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Game Dev "Nintendo's out here making people look like fools on hardware that's literally tenfold what the Switch is"


Ummmm no sweatie, this is basically like Far Cry 3, I see no meaningful difference, Nintendo fanboys are just losing their shit because it's the first open world game they've played, play a real gayme like Elden Bing
This comment is totally insane, but of course to be expected, some can't handle the fact Nintendo have made such an awesome game on weaker hardware.
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What other physics based puzzle games? Honest question.
"Puzzle" may not have been the best word but games that trust the player to take advantage of physics off the top of my head... Kerbal space program, human fall flat, little big planet, portal, rainbow six siege. Really just titles that allow players to accomplish the objective (whatever it may be) in whatever way makes the most sense to them. What I love about the early stages of the TOTK community is that people are literally going through the game solving a good amount of challenges by building extremely long bridges JUST because they can 😆 and it works for some reason.

Edit: almost forgot but special shout-out to max and the curse of the brotherhood. Early Xbox one game that had you solving puzzle using different marker powers. Super simple and kid friendly but they got creative with some of those puzzles too.
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Does middleware like euphoria and havok even get used anymore?

That would have been a big reason physics got good across the board for awhile. Then it seems like it stopped being used


Modern Game Developers are just ass. And management is even worse.

they have a predictable formula and anything outside of that formula "shouldn't be possible"

TOK is Garry Mods meets Zelda (sandbox elements intertwined into the massive sprawling world of Zelda.

If you have a 100 mill + budget with access to 1000's of developers and a 5 year timeline id be shocked if the game isn't amazing
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Modern Game Developers are just ass

they have a predictable formula and anything outside of that formula "shouldn't be possible"

TOK is literally Garry Mods meets Zelda

If you have 100 mill + budget with 1000 developers, and a 5 year timeline id be shocked if the game isn't amazing
Yet some games with an even bigger budget, more developers and an equal amount of time, get released as a buggy broken mess.......

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
If you are going to console war, at least make it less blatantly obvious.
Zelda does nothing new, the developers just invested time and effort into making the physics a gameplay mechanic, again nothing we haven't seen before.

Most developers want to control the gameplay experience to the nth degree, and any kind of freedom for the players is seen as a hassle by the developers so they restrict, reduce or remove interesting gameplay mechanics such as physics.

M mod : how the fuck is this post console warring? It's on topic and I'm not shitting on Nintendo by saying the game doesn't do anything new, if anything I'm praising Nintendo for focusing on the physics where other developers restrict physics.
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Yet some games with an even bigger budget, more developers and an equal amount of time, get released as a buggy broken mess.......

Cause the developers are ass, and the management is even worse

TOK knew what it wanted and executed it flawlessly

Other Modern AAA games start out with a rough draft, then they just keep adding shit halfway through development. Trying to juggle through contractors, 100's of different managers, and yadda yadda
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Basically, devs are lost when you remove their havok plugin or internal copycat.

Anyone surprised?

They’re driven by marketing to have the best graphics and cinematic experience! Who the fuck cares about physics right? We paid for the Havok license right? Fucking use it! I hear gamers love ragdoll.
Worth pointing out that ToTK uses Havok too.


ידע זה כוח
It's not just the physics it's how it all makes sense in the world, the physics aren't there for the sake of it, they are the gameplay moment to moment experience.

The game just throws new stuff at you all the time, so much discovery.

I think that's why most people were disappointed from the Sony Showcase, it wasn't because of the graphics, it was because there was nothing innovative, all the games look the same.


Gold Member
and a Q&A department that is one of the most thorough in the business.

Well, they sure missed a lot of duplication glitches. I can't think of a game in recent memory that has more exploits than Tears of the Kingdom.

And god bless it for that. I have 260k in Rupees.
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Gold Member
Deserves all the praise it has been getting for sure. The game is insanity. I’m 80h in and haven’t encountered a single bug or any jank.

I get why they filed copyrights for these gameplay systems. They’ve really made something extraordinary.
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Gold Member
I always find it funny if you order something from Nintendo's store, it ships from Redmond, WA. That is where Nintendo headquarters is located. There is also a little customer service shop there.


