Wait... one can be demoted to junior rank? What did you do, man?
Updated OP to indicate article is suggesting forced parity MAY occur
I think people are skipping the french and reading Aliand's comment
So I apolgize if that's the case
Did not mean to mislead anyone
I am super p!$$£d off. I was a ps3 gamer and we suffered a lot. Cause sony made mistakes. The xbox version of every game ran better. PS gamer paid a huge price for sticking to it. And now our time for reward they wanna punish us? i seriously wanna cry here.
Fuck any dev's that downgrade PS4 version for "political" reasons. That's straight up bullshit.
Just the possibility is bad, they shouldn't even think about it.
Can we get an OP update about the political parity being speculation?
yah all need to stop believing everything you read and wait too see the games, its like we go in circles every week till next gen releases
This sentence says they could downgrade ps4 version.
Besides,this sentence is just gameblog.fr speculation
please help to me for understanding. they people says blame Microsoft fer everything even specusations and Rage because he said PS4 downlevel games because Microsoft? is this legit correction?You don't seem to understand. We need to rage. This is the internet, what else are we supposed to do.
What kind of political issues will there be:
MS: Make the ps4 version shitty to match out version or else?
Developer: Or else what?
MS: Or else we won't sell your games....?
Developer: But you need our games.
MS: Yeah, I hadn't thought this all the way through.
Will MS moneyhat EA to make the games look identical on XBO and PS4?
My thoughts exactly. I wonder how much crow will be eaten tonight?
If there is any evidence that a ps4 version has been held back for 'political' reasons, I will just boycott that publisher's games. Simple.
I refuse to believe that devs would PURPOSELY gimp their own game to match the x1. That just sounds crazy to me.
Sony demanded that games brought to PS3 6+ months later because of timed exclusivity had to have something extra for the PS3 launch. Also it would be weird paying full price for a 6+ month old game so I guess it kinda made sense for the customer.
I refuse to believe that devs would PURPOSELY gimp their own game to match the x1. That just sounds crazy to me.
Not the first time we hear about driver problems. As long they can be fixed it's not a desperate situation. I don't think devs will gimp the PS4 versions.
I simply don't believe that publishers/developers would do cripple their own software to please a third party - or that MS would be so desperate to enforce such a rule. I've never heard of Sony demanding that the Xbox 360 version of a game had to be downgraded when the PS3 version was running at sub 720p. All I know is that MS demands "feature parity" at launch - and even that is not a hard rule since there are PS3/PS4 games with added content compared to the 360/One versions coming out on the same day.
But they said that PS4 version will be downgraded because of political issue.
Handy translator:
Negative speculation re: MS = FACT
Positive speculation re: MS = PR Moneyhat Lies
Having consulted the translator, it is clear that we should all get worked up about this ASAP!
How long will they take to fix the driver?
Nah Nintendo just straight up forced devs to not make games for other systems. Compared to their NES dictatorship, MS actually doesn't look that bad.If this is true this is the first time in gaming history devs are gimping their games in purpose, this hasn't happened with NES, SNES, Xbox and etc. If it hasnt ever happened in the past I dont see why it would happen now unless MS is throwing money around to devs.
If this is true this is the first time in gaming history devs are gimping their games in purpose, this hasn't happened with NES, SNES, Xbox and etc. If it hasnt ever happened in the past I dont see why it would happen now unless MS is throwing money around to devs.
Honestly I meant this thread as discussion that cboat was correct and the XB1 drivers aren't mature
I assumed people would realize the forced parity was a suggested possibility not a fact
I realize now my mistake was posting aliands comment without any other english translation present
I'm sorry if it seemed more than it was