Gold Member
Multiple gaming journalists over the past 24 hours have begun to address the Sweet Baby Inc. page drama, which went and is still going viral on the past week after brazilian player @Krabutus created a curator page to track down games in which the consultant company Sweet Baby Inc worked on. The Page went viral and is still growing, currently amassing over 210k players as the writing of this topic,
But instead of just reporting on the subject, big gaming news publication have published articles in defense of Sweet Baby Inc, despite controversy surrounding it's business pratices. Some big news gaming outlets have come in their defemse, such as eurogamer and PCGamer.
Here are some examples:
One a Follow up to the viral status of the whole debacle, moderators of the Steam Page have confirmed that Valve has reached to the creators which led to the community posts getting locked
But instead of just reporting on the subject, big gaming news publication have published articles in defense of Sweet Baby Inc, despite controversy surrounding it's business pratices. Some big news gaming outlets have come in their defemse, such as eurogamer and PCGamer.
Here are some examples: