Here you will get the chance to vote for your most standout albums/mixtapes, tracks, artist, producer, and more.
We will be using a Google form to vote that way people can vote anonymously if they'd like. (I will require your username in the form to prevent multiple votes)
Voting ballots will be counted and only counted if it's submitted using the Google form. You can still post your votes in the thread for discussion purposes but they will not be considered as your vote. This is to streamline the vote tallying and prevent any duplicate votes.
The link will be posted in the second post of this thread. Quote the second post to see the link for the form.
- Voting ends January 17th, 2016, 11:59 PM PST
- You can vote up to 10 albums and up to 10 songs while the rest of the categories (Individual Categories) only get one vote.
- A minimum of 10 albums and songs are required. No exceptions. If you have 9 albums and/or songs in your ballot, it will not count.
- Check your list twice and make sure you haven't repeated any albums/songs. Try to use the album's/song's exact title. Acronyms are not recommended and may disqualify your vote if it is too obscure. Remember, clarity is key here and will make everyone's life a lot easier.
- SAVE YOUR FORM's EDIT LINK if you wish to edit your vote at a later time. The link will be given to you when you submit your vote.
- Be reasonable with what you consider to be hip-hop. While it isn't cut and dry on what is and isn't hip-hop, the majority of the album has to be considered hip-hop, not just a few hip-hop elements thrown in there. R&B has blurred the line a bit but I bring it upon your good judgement to understand the difference. If you're not sure, just ask in this thread and someone will most definitely help you out.
- What am I allowed to use for my albums? The only strict rule is it has to have an official release date in the year 2015. No exceptions. Both studio albums and mixtapes are allowed. Albums that were leaked in 2015 but have a release date in 2016 are NOT allowed.
- Forgot what was released in 2015? Check out GAF-Hop's OT with tons of discussion about old and new releases, plenty of new material posted everyday, and every once in while some off-topic banter about analingus and one's culinary tastes (not in that order). Also you can check out HiResDes' 2015 Quarterly Round-Ups for a lot of recommendations/reminders.
Point Distribution - You don't have to use the following text format but it will make your vote a lot easier to handle in the Google form. This applies to both album of the year and song of the year. And remember, your vote will only count through the Google form submission.
- Album A ; 4 points
- Album B ; 3 points
- Album C ; 3 points
- Album D ; 2 points
- Album E ; 2 points
- Album F ; 2 points
- Album G ; 1 point
- Album H ; 1 point
- Album I ; 1 point
- Album J ; 1 point
Individual Categories - You don't have to vote for every category.
- Artist/Group of the Year
- Producer of the Year
- Rookie of the Year
- Feature Killer of the Year
- "L" of the Year
- Biggest Disappointment
- Intro of the Year (Bonus)
Thank you and have fun!