Does anyone know where I could get a genuine Gameboy Micro battery?
I don't know about "genuine" but I bought one of THESE and it works perfectly well. Battery life is pretty good.
Man I really need Kirby Tilt N Tumble, but I only have a GBA SP... no GBC (anymore) or OG GBA. Is there any option to swap the vertical axis to make the game playable upside down?
Does it really not work in an SP? If it's anything like WarioWare Twisted it'll be fine.
Does it detect the cart's orientation automatically or something? That sounds unlikely. I have a GBA SP though, I could check tonight and report back.
There are no orientation settings though.
Does it detect the cart's orientation automatically or something? That sounds unlikely. I have a GBA SP though, I could check tonight and report back.
There are no orientation settings though.
The real question is whether either game works, or works well in a Game Boy Player!
Yeah, tested Tilt 'n Tumble on my SP and it doesn't work (or rather, it works but the controls are backwards). The cart doesn't have any frame of reference other than itself, and I guess the calibration procedure is only meant to account for small errors, not complete axes reversals.
I find it kind of odd it wouldn't work at 180 degrees. I'd think they'd deliberately make a mechanism that can deal with that, but I don't know how far into the GB life cycle that released, might not have occured to them to future proof like that.
Just about how I expected.
Yeah, the accelerometer in Kirby TnT is most likely very low tech, so it's possible that it couldn't have even been programmed in. And besides, if they were already laying down groundwork for the SP, there would be no reason to spend the time and money making sure a GBC game would be compatible with hardware that far into the future. It's not likely that it would be a deal breaker for anyone.Why would you design a 'reverse the tilt controls' option into a game released for a system which only played carts one way? That wouldn't make much sense... when that game released in '00 the GBA was surely well into development, but not the SP! And the game plays fine on a regular GBA, of course; correct cart orientation.
The cart-orientation issue is most likely a major reason why the two tilt-control GBA games, WarioWare Twisted and Yoshi's Topsy-Turvy, only twist, instead of actually having full tilt movement -- twisting works the same way with either orientation, GBA or SP-style.
Renting games was a thing!Yoshi Topsy-Turvy, while a great idea on paper, is simply one of the biggest let-downs for me from the games shown at E3 this year. I played the demo, I got all kinds of excited, I ignored the bad press it got when the final product was released, I bought it, and I really tried to like it...but I just couldnt. Poor level design, sloppy characters, and a three-position digital motion sensor combine to make a bland, and at times, excruciating experience. It has been a while since a potential goldmine from Nintendo has fallen this hard on its face, but I guess it had to happen at some point. In short, dont buy it, dont even rent it.
New game came today! Have been excited to play this since I read about it in Nintendo Power years and years ago!
If you get a cheat type device that turns the cart the other way around, you can play Tilt 'n Tumble on SP, ie something like this:
I remember reading about it years ago in a Polish video games magazine!
How is it?
I'm still on a "find as much complete GB games as possible' journey, so here's an update to my collection:
At last I found a not priced over the moon Fire Emblem! And I'm really happy with the two GBC games, which are quite hard to find in this condition.
what is everyone's favourite way of playing GB/GBC/GBA games? I feel like that they just don't look right when on a big screen. I love the form factor of an original GBA, but the lack of a backlight kills it. And to get a modded one is expensive as hell. I don't like the form factor of the GBASP either.
Small screen: I like the OG GBA with a backlit screen. I'm going to light up a DMG soon too.
Big screen: I like them in 240p on my PVM via RGB, SNES Super Gameboy 2 for GB/GBC, and GCN Gameboy Player for GBA.
do American games work on a Super Gameboy 2? I have an OG Super Gameboy but the lack of Color game support makes me sad (though acceptable considering it's release date).
Small screen: I like the OG GBA with a backlit screen. I'm going to light up a DMG soon too.
Big screen: I like them in 240p on my PVM via RGB, SNES Super Gameboy 2 for GB/GBC, and GCN Gameboy Player for GBA.
SG2 can run GBC-exclusive games?
**Daydreaming's comment on the DS reminded me, are there GBC/GBA emulators for DS that work with a flashcart?
I don't have enough to justify it, I think. I keep them in those individual plastic cases, which is in turn in a small drawer.
**Friendly reminder that RCG is getting more micro faceplates today, for those who missed their chance.
Did this ever happen?
GB/C emulation on DS is solid, but GBA is on the slow side.
Did this ever happen?
Regardless, you could just buy them from Alibaba for a fraction of the price.
Regardless, you could just buy them from Alibaba for a fraction of the price.
Nice, sounds good.
Got delayed to this friday due to their move, apparently.
Do you have a link? Are they the same ones? I remember you mentioning them but I couldn't find them for a comparable price.
** nevermind, found em. Dunno how to use alibaba though
what is everyone's favourite way of playing GB/GBC/GBA games? I feel like that they just don't look right when on a big screen. I love the form factor of an original GBA, but the lack of a backlight kills it. And to get a modded one is expensive as hell. I don't like the form factor of the GBASP either.
I like GBA games on emulator on my PC. GB/GBC games on my backlit Gameboy Colour.
maybe it's modded?
Frontlit gameboy color you mean?
So Metal Walker is all kinds of awesome.
Holy crap that picture is huge LOL. What's the full title of the game? Or is that it? what genre? Looks kinda earthbound-y from that screen.
I thought I quoted it. I can fix that on my PC.
That's the full name. It's a GBC game. It's sort of Pokémon like, but the battle system is totally unique. You bounce your dude around the field and do damage by bumping into the enemy. Nothing else like it really.