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Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire is a successful franchise, but it hasn’t had much luck when it comes to video games. Many were released, but only the one from Telltale games received more or less recognition and it was cancelled after one season anyway. Now, we have news of another Game of Thrones game in development.
We learned that Nexon is developing a new MMORPG set in the world of Game of Thrones. Nexon is behind the recently successful FPS shooter The Finals as well as Warhaven, Kartrider and others.
The game is set in the North as we know that Winterfell and The Wall are featured. Timeline-wise, the story is set somewhere around Game of Thrones Season 4/Season 5. Roose Bolton is already Warden of the North there and Jon Snow with Sam Tarly are still on The Wall. Other kingdoms are possible as well, but we only heard of the North so far.
The player will meet these and other characters during the game, but as far as we know, the original cast isn’t returning to voice their characters. At least in the current iteration of the game. Instead, the game will have a new voice cast who will try to sound similar to the HBO actors.
Via RedanIntelligence
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