Ramirez said:I honestly don't understand why the core group is jumpin ship,but its their money,so what can I say,heh.I'm just glad I'll have some people to play against.
shpankey said:Xbox Madden...
Better graphics (albeit only slightly)
Better sound (5.1 DD)
Hard Drive = unlimited and easy saves (especially for my replays and franchises)
Faster loading times.
Custom user soundtrack support. I love this feature for when I'm editing rosters etc.
Way better analog sticks on Xbox (I hate the domed PS2 analog sticks, in Madden my thumb always slips with the dualshock analogs)
Way way better online. Xbox Live kills PS2 online IMO. Friends list, voice chat etc.
No Gameshark cheaters with hacked unstoppable running backs.
DM and FMT will be on Xbox version.
Maybe one, some or all of these reasons are why they are moving to the Xbox version?
shpankey said:You are a jaded gamer.
And there will be tens of thousands of Xbox Madden players online. There will be more than enough talent for anyone.
WasabiKing said:I'm not jaded at all, it's the truth, as you will discover within the first 2 weeks of playing. In fact, it happened with Madden last year. And it's the usualy case of the GAF game lifespan. You see it all the threads people start here, and then games just fade into oblivion. Madden's probably had the greatest GAF lifespan ever.
There won't be "tens of thousands" madden players either, such as there weren't many instances where there tens of thousands of Madden PS2 players online. All I will hear is that the defense is too hard to play against (since a lot of those two week gamers bitched about that in 2004) and people will return their games, yet again.
But sadly, I fear hearing the voice of FMT will be like hearing the voice of AndyDouche...or seeing MAFs face. It justs takes the kick out of the personality.
But sadly, I fear hearing the voice of FMT will be like hearing the voice of AndyDouche...or seeing MAFs face. It justs takes the kick out of the personality.
WasabiKing said:Oh please, the only person that I heaven't beat is LittleTokyo. And I've used Rick Mirer and the old men WRs to kick a certain champion's behind in a defense-laden stunner. You can't tell me that all the talent is on the XBox side.
This is exactly what will happen by September 30th, and I'm padding myself a good month here:
1. Former EA/Madden haters who showered EA with love with the XBL support will quit because they can't understand why they can't throw passes 50 yards off their backfoot after a 15 step drop, or when the discover that they can't break 10 tackles... per running play.
2. Everyone will laugh at Konex/Cloudy's expense cause we will still continue to throw into 3 or 4 man coverage. Even more laughter when he doesn't understand why sending in the house doesn't stop QBs immediately.
Gunstar77 said:Here some the flaws in both games I hope is fixed this year:
Motion Glitch
Drop Back 15 yards and Pass
Toss Plays and Screen Passes to RB (almost never worked)
Turbo Boost to get to the ball
Poor Defensive Lineman pursuit
Also, could someone explain the XBL authentication and then a seperate EA Sports online name?
In other words, its not going to be seemless like in other XBL games. I'm beginning to wonder if you will be able to receive invites from other games or give invites to your Madden game in this kind of set up.
CrimsonSkies said:Can't you buy a convertor for the Xbox to use the dual shock on it? I've never used it, but I've heard it's very good.
the ONLY advantage XBL has over PS2 is voice, and that's optional via headset.
FrenchMovieTheme said:let me ask you this tho wasabi, lets say you had an xbox, you had xbl already, had a headset the works, which version would you go with?
Matrix said:My mic for my xbox is friggin broken and guess what I dont give a shit....am I the only one who doesnt care to chat when I'm playing sport games and trying to win? :\
Fifty said:You should get a PS2 mic, so you can hear my screams.
But really...Since I only play with people I know (on or offline) the mic adds that much more to it. I really don't like playing with it off, but I'll do it if I have to.
I also cant imagine playing with someone like Shadowred using a mic.All one would hear is" BS BS BS BS BS BS "over and over,that would kill me a little inside.