Oh, also I just realized Monolith Soft's new *must* release this year!
Next year it's time for Xenoblade 3. X3 will have been in development for about 4 years by then, a little less if you add Torna, although that DLC likely didn't take up much ressources.
Meanwhile, the new ip would have been in development for at least 3,5 years, too, if it released in the latter half of 2020 - MS actually started hiring for it in August 2017, even before the release of Xenoblade 2.
Now, I've seen people argue "MS is already releasing Xenoblade DE this year, there's not gonna be another game". But you know what makes no sense to me? That somehow "Remaster + new ip" is less likely than "new ip + Xenoblade 3" for one year!
And no, it's very unlikely that either new game would release in 2022. A Xenoblade-game isn't given 5 years of development, nor does it need that. But neither would Nintendo spend 5+ years on a new, unproven ip!
Considering all of the above, while there's never a guarantee for anything, people should be more open towards the possibility of the new ip releasing this year after all.
Addendum: There's ofc the off-chance that the new ip is 2021 and we get Xenoblade 3 *this* year. But that would really surprise me as i expected the new ip to release first. Still ... wow, Xenoblade 3 this year would be awesome, too .