Eh this is definitely blown way out of proportion. It's impressive for sure but it is just physics and world interactions. These things use to exist in games in the long long ago.

I'd say RDR2 is still 1000x more of a technical achievement then totk is and it's not even close. Trying to use a horse in totk is a perfect example.

It is great they are putting physics and world interactions forward however. It can't just be Rockstar carrying the torch by themselves. More games need to be pushing these aspects of design
Nuts and Bolts was actually a 360 game. You could do this stuff way back then.
Right. I love nuts and bolts, genuinely. But the difference in the level of simulation between the two is like grand canyon sized. You've picked this because it involves sticking bits together to make a vehicle. Do you remember how hard it was in nuts and bolts to make something that would actually drive?

Then what about all the other simulation going on? What about the interaction between fire, wind and water? What about the fact that certain materials are conductors? What about the temperature simulation? What about heat and updraft? Buoyancy? You can drop things on the floor in Totk and watch the wind blow them away.

Then what about the fact that you can exploit any one of these systems at any time in any area of the massive open world to get where you want to be or do what you want to do?

And then, what about the fact that you can attempt an infinite number of solutions and they will most likely work without the usual physics glitches?

Other games have done some of these things individually but it's never been put together in one world and made so user accessible before.


Right. I love nuts and bolts, genuinely. But the difference in the level of simulation between the two is like grand canyon sized. You've picked this because it involves sticking bits together to make a vehicle. Do you remember how hard it was in nuts and bolts to make something that would actually drive?

Then what about all the other simulation going on? What about the interaction between fire, wind and water? What about the fact that certain materials are conductors? What about the temperature simulation? What about heat and updraft? Buoyancy? You can drop things on the floor in Totk and watch the wind blow them away.

Then what about the fact that you can exploit any one of these systems at any time in any area of the massive open world to get where you want to be or do what you want to do?

And then, what about the fact that you can attempt an infinite number of solutions and they will most likely work without the usual physics glitches?

Other games have done some of these things individually but it's never been put together in one world and made so user accessible before.

I can't believe they also ripped off having a misleading first trailer as well!

No rats in the final game.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The game is obviously an achievement as far as design and art goes, but I wouldn't consider it a technical marvel. It looks and plays every bit as one would expect given the age and capabilities of this hardware.


I wants to see other game developers tries deeper gameplay systems like TOTK and Kojima in MGSV

tired of this shallow crud with good graphics get right outta town with that
Ignoring your undying devotion to Nintendo and the shrine you built made with of Miyomoto's discarded hair you bought on eBay, I agree with this completely.

Nintendo's true win is not pushing for flashy but shallow screenshots and trailers to justify their games. The games justify themselves. AAA developers have spent so long in the graphics race and going for cinematic blah blah that when Nintendo go balls deep with a gameplay first mentality this is what happens: surprised people that forgot it's possible. A lesser version of this happened when Elden Ring released and Ubi devs (I think) talked about the UI. Ubi level UI clutter was never needed, it's just all they know at this point. Same for gameplay over graphics. It takes a big success that breaks the new norms to remind everyone that games are there to be played first and foremost.

It's not that other devs can't do it, that's not the issue here. It's that other devs don't.

But only time will tell if it makes any difference. BOTW just made people do more open world.
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And people thought I was crazy when I talk about C assembly. Yes, you can make mountains out of mole hills; modern day developers are softer than marshmallows. And it's not even funny. David Jaffe, my apologies.
Attempting to outsmart the compiler has worked in roughly no scenarios in the past decade and somehow I doubt the lack of a for each loop, dedicated types for durations, and compile-time constants is increasing runtime performance.


It's almost like Nintendo has ( and always has had) some of the best designers and coders in the entire videogame industry, and a Q&A department that is one of the most thorough in the business.

It is their secret weapon IMHO, they consider Q&A to be an integral part of game dev and not some gig economy type job that you can offload to a third country.
When you have senior QA that have been doing that for 10-15 years and are respected inside the company itself and not look down upon as some lesser, entry position type job, you get this type of result.

Basically, devs are lost when you remove their havok plugin or internal copycat.

It is hard, Nintendo is good, they are putting their effort where it matters to the game.
No need to put down other developers when they have to fight for budget for everything. They usually have to get running their 4K HDR ray tracing game with hundreds of NPCs.

