Did we actually see Edd this season?
Very first episode he let Bran and Meera through the wall.
Did we actually see Edd this season?
Very first episode he let Bran and Meera through the wall.
I can speak towards this one and say the issue isn't that something isn't good if it doesn't have twists and turns. It's more that certain things can be....irritating? Condescending is way too strong a word...But it hurts something for me when we get a twist that has been obvious for ages IF it is done in a way that it is supposed to be shocking. It bugs me because I think "does the writer (whomever) think I'm an idiot?"
With all that being said, I can't think of the last time it has bothered me off the top of my head.
aaaah yes. Isnt that the only Castle Black scene we got, actually? I wonder if they maybe filmed that during S6.
You do realise that Jon was at Dragonstone for over a month right? Like the episodes don't go from one day to another. So just because we don't see it happening in the background doesn't mean it isn't happening. Do people get tripped up when characters like Arya leave a place like Braavos and is in Westeros the next episode? "What?! Why is she not on a boat traveling for the next 4 episodes?!' Sure I suppose we could spend the entire 7 episodes showing nothing but Jon and Dany going on dates, having romantic alone times, etc. But no one has time for that.
Dany needs better security if Jon can just walk up to her door, knock and invite himself in to have sex with her.
I'm not sure why they deleted this scene from episode 6 but that was a fuck up.
Dany needs better security if Jon can just walk up to her door, knock and invite himself in to have sex with her.
I love how Tyrion is somehow both in the box and in the audience. It reminds me of the Star Trek TNG episode with the duplicate Riker.
Dany needs better security if Jon can just walk up to her door, knock and invite himself in to have sex with her.
They already agreed to sex when Jon was asking her to come on the boat with him.
They already agreed to sex when Jon was asking her to come on the boat with him.
They sure did
I'm not sure why they deleted this scene from episode 6 but that was a fuck up.
Lol. You know, this scene really reminds that the whole awkward tyrion watching thing is him just being concerned that Jon is putting her in danger and not him planning to back stab her.
They already agreed to sex when Jon was asking her to come on the boat with him.
This is more Kyrie asking to be traded because he was sick of Lebron and knew they were going to be destroyed again next finals.
Well, I'm pretty sure whatever deal that was formed is instantly nullified when her armies don't march North, so I doubt it matters much. Unless she's asked Euron's fleet to attack their small flotilla on the way as well lol.What do you think would would take someone like Cersei to "change" her mind and come back to the dragonpit. Some kind of deal was made offscreen. We'll find out in season 8.
Isaac Hempstead Wright based Bran's performance on Watchmens Doctor Manhattan and debunks Bran is NK theory.
Well, he's not really debunking it since he has seemingly no idea if it's true or not. He's just saying what he thinks but in this case his words seems to be worth as much as anyone else's.
Don't stop believing
it's bunk
Lol this is damn good.This is more Kyrie asking to be traded because he was sick of Lebron and knew they were going to be destroyed again next finals.
Lebron: Nobody walks away from me.
This is more Kyrie asking to be traded because he was sick of Lebron and knew they were going to be destroyed again next finals.
Lebron: Nobody walks away from me.
Damn that's brilliant! Someone's gotta gif that entire sequence. Where is SunhiLegend when you need him? The end of that entire sequence literally works to perfection. You can even make Jaime/Irving on horse with some Celtics castle on the far end.
Cersei: Lebron
Jaime: Irving
Mountain: Gilbert
McCann, 48, is well known for living a solitary, transient lifestyle – when Thrones first filmed in Iceland, he liked the remoteness so much he moved there for a year. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't have a TV. But this season, on tour with the brotherhood, McCann has been forced to come out of his shell.
"The first problem has been that I don't watch the show. I'm a bit different that way, I don't watch telly at all. So when I met the other actors [for season seven] I didn't know who they were. I'd be asking people, 'So who's the big guy over there then?' 'Oh, he's Lord whatever of House whatever.' 'Well, is he a good guy or a bad guy? And who are you?' And some of them are going, 'Are you f---ing joking? We've been here on the show for three years, man!'
What do you think would would take someone like Cersei to "change" her mind and come back to the dragonpit. Some kind of deal was made offscreen. We'll find out in season 8.
It's always weird to see people who are into their craft not partake in the finished product. I can understand not watching yourself over and over again -- as a musician, I don't particularly like having to listen to my own material -- but I would think he'd want to at least see how things look to the viewer. And lol @ him not even knowing anybody on set.
You don't think he's going to try and rally at least part of the regular Lannister army?
I think it's great to have such a great time watching a show you,'re invested in
What was the most emotional moment for your wife and you?
LF getting his dues, Sansa and Arya remembering Ned on the remparts, the major cast reunion at the Dragonpit, Tyrion & Cercei sparing, Jon forgiving Theon, Jon full reveal as Aegon and the R+L wedding, Jon finally hooking with Dany, Jaime finally saying Fuck You to Cercei, or the NK destroying the wall?
aaaah yes. Isnt that the only Castle Black scene we got, actually? I wonder if they maybe filmed that during S6.
I honestly think much less of him after LF's death. I thought that those two were the chess players, but LF dying made me realize that they're just as vulnerable as the other characters. I think it will have something to do with the Red Woman given that brief interchange they had in E3.So what is Varys up to anyway? I mean he must have some ulterior motives that are left to flesh out.
I honestly think much less of him after LF's death. I thought that those two were the chess players, but LF dying made me realize that they're just as vulnerable as the other characters. I think it will have something to do with the Red Woman given that brief interchange they had in E3.
The last Beautiful Death of the season. The artist really stepped up his game this season.