Really? Oh well, I'd rather squeeze the whole free trial period

I need every minute to make sure I beat Tales of Symphonia before the week ends (and Onimusha 3 if time permits)
Since my trial is practically almost over, I guess I'll give a mini-review on the service itself
Shipping times for the service may kill the deal for some people, depending on where you live. Gamefly is based in Inglewood, California, and it normally took 2 days for me to receive games (living in the Bay Area). This means the total shipping turnaround for a single game is 4 days. I guess that's not bad, but I've been spoiled by Netflix's 2 day turnaround for a movie. So usually, I would get a game on Thursday/Friday, play the game over the weekend, mail the game back on Monday, and get the next game on Wednesday/Thursday. This is assuming it only takes me 2-3 days to complete the game, which isn't very long.
My rental history in the 30 day trial:
Title Sent on Returned to Status
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege 7/15/04 sent
Tales of Symphonia (2 disc game) 7/14/04 sent
Mega Man Anniversary Collection 7/10/04 7/15/04 returned
Amplitude 7/9/04 7/10/04 returned
Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando 7/8/04 wrong sleeve
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence 6/30/04 7/9/04 returned
Silent Hill 3 6/30/04 7/8/04 returned
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 6/22/04 6/30/04 returned
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy 6/22/04 6/30/04 returned
If you look closely to the history, you can see that I encountered two errors, both of them occured on the same week. I tried to rent R&C2, but instead they gave me a Knights of the Old Republic. I told them to don't bother sending me a replacement since I had a game rental schedule going and they screwed it up. 2nd error (which actually benefits me): They sent the game Amplitude on a Friday. The next day, I get an email saying they received the game back to me. Problem is, I never received the game. So they proceeded to send me the next game on my list (Mega Man Anniversary Collection, which I did not want anymore after seeing the bitchfest). On Monday, I received two games in the mail, Mega Man and Amplitude. Oops! Now I could have been an ass and never said I received the game, but it felt wrong to screw them, especially when I shouldn't even have a 30 day trial. So right now, I actually have 3 games from Gamefly, although the system thinks I only have two games. Rock
The games are in pretty good condition, practically scratch free. I guess kiddies can't pursuade their parents to submit a credit card number over the internet, which is good for most of us. The game condition is much greater than what you see at Blockbuster or Hollywood Video. The games dont come with an instruction booklet, which kinda sucks. You can view the controls on the Gamefly website though. Better than nothing. They have a pretty good selection of games too, although some popular games usually have a short wait, which can take a couple weeks to clear up. I think Red Dead Revolver and Driv3r were the two games I saw that were short waited for the duration of the trial period.
Overall, Gamefly isn't such a bad service at all, despite the errors I encountered during my trial. I won't be keeping my account, however, since I rented the games I wanted to in my trial period. Maybe I'll try it again next year when there's a handful of games I want to rent. By all means though, Gamefly is pretty decent and I'd recommend it. Just make a note of the shipping times can kill the deal for you if you live pretty far