Blablurn said:
ok, i'm done with the convention. i will be happy for the rest of my life.
Tell me more, please...Xater said:Stuff I just remembered:
I also really enjoyed the Lost-Planet 2 Co-op demo they had there. I played the PS3 version. I really didn't like the first game but this was so much fun that it will be an insta buy when it's out. Talking with the people around me, coordinating an attack on this giant monster was increcible. you can even enter the thing trough the mout! :lol
Another Capcom game I played was Tatsunoku vs. Capcom. That was really crazy, over the top fun. Reminded me ALOT of Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Probably alot of people already played it but that's really something to look forward to as a Wii owner.
Blablurn said:the funny thing is - i didn't get the autograph at the session. i was only a few metres away when they stopped it. 2 hours later i had a meeting a ubi soft. after looking for something in the bag i stood up and suddenly kojima was in front of me. i asked him and although he was in a hurry he signed it. and ken imaizumi called me a lucky guy. but i think i deserved it. i didn't get a signing at the conference and i didn't get one at the official session.
Du hast es also auch überlebt. Gratulation; wir sollten einen Veteranen-Club gründen :lolBlablurn said:ok, i'm done with the convention. i will be happy for the rest of my life.
BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!Blablurn said:the funny thing is - i didn't get the autograph at the session. i was only a few metres away when they stopped it. 2 hours later i had a meeting a ubi soft. after looking for something in the bag i stood up and suddenly kojima was in front of me. i asked him and although he was in a hurry he signed it. and ken imaizumi called me a lucky guy. but i think i deserved it. i didn't get a signing at the conference and i didn't get one at the official session.
Blablurn said:the funny thing is - i didn't get the autograph at the session. i was only a few metres away when they stopped it. 2 hours later i had a meeting a ubi soft. after looking for something in the bag i stood up and suddenly kojima was in front of me. i asked him and although he was in a hurry he signed it. and ken imaizumi called me a lucky guy. but i think i deserved it. i didn't get a signing at the conference and i didn't get one at the official session.
migulic said:Wait - what session? Was it open to the public? I was at GamesCom today and I specially bought my copy of MGS2 in case Kojima was there... didn't see him though
Blablurn said:he will do another session tomorrow and on saturday. from 13 to 14 at the konami booth.
There was an open session (though that doesn't necessarily mean you'd succeed in getting your stuff signed because it was a sweaty, steamy, life threatening mess). I knew Kojima attend therefore I brought my MGS4 along, but then I forgot all about it and only by chance while playing the crappy PES10 demo I noticed there was something going on ^^migulic said:Wait - what session? Was it open to the public? I was at GamesCom today and I specially bought my copy of MGS2 in case Kojima was there... didn't see him though
migulic said:Too late... I'm back home already, it was a one-day trip![]()
Phantast2k said:Du hast es also auch überlebt. Gratulation; wir sollten einen Veteranen-Club gründen :lol
(So you've survived it as well. Congratulations; we should create a veteran's club)
Phantast2k said:The assistant gave him my cover, he signed it, looked up (smiling) to shake my hand when I said: arigato gozaimasu. His smile immediately turned into a "huh, wtf?" face. No kidding :lol
I am burning with envy.SebastianAlexander said:All you had to do was to give Ubi a "fake" name + mailadress and in return you got a random rabbit (there are 30 of them).
SebastianAlexander said:All you had to do was to give Ubi a "fake" name + mailadress and in return you got a random rabbit (there are 30 of them). Luckily they had like 4 people giving out those rabbits so if you were smart enough you could just go to each one of them and voila: a whole wacky bunny family![]()
Xater said:Ok letzt do another impressions thread:
nelsonroyale said:Couple of Qs:
Any impressions of GoW3, U2 and R&C?
nelsonroyale said:Good impressions man!
Couple of Qs:
How did Lost Planet 2 look on ps3 graphically?
Any impressions of GoW3, U2 and R&C?
