I posted this in the other thread
My guess is that Europe will only get the price drop (this is why they are anouncing at a Euro conference aswell). Most of the price drop leaks have online been leaked buy European stores. But to be fair I think if any region needs a price drop its Europe especially as they are paying much more than the US in the first place. Also didnt Microsoft do a Europe only price drop before aswell. Though the slim will release worldwide obviously.
Remember you heard it here first folks
My guess is that Europe will only get the price drop (this is why they are anouncing at a Euro conference aswell). Most of the price drop leaks have online been leaked buy European stores. But to be fair I think if any region needs a price drop its Europe especially as they are paying much more than the US in the first place. Also didnt Microsoft do a Europe only price drop before aswell. Though the slim will release worldwide obviously.
Remember you heard it here first folks