World’s Biggest Weeb

When I saw this screen in Secret of Mana, I was so intrigued by the idea of automating your characters’ actions instead of manually controlling every move.
A few years later we got this gem on PS1:
Carnage Heart. It’s a strategy game where you build and program robots using a tile-based flowchart type system. It was very in-depth and you could really punch above your weight with some smart programming. This was my first taste of programming, something I now do as a career almost 3 decades later

Another cool (but much simpler) one was Final Fantasy XII. Like 95% of the stuff you do in Final Fantasy battles is braindead simple and repetitive, why not let us automate it? Under the hood it was fundamentally very similar to the classic ATB/queue type system of the older games, but man it was so much faster and more enjoyable being able to automate the boring stuff to my exact specifications.
Any other games like this?