In your opinions guys, is pokemon blue boxed, clean box, but no instructions, worth 50? (roughly 57 US dollars apparently)
Hey, is there a colourway that you could get the GB, GBP & GBC to match in?
Finally going to complete my handheld collection, which is basically just me rebuying everything I sold when I was younger for pennies![]()
Yellow too. There was even a yellow GBL.
well well well
new EZ Flash IV. Micro SD.
well well well
new EZ Flash IV. Micro SD.
Any chance they've made the build better, and importantly, drag and drop?well well well
new EZ Flash IV. Micro SD.
well well well
new EZ Flash IV. Micro SD.
Don't see any reason to upgrade unless the build quality is way better.
Did they update the software too?
Any chance they've made the build better, and importantly, drag and drop?
All the above questions and does it work with the Micro?
Is the gameboy micro worth getting? That screen looks amazing.
I'm currently playing through Zero Mission now, I've only got about 7 hours play time in it but I've been taking my time and only playing every now again. Now that I've got Fusion I'm excited to get through it and get to Fusion. Fusion just looks like such a unique game
Now I want Metriod V again... and an enemy as fearsome as SA-X. Always liked her better than Dark Samus (wish Dark Samus was a little more organic looking/ kept that giant eyeball from her emergence.
Is the gameboy micro worth getting? That screen looks amazing.
Is the gameboy micro worth getting? That screen looks amazing.
I have one. IMO, it looks awesome but the screen is just too tiny for my liking.Is the gameboy micro worth getting? That screen looks amazing.
I have one. IMO, it looks awesome but the screen is just too tiny for my liking.
Put it right in your face. Almost like a TV. Use nose as support.![]()
it's basically an oculus rift.
Exactly. The future is now!
It should be. Also, if you have an EZ Flash already then the only upgrade you should be doing is to the GBA Everdrive when it's out.
No idea yet.
Dunno and dunno
Of course, and the GB player.
Is the gameboy micro worth getting? That screen looks amazing.
Is the gameboy micro worth getting? That screen looks amazing.
Same here. IIRC, the Game Boy/Game Boy Color cart launched in April last year. Based on when he originally teased the GBA Everdrive (if that's what it was) I would say he's probably on pace to launch in the spring again. I'm super hyped-- hope it happens.Seems they go for $40. Dunno if I'd rather wait for the rumored Everdrive GBA, potentially paying double the amount but guaranteeing to have the best thing if it ever releases.
Well I'm looking on the inter webs for a decent price for one, not paying a silly amount for something I don't currently need.
Depends on price really, I have two GBA SP's already, wanna focus on the pokemon game collecting.
Well don't forget that if you feel like saving some money, you could just get Emerald, FireRed and/or LeafGreen, because Ruby and Sapphire were remade for 3DS.
As an anecdote, normally I get rid of the old versions for remakes, but I don't feel compelled for the R/S remakes. Probaly because of the remakes being 3D, making it feel like a new game instead of just another pokemon remake.
I have Blue, Yellow and Crystal because those were technically never remade(One could make an argument for Blue = LeafGreen but still).
I want every pokemon game (boxed) thats my current primary goal.
How are you with tiny screens? The Micro looks amazing but I just can't play for long because the screen is so tiny. I'd say go for a GBA. And yes, the backlight makes a world of difference. Good luck finding one in decent nick if you decide to go for it.This may sound like a weird decision I'm trying to make, but I'm bouncing between a Game Boy Advance that's modded with a backlight or a Game Boy Micro. Any suggestions? I'm sure a case could be made for either, really. Modded GBAs don't come cheap though! It's also super hard to judge quality of the unit over eBay. I wouldn't mind just getting a GBA with no back light but from what I hear pretty commonly, the backlight makes a world of difference.
Even the spinoffs? Alright then. There's uh, quite a few of them though.
This may sound like a weird decision I'm trying to make, but I'm bouncing between a Game Boy Advance that's modded with a backlight or a Game Boy Micro. Any suggestions? I'm sure a case could be made for either, really. Modded GBAs don't come cheap though! It's also super hard to judge quality of the unit over eBay. I wouldn't mind just getting a GBA with no back light but from what I hear pretty commonly, the backlight makes a world of difference.
This may sound like a weird decision I'm trying to make, but I'm bouncing between a Game Boy Advance that's modded with a backlight or a Game Boy Micro. Any suggestions? I'm sure a case could be made for either, really. Modded GBAs don't come cheap though! It's also super hard to judge quality of the unit over eBay. I wouldn't mind just getting a GBA with no back light but from what I hear pretty commonly, the backlight makes a world of difference.
not paying a silly amount for something I don't currently need.
I want every pokemon game (boxed) thats my current primary goal.
Your ideologies seem to clash.
Try looking on Craigslist for a Micro, I seem them available on there for cheap from time to time.
Well I really want pokemon games, I've been meaning to collect them for literally years, but its only recently I've had the disposal income. Whereas a gameboy micro really isn't needed.
Huh, AGS-101 has ghosting issues? Is there any comparison somewhere?There are a lot of cases where I kinda prefer non-backlit screen to the backlit one. The SP-101 screen is really ghosty; games that scroll really fast become kinda hard to play. Plus the brightness on mine at least (modded into OG GBA) doesn't hold up well to blinding mid-day sunlight.