This is a tv show
When this is all over with we are going to miss how damn spoiled we have been by this show. Yes it has its issues. Sure it's not perfect.
But there has never been anything like this on TV before and who knows how long it will be before we get something similar
Her little sister is a freaky assassin.
Her brother is a soulless freak.
Her other brother is loved by everyone and can do no wrong, despite being a bastard.
And she has to deal with that pestering Littlefinger, who is a grade A creep.
The timeline is screwed up again though.
Dany learns that Casterly Rock was won, because nobody was there to really defend it. Which means several days would have past by time she finds out. In the meantime, Jamie defeats the Tyrells and is still marching the gold and food to Kings Landing... when suddenly Dany shows up to intercept them with her ENTIRE DOKRATHI ARMY and a Dragon, which she had to sail over from Dragonstone.
She didn't go to Casterly Rock or King's Landing. She went to some area between King's Landing and Highgarden, or maybe between Highgarden and Casterly Rock - so where did she come on shore??? And how did she get the army over there in time?
And where are the other two dragons?
I think it's just the realization that Arya's list is not a joke to be laughed at.
Man me too.
...and Drogon... and Jaime...
These final 9 episodes are gonna be rough on me.
My own theory is that D&D don't actually care about much of anything in this story past the red wedding. They want to move on and HBO probably doesn't trust anyone else as show runner on something so big and complex so they had to negotiate for the episodes we got.
All of thisSurprised people still think Dany is going to go all mad king
Dany isn't the mad king analogue, Cersei is
She had always been ruthless and arrogant
Cersei has slowly become increasingly unhinged throughout the series
She was willing to use wild fire within city limits to kill her enemies
She is clearly drunk on power (doesn't even care if her servants see her screwing her brother)
The people hate her and she is ruling through fear. She had made enemies of half the continent.
Dany has spent the entire series learning to be a proper ruler and essentially going through a checklist of different Targaryen personality flaws and learning to do the opposite. She isn't perfect by any means but she is probably the best option outside Jon Snow who doesn't want it or Tyrion who would never be allowed to have it.
She has 3 dragons, is allied with John Snow, and her and her armies are the only real thing stopping the Night King. Story is also called a Song of Ice and Fire. I know its GoT and we are all expecting "OMG TWISTS" but I don't think this is one of them.
Also LOL at the constant complaining about time and teleporting and shit. If you want every detail laid out for you go read the books that GRRM is never going to finish.
Spot on.Bran right now
Good god... everyone talking about the time...
Looked pristine at my house; PS4 as well, but I have gigabit internet.
This shot alone probably cost more than some entire episodes on other shows lmao.
When this is all over with we are going to miss how damn spoiled we have been by this show. Yes it has its issues. Sure it's not perfect.
But there has never been anything like this on TV before and who knows how long it will be before we get something similar
Bran right nowlosing his humanity![]()
Outside of that weird wobbly hill, the CG was dope.Man coming from the cheap cgi dragons in earlier seasons to now is incredible. Movie level production for one episode of tv
It's best to let go of the idea of real time in this show. Things can and will be shown in orders that don't convey the time between them.
We need an epic space opera to replace it. Hell, we need on period.
The producers already said at the outset of the season in multiple interviews they gave up the timeline aspect of the show because it takes too long for characters to travel from place to place via horse or boat. They said they didn't want to do episodes where people are traveling , they want to do a show about what happens when they reach their destination.The timeline is screwed up again though.
Dany learns that Casterly Rock was won, because nobody was there to really defend it. Which means several days would have past by time she finds out. In the meantime, Jamie defeats the Tyrells and is still marching the gold and food to Kings Landing... when suddenly Dany shows up to intercept them with her ENTIRE DOKRATHI ARMY and a Dragon, which she had to sail over from Dragonstone.
She didn't go to Casterly Rock or King's Landing. She went to some area between King's Landing and Highgarden, or maybe between Highgarden and Casterly Rock - so where did she come on shore??? And how did she get the army over there in time?
And where are the other two dragons?
I see we're already on the path of rekindling our friendship.What Dany did was brilliant. She utilized her strengths while reducing civilian casualties to zero(not counting any resulting deaths from the supplies that were lost). Soldiers are fair game. Whether they die from wildfire or their own side's arrows or dragon flame they're just as dead. I raised this during Cersei debate and so far I applaud Daenerys for not unleashing hellfire on innocents, though she'll have to at some point to get what she wants. She caught Jaime with a his pants down(and a finger up the bum) but no one is going to willingly face Dragons and Dothraki in open battle like that. She's going to have to fire bomb castles and keeps into submission from this point on. Aegon was willing to spill/boil as much blood as took in his conquest, will she?
Everyone talking about the battle but no one is talking about how Sansa seems scared of Arya.
I was bummed when Sapochnik wasn't coming back but this guy delivered. Also, this probably won't be the last huge event with 3 episodes left and the run time being so long in the last 2.Get this director back for Season 8!!
Him and Miguel Sapochnik.
Season 5 was pretty crap. Season 6 brought things back a bit.
And what do you mean why am I still watching it? The first four seasons were one of my favorite pieces of media of all time. It was fantasy perfection. It was a story that made me not want to ever write anything ever again because this had been done. You don't think I'd at least be curious about what happens to the characters and story I loved so much?
And yeah I am a bit cynical on things. I blame how utterly awful Euron was this season. I think it's making me question everything and see everything I wouldn't have cared about in a new light.
But the bottom line is that I don't hate everything. There's some great stuff still buried amongst some trash.
And on top of that I don't actually have to hate it to say the things you're replying to. Why does me pointing out that 13 episodes of these last two seasons aren't somehow willed by god himself, that they're actually a choice of the show runners?
The timeline is screwed up again though.
Dany learns that Casterly Rock was won, because nobody was there to really defend it. Which means several days would have past by time she finds out. In the meantime, Jamie defeats the Tyrells and is still marching the gold and food to Kings Landing... when suddenly Dany shows up to intercept them with her ENTIRE DOKRATHI ARMY and a Dragon, which she had to sail over from Dragonstone.
She didn't go to Casterly Rock or King's Landing. She went to some area between King's Landing and Highgarden, or maybe between Highgarden and Casterly Rock - so where did she come on shore??? And how did she get the army over there in time?
And where are the other two dragons?
When Drogon was doing his Death Star trench run on Bronn
and Bronn was lining up the shot
I was like... who do I root for here?!
I don't know when we'll get a TV show with this scale in a long time. Shit was good for a movie.
I was bummed when Sapochnik wasn't coming back but this guy delivered. Also, this probably won't be the last huge event with 3 episodes left and the run time being so long in the last 2.
This is a tv show
Honestly, I was pissed the Bronn didn't bite it. He should have.
So many close calls for him. He's not that big a character. What happened to the good old days when favourites were killed off?
The gold had already been dropped in King's Landing. Watch again.
The timeline has never been screwed up, they're just skipping over the boring travel for dramatic effect. Everything lines up.
Honestly, I was pissed the Bronn didn't bite it. He should have.
So many close calls for him. He's not that big a character. What happened to the good old days when favourites were killed off?