Well, they sure missed a lot of duplication glitches. I can't think of a game in recent memory that has more exploits than Tears of the Kingdom.

It always looks obvious with insight but there is no way for QA to test everything.
Let's say you have a generous 100 QA that are very good working on your game.
They work a very Japanese 60 hours every week for the 6 years of production.

As they are Japanese they won't be taking any holidays.
That gives you
100 * 60 * 52 * 6 = 1,872,000 hours os testing.

Tear of the kingdom sold 10 Millions copies already, so if everyone played 1 hours, you have tested the game 5 times more than all the QA during production.
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If you have a 100 mill + budget with access to 1000's of developers and a 5 year timeline id be shocked if the game isn't amazing
Release 1.0 Cyberpunk might want to have a word with you. Or The Division (2) :messenger_grinning_smiling:

On a serious note, just throwing devs, money and time onto something isn't magically make it an amazing game. Same goes for other things like movies, TV shows, certain sports. Having budgets (time, money, people) is one thing, having them all working together perfectly and managing them is a different kind of task.

If you're sincere you could name dozens of games that had serious amounts of budget pouring into them and turned out maybe not complete shit but definitely not amazing either.


The game is obviously an achievement as far as design and art goes, but I wouldn't consider it a technical marvel. It looks and plays every bit as one would expect given the age and capabilities of this hardware.
Other AAA devs on the most modern hardwares still haven’t even catched up to what BOTW was doing.

For real, every other AAA game seems limited if you look beneath the surface. I’m not even exaggerating here.

It’s really the physics. You don’t even have to go into the insane building freedom. Just go into your inventory and drop a piece of gear or an item or apple or whatever in BOTW and TOTK and it’s an actual object with physics. Drop it on an edge and it’ll fall off, drop it on water and it’ll sink or it’ll float depending on the material, etc.

Skyrim is doing the physics though, a 2011 game, kinda sad to have to mention an old game like that. Assumably Starfield will have real inventory objects with physics too, but there is no world physics affecting them like in BOTW/TOTK where an object will blow away in the wind if lightweight and attract thunder if metallic and burn up or get roasted with fire etc. And in almost all other AAA games it’ll just be some static polygon with an outline, sometimes an item is not even polygons but a flashing dot with a 2D picture. In most cases it’s really just pretty surfaces with nothing affecting anything and with a million invisible walls stopping the gamer from seeing how empty or broken it all is behind that 4K hires ray-traced hyped up surface people like to use for platform warring to hype up their favorite plastic box.
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I hope they’re inspired by this and stop chasing cinematic experience for a fucking minute..
no can do. just look at Spiderman 2 thread. lot of people already complaining about the visual not good enough XD

Warner Bros Lol GIF by Joker Movie
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To the people saying Nuts and Bolts is exactly the same, clearly not. Although it was a great early prototype.

Vehicle building was limited to the garage and vehicle parts (no ad-hoc creations on the fly), and the worlds were static, vast and dead with like 2 or 3 enemy types.

Actually EddieVanHelgen EddieVanHelgen said it better 👆:messenger_clapping:
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Other AAA devs on the most modern hardwares still haven’t even catched up to what BOTW was doing.

For real, every other AAA game seems limited if you look beneath the surface. I’m not even exaggerating here.

It’s really the physics. You don’t even have to go into the insane building freedom. Just go into your inventory and drop a piece of gear or an item or apple or whatever in BOTW and TOTK and it’s an actual object with physics. Drop it on an edge and it’ll fall off, drop it on water and it’ll sink or it’ll float depending on the material, etc.

Skyrim is doing the physics though, a 2011 game, kinda sad to have to mention an old game like that. Assumably Starfield will have real inventory objects with physics too, but there is no world physics affecting them like in BOTW/TOTK where an object will blow away in the wind if lightweight and attract thunder if metallic and burn up or get roasted with fire etc. And in almost all other AAA games it’ll just be some static polygon with an outline, sometimes an item is not even polygons but a flashing dot with a 2D picture. In most cases it’s really just pretty surfaces with nothing affecting anything and with a million invisible walls stopping the gamer from seeing how empty or broken it all is behind that 4K hires ray-traced hyped up surface people like to use for platform warring to hype up their favorite plastic box.

