Gold Member
I only have a couple complaints about it: The random "up" input when pressing left or right in the d-pad and the handlers not being more diagonal like the xbox and my other PC controller... other than that I LOVE it, the battery is just absurd, I even use to forgot it needs to get charged lol.Nintendo Switch Pro Controller is the best. Was hesitant to get it for months and months but when I finally did get it last year, it turned out to be an amazingly well designed controller. Probably the second or third best controller ever made. It works perfect with Metroid Dread too
I love the Switch, but detest JoyCons for their lack of quality. You’re much better off playing with the official Pro Controller imo
I want to use it on PC but my Bluetooth signal is too weak, a problem I've solved by pluging my PC controller with a cord but I want to use the Pro Controller instead
Do someone know if I can get a very good BT signal with a long range dongle or whatever? Does that even exist?