Bernese Mountain Dogs (wish they lived longer)
I really wanted a Bernese Mountain Dog when I was a kid... I didn't know about the longevity thing. WTF:
Compared to breeds of similar size as well as purebred dogs in general, the Bernese is one of the short-lived dog breeds. The average life expectancy of a Bernese Mountain Dog in the United States used to be 1012 years, but it has decreased significantly to 68 years, with the median being 7.2 years. Bernese Mountain Dogs also have a median longevity of around seven years in Denmark and Canada, while in the United Kingdom the median is eight. Most other breeds of a similar size have median longevities of 1011 years. In a 2004 UK survey, the longest-lived of 394 deceased Bernese Mountain Dogs died at the age of 15.2 years.
Why has their average lifespan dropped by four years??