Again, all good design, but it's not doing anything magical with the given hardware like the developer here suggests. Basically, as you alluded to, developers outside of Nintendo just seem to go about things in a lazier way, even in games in which physics supposedly play a large part.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Right. I love nuts and bolts, genuinely. But the difference in the level of simulation between the two is like grand canyon sized. You've picked this because it involves sticking bits together to make a vehicle. Do you remember how hard it was in nuts and bolts to make something that would actually drive?

Then what about all the other simulation going on? What about the interaction between fire, wind and water? What about the fact that certain materials are conductors? What about the temperature simulation? What about heat and updraft? Buoyancy? You can drop things on the floor in Totk and watch the wind blow them away.

Then what about the fact that you can exploit any one of these systems at any time in any area of the massive open world to get where you want to be or do what you want to do?

And then, what about the fact that you can attempt an infinite number of solutions and they will most likely work without the usual physics glitches?

Other games have done some of these things individually but it's never been put together in one world and made so user accessible before.
To be fair there doesn't seems to be any(?) game that resemble and make use of the physics mechanics like Zelda do, so it is going to be very hard for folks who haven't play this game to visualize what TOTK players mean.

That's why they seems to get confused and think physics = 2 objects collide together or 2 items merge together.
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The fucking salt around here.

It is an absolute masterpiece of game design. And so far in advance of some of the shit being produced on the other consoles that it’s not even funny.

It’s what happens when you employ extremely talented devs, and give them the time, money and leadership to put a truly remarkable game together.

Or, you know, you can hire second rate talent, push them to meet shareholder deadlines, demand micro transactions, and not give two fucks about the player experience.

Honestly, I hope Nintendo wipes the fucking floor with Sony and MS in the coming few years. They seem to be the only ones left who care about making actual good games these days.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Makes me want to vomit how much talent is constrained. Like putting Mario Andretti into a ford pinto or having a master pianist work on an ipad. Get them on a modern machine and imagine what they could put out?


If Nintendo released LittleBigPlanet people would say it's the most innovative game ever.

Let me know when you can use Zelda's physics and game design to make a shooter, calculator or racing game
Dreams also.

Granted, Dreams wasn't a game per se, but its level of complexity was enormous.

Look, TotK is no doubt a great game. Amazing even. But I'm getting tired of games being proclaimed as the 2nd coming of Christ.


To the people saying Nuts and Bolts is exactly the same, clearly not. Although it was a great early prototype.

Vehicle building was limited to the garage and vehicle parts (no ad-hoc creations on the fly), and the worlds were static, vast and dead with like 2 or 3 enemy types.

Actually EddieVanHelgen EddieVanHelgen said it better 👆:messenger_clapping:
You weren't limited to the garage, but you were limited to parts you'd collected, you couldn't use items in the world you found lying around.

It's sad Rare didn't take that idea and run with it, but the poor sales of N&B's clearly traumatised them...they learned the wrong lesson from that failure. The game had some excellent ideas. But it should've been a spinoff or a new ip, fans deserved a proper platformer.

Now a new open world B&K where platforming is the main focus, but you can make all sorts of weapons, buildings, platforms and vehicles on the fly, that would be sweet and I would lap that right up!
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TOK knew what it wanted and executed it flawlessly

Other Modern AAA games start out with a rough draft, then they just keep adding shit halfway through development.

TotK started off as BotW DLC. They kept adding so much stuff and came up with so many new ideas that they decided to turn it into a full priced sequel.

The fucking salt around here.

It is an absolute masterpiece of game design. And so far in advance of some of the shit being produced on the other consoles that it’s not even funny.

This. The game should be chock-full of errors, conflicts and bugs considering what it's attempting. Yet at all times it's incredibly robust, intuitive and user-friendly. It really is an engineering miracle.


You weren't limited to the garage, but you were limited to parts you'd collected, you couldn't use items in the world you found lying around.
In order to build or add parts to your vehicle you had to be inside the garage.

If a part fell off your vehicle during gameplay, you could hold the wrench button to reattach everything, but you couldn’t add a fresh part without being in the garage.

(from memory).
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