackace would chime in and say that Meth is better...Ain't really a competition at this point anymore. Ghost is the best. You know it, I know it, we all know it.
technical ability, writes the widest ranges of songs, best ear for production, consistently themes his projects cohesively.... best discography by large gap. He's the creme de la clan, and the only one in the running for GOAT.
Haven't listened to much Raekwon outside of both Cuban Linx and Shaolin vs. Wu Tang. As previously stated, the first OB4CL tops anything in Ghost's catalog plus I'll argue the 2nd is on par with Fishscale. Nor does he disappoint on features.
Ironman/SC/Fishscale are all great albums and while I'm not a big fan of Twelve Reasons to Die, it's still a solid album. I'll give you that he's been able to diversify and put out more music than Rae, he's simply not a better rapper than the Chef.
Damn, I would love a Drake & Ye album someday.
They can call the album...DraYe Day. Or...Forgot About DraYe!
Ain't really a competition at this point anymore. Ghost is the best. You know it, I know it, we all know it.
technical ability, writes the widest ranges of songs, best ear for production, consistently themes his projects cohesively.... best discography by large gap. He's the creme de la clan, and the only one in the running for GOAT.
still the goat wu release
still the goat wu release