(especially visuals haha)
Xater said:@Blablurn: You actully don't have to wait for those games. Today I just went to the backstage said I was press and got to play it immediately.![]()
Scenario 1: Our hero gets some of the ash and then destroys the rest because it's also some powerful magic artifact. In the wrong hands it could be devastating. Three of his party members then turn on him because it was a sacriligious act. He then had to kill them.
Wait a sec, isn't GoW3 supposed to be 60fps? It looked like it on Sony's E3 conference playthrough.Xater said:GoW3 was totally awesome. It was the E3 demo. What you saw there is what you get. I have to say I didn't miss the 60fps. It felt right.
Lord Error said:Wait a sec, isn't GoW3 supposed to be 60fps? It looked like it on Sony's E3 conference playthrough.
DieH@rd said:Nope, they are targeting 30fps.
belvedere said:I love me some Aion but it beat out SW:TOR?
DieH@rd said:Nope, they are targeting 30fps.
Does not compute.El-Suave said:German tabloid Bild posted the official Gamescom awards:
Game of the show:
Starcraft 2
Best PC game:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
NeoUltima said:Does not compute.
Xater said:Yeah no. SW:TOR is way beyond Aion. APB would also be a good contender.
@Blablurn: Yeah that's Randy Pitchford. You can tell just by the presentation how much he cares about his game. They also gave one hell of a presentation. Very well planed out. The game looks like it could be amazing. Hopefully it will work out for Gearbox.
He also gave us the speech about reporting on it so new IPs get a chance. :lol
Excellent.Xater said:Ok letzt do another impressions thread:
Dragon Age (PC build, presentation): So I got to see a presentation of what Bioware calls Choice 2.0. They said decisions in DA will not be good or bad, there are are just decisions you make on your own. There is no light or dark points or anything. They also told me there will be alot of big decisions the player will have to make during the game. They showed me a quest where they had to get some ash from the urn of a prophet to heal a king.
Borderlands (Xbox 360 build, presentation): Randy (as enthusiastic as always) presented a 4 player co-op game. And yes it's totally "Diablo the FPS". The no dice rolling is totally true. They showe how you ca do critical hits by just aiming at at weak spots of enemies. The look of the game is just amazing in motion. BTW the game also has split-screen co-op. That should make some people happy.
Rage (PC build, presentation): First I have to clarify what I saw. It was a PC build, that was played with a Xbox 360 controller (it also had all the Xbox button in the HUD) and it used the console assets. It also ran at 720p with 60fps. They said that this is basically what you will see in the console versions and yeah it looked great. I was suprised to see some really cool character animation. It's probably the most ambitious title id ever created. They are really trying to create a living breathing world. Just walking through the city Wellspring was cool. You culd listen to all the people and the desing was just cool.
El-Suave said:German tabloid Bild posted the official Gamescom awards:
Game of the show:
Starcraft 2
Best family game:
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
Best console game:
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Best PC game:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Best online game:
Best handheld game:
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Sigh...really?El-Suave said:German tabloid Bild posted the official Gamescom awards:
Best PC game:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Xater said:Borderlands (Xbox 360 build, presentation): Randy (as enthusiastic as always) presented a 4 player co-op game. And yes it's totally "Diablo the FPS". The no dice rolling is totally true. They showe how you ca do critical hits by just aiming at at weak spots of enemies. The look of the game is just amazing in motion. BTW the game also has split-screen co-op. That should make some people happy.
Blablurn said:the funny thing is - i didn't get the autograph at the session. i was only a few metres away when they stopped it. 2 hours later i had a meeting a ubi soft. after looking for something in the bag i stood up and suddenly kojima was in front of me. i asked him and although he was in a hurry he signed it. and ken imaizumi called me a lucky guy. but i think i deserved it. i didn't get a signing at the conference and i didn't get one at the official session.
Blablurn said:accept the truth, my friend. accept the truth.
AstroLad said:not accepting it until i get confirmation from spwolf. then we'll all know for sure.
Blablurn said:thank god i'm back at home. there were just toooo many people today. the play was that i should meet my friends. i did, but i left the place after showing them the most important things. i mean, i already saw everything. so there is no need to stay. damn it, so many people -.- and they were dumb. there was a 4h line for modern warfare 2. and it was just